
Cultivation techniques of vegetable Lilium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lily food, medicine and excellent, with bulbs for food or medicine, with Runfei cough, Qingxin calming and other effects. It mainly treats lung heat cough, blood in sputum, restlessness, restlessness, nosebleed, amenorrhea and so on. In recent years, the cultivation area of vegetable lily has been increasing. The cultivation of lily has become an important industry in the adjustment of planting structure. The main results are as follows: (1) the biological characteristics like warm and humid environment, and can grow in cooler areas. Ability to withstand drought, fear of heat, fear of waterlogging. Sandy loam or loam with deep, loose and fertile soil and good drainage is required. In half yin and half yang, micro

Lily food, medicine and excellent, with bulbs for food or medicine, with Runfei cough, Qingxin calming and other effects. It mainly treats lung heat cough, blood in sputum, restlessness, restlessness, nosebleed, amenorrhea and so on. In recent years, the cultivation area of vegetable lily has been increasing. The cultivation of lily has become an important industry in the adjustment of planting structure.

1 biological characteristics

Sex likes a warm and humid environment, and it can grow in cooler areas. Ability to withstand drought, fear of heat, fear of waterlogging. Sandy loam or loam with deep, loose and fertile soil and good drainage is required. It grows well on the half-yin and half-yang, slightly acidic soil. Alkaline and over-sticky, low-lying waterlogged land should not be planted. Avoid continuous cropping. Leguminosae and Gramineae crops were the best crops before.

2 methods of reproduction

Bulbs, scales, bulbs are the main propagation, and seeds can also be used for propagation.

2.1 after the harvest of scale propagation lily, select the large bulb with strong growth, no damage and no harm to diseases and insect pests, cut off the base, leave the scales, and dry for several days. In the whole nursery bed, the horizontal trench was opened according to the row spacing 15cm, and the ditch depth was about 7cm, then put a piece of scales every 3~4cm, the top was up, and then covered with soil 3cm, covered with grass to moisturize. It soon differentiated into bulbs from the callus, took root in the same year, and germinated into seedlings in the spring of the second year. After 2 years of cultivation, the weight of underground bulb can reach about 50g, and the scale 150kg should be planted for every 667m2.

2.2 Lilium bulb Propagation Lilium Old bulb can grow a number of new bulbs from the stem axis in the process of growth. when harvested in autumn, the large bulb can be used for commercial use, and the small bulb can be used as propagation material. Harvest with seed, in the whole seedbed, according to the row spacing 15cm left and right horizontal trench, deep 7cm. Then, every 6~7cm, put into the ditch like garlic, after planting, cover the soil 3cm, cover the soil and level with the border. After emergence in the spring of the second year, strengthen the field management, harvest after autumn, and choose a plant with a body weight of more than 50g. The bulbs below 50g were kept in bed for further cultivation. It can also be dug up after autumn and planted in the following spring.

2.3 bulbous propagation lilies often have bulbous buds in the axils of the upper leaves, which can be picked as propagation material. When the flowers fade in summer, before the bulbs are ripe and about to fall off, pick them in time, mix them with twice as much clean and dry sand, and store them in a cool, dry and ventilated house. The seeds were taken out and sown in the middle and late September of autumn. When sowing, the horizontal trench was opened on the whole seedbed according to the row spacing 20cm, and the trench was deep 3~5cm. Then, plant buds were sprinkled in the ditch, covered with fine soil 2~3cm, and the border was covered with grass to moisturize. It can take root in that year, and the globule becomes white and enlarged. One-year-old bulbs can be obtained by seedling emergence in the following spring, removing the cover grass, strengthening seedling management and cultivating to autumn harvest. And then reproduce according to the bulbs.

2.4 seed propagation from September to October, collect the mature capsule, dry it in a ventilated and dry room, and ripen it after ripening. The seeds were taken out a few days later and then sowed in autumn. If it is sown in the following spring, the seeds should be stored with 3 times as much wet sand. After the Qingming Festival in the next spring, the seeds were screened out and sowed in trenches according to the row spacing 10~15cm on the whole seedbed, with a depth of about 3cm and a wide 5~7cm. Then, the seeds were evenly sown in the ditch, covered with a layer of thin soil, covered with grass, and kept warm and moisturized. After the seedlings are unearthed, the management of the seedling stage should be strengthened. After 3 years of cultivation, the seedlings can be harvested and dug, the large ones can be provided with commodities, and the small ones can be reserved for seed use.

