
Cultivation Techniques for High Yield of Plastic Film Garlic, Plastic Film Watermelon and Cotton

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Suwan Town of Chaohu City is a big cotton planting town. In order to adjust the planting structure of cotton field and improve the multiple planting index and economic benefit