
Cultivation techniques of Lily, a healthy vegetable

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In recent years, due to the unique flavor and special health care function of flower food, the demand for flower food is increasing. Flower fresh food has become a special vegetable, among which lily is a typical representative. Lily is a perennial plant of Liliaceae, and its underground bulb contains a lot of protein. It is a new health vegetable variety selling well in the market at present. The market price is more than 20 yuan per kilogram, and the economic benefit is considerable. Lily has strong adaptability, can reproduce and grow well in the south and north, and the planting technology is easy to master, so it is suitable for the majority of vegetable farmers and parks.

In recent years, due to the unique flavor and special health care function of flower food, the demand for flower food is increasing. Flower fresh food has become a special vegetable, among which lily is a typical representative. Lily is a perennial plant of Liliaceae, and its underground bulb contains a lot of protein. It is a new health vegetable variety selling well in the market at present. The market price is more than 20 yuan per kilogram, and the economic benefit is considerable.

Lily has strong adaptability, can reproduce and grow well in the south and north, and the planting technology is easy to master, so it is suitable for the majority of vegetable farmers and parks.

First, sowing seeds

Lily is not strict on soil quality, but it is better to choose cool, dry, sunny environment and sandy soil with good drainage. Do not continuous cropping, to prevent the occurrence of blight, the soil layer should be more than 20 cm deep, apply enough rotten organic fertilizer. The cultivation of lily is generally carried out from September to October, and the small bulbs which are full, full and free of diseases and insect pests should be selected, and the commercial bulbs can be harvested one year after planting. Before planting, soak the bulb in 2% formalin solution for 15 minutes, remove it to dry, and then plant it.

Planting density row spacing 25 cm, plant spacing 10 cm. After planting the bulb, fill it with fine soil and cover the bulb with soil. To keep the soil moist, it is also necessary to cover it with straw.

II. Cultivation and management

After emergence, remove the straw, open trenches to chase fertilizer, fertilizer can not touch the bulb. Only one of the strongest buds was left after the bulb sprouted, and the rest of the buds were removed to prevent the bulb from cracking. Lily growth period needs more water, it is appropriate to keep the soil moist, but not too moist, avoid stagnant water, pay attention to drainage and waterlogging after rain. Irrigation should be done once every 5-7 days during drought, and furrow irrigation should be used to reduce soil consolidation. Do not water in the late growth period and dormancy period, so as not to cause rot.

Lily likes cool climate, and the suitable temperature for growth is 10 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. However, the low temperature should be kept at no more than 13 ℃ after planting to before emergence. After emergence, the temperature should be raised properly and the temperature should be controlled at about 22 ℃ in the daytime. Open field cultivation in the north can choose leeward to sunny place, with grass slightly covered with heat preservation in winter. When the summer temperature is high, the ground cover grass cools down, the lily likes sufficient light, and the lack of light is easy to cause the plant to grow, but it is not suitable for strong light and can be shaded properly if necessary.

Lily is a fertilizer-loving crop, which begins to be topdressing from the time when the seedlings grow and the upper leaves of the stem have spread, and soil application is combined with foliar spraying, once every 10-15 days, thin fertilizer is frequently applied, heavy fertilizer is avoided, nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the early stage, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the late bud. When the seedling height is 20cm to 25cm, the soil is cultivated to protect the exposed scales. In the bud stage, the bulb expansion stage was entered, and the compost organic fertilizer was applied once. In the later stage, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.1% urea were sprayed on the leaves to prolong the life of the functional leaves. Topping when the plant height is about 50 cm, it can inhibit the growth of stems and leaves and promote the expansion of bulbs. The flower buds should be removed in time from June to July to reduce nutrient consumption.

The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of lilies should be based on prevention and control, and the main diseases are blight and soft rot. The disease is sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600x, and the soft rot is sprayed with 47% Jiarinong wettable powder 800x. The main insect pests are grubs, which can be irrigated by root irrigation with BT emulsion 500x or 50% phoxim 1000x 2000.

III. Harvest

Generally in autumn, sunny harvest is chosen when the aboveground parts are completely withered and the bulbs are fully mature. Newly dug bulbs should not be exposed to the sun, lest the scales lose water or change color. Generally speaking, the yield per mu can reach more than 1000 kilograms.