3 planting techniques

3.1 Land preparation should choose sandy loam or loam with high dryness, sunny, deep soil layer, loose soil and good drainage; in mountainous area, it can be planted under semi-shady and semi-sunny sparse forest or gentle slope. After selecting the land, turn the soil above 25cm before planting. Combined with soil preparation, rotten stable manure or compost 2000kg, calcium superphosphate 25kg as base fertilizer, plus 50% methyl topiramate 0.6kg were applied every 667m2, and turned into the soil at the same time to carry out soil disinfection. Then, fine rake flat, make 1.3m wide high or flat border, border ditch width 30cm. There are drains around to facilitate drainage.

3.2 it is better to plant in autumn. The area north of the Huaihe River was carried out in early September. Before planting, the bulbs obtained by the above breeding methods should be those with compact scales, white shape, no damage and no diseases and insect pests. Soak the seed stem in 2% formalin solution for 15 minutes for disinfection, take out and dry and sow. On the finished border surface, open a horizontal trench according to the row spacing 25cm, about 12cm, and then place one bulb every other 15cm, top up, covered with fine soil, planting tight, cuddle flat, cover a layer of fallen leaves, press the dead branches, and remove them when they germinate in the next spring. The seed dosage is 150~200kg per 667m2.

4 field management

4.1 in the second year after ploughing, weeding and fertilization planting, the first intertilling weeding should be carried out after finishing the seedlings in spring, it is appropriate to hoe shallowly, do not hurt the bulb. Combined with weeding and topdressing once, the mature human and animal manure 1000kg, calcium superphosphate 20kg and compost 800kg were mixed evenly, ditched between rows and covered with soil. The second time before flowering in May, combined with ploughing and weeding, 500kg, calcium superphosphate 20kg and compost 800kg were mixed and ditched every 667m2. The third time after flowering in July, combined with weeding, the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was slightly larger, and the method was the same as the first time. Each fertilization should avoid direct contact between fertilizer liquid and seed stem, so as not to cause bulb rot.

4.2 in addition to keeping the seed, the buds should be cut off in time from May to June, so that nutrients can be concentrated to supply the bulb growth so as to increase the yield.

4.3 drainage and irrigation lilies are afraid of waterlogging and should be drained in time in the hot and rainy season in summer and after heavy rain, so as to avoid diseases and insect pests. In case of drought, water should be irrigated in time.

5 Diseases and insect pests and their control

5.1 Leaf spot harms stems and leaves. The damaged part of the leaf appeared round disease spot, slightly sunken, with the emergence of a large number of conidia, the disease spot became dark brown or black, and when the leaf was serious, the leaf withered. After the appearance of disease spots on the stem, the stem becomes thinner. When it is serious, the rotten stem falls down and dies. Control method: ① selected disease-free bulb as seed. The pre-seed bulbs were disinfected with bromogeramine or formalin; ② drained ditches in time, reduced field humidity, maintained ventilation and light, and enhanced plant disease resistance; before and after the onset of ③, spray 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 100 Bordeaux solution, or 65% Dysen zinc 500 times solution, once every 7 days, continuously sprayed 3 times 4 times, and can also treat bulb rot.

5.2 virus disease is a whole-plant disease. Leaves appear yellow-green flowers and leaves, the surface is uneven, and there are black disease spots, resulting in early leaf death, plant growth dwarf, serious death of the whole plant. Caused by viral infection. Control methods: ① selected disease-resistant varieties, selected disease-free mother plants to retain seeds; ② timely spraying to eliminate virus-transmitting insects, such as aphids, flies, etc.; ③ increased phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote plant growth and enhance disease resistance.

5.3 aphids occur in early summer. Suck the juice of tender stems and leaves, wither the top of the plant, affect the growth, and spread the disease. Prevention and control method: spray with 1000 times of dimethoate.

5.4 species of flies are also called root maggots. The larvae endanger the bulbs and rot at last, and when serious, the plants on the ground die. Prevention and cure method: ① carries on soil disinfection; ② irrigates the root with 90% trichlorfon 800 times liquid, and treats the ground tiger.

6 harvesting

Should be planted in the second year before and after the Beginning of Autumn, when the stems and leaves withered, choose sunny day to dig out. In addition to the soil, stems and fibrous roots, the large bulbs provide commodities, and the small bulbs are reserved for seed use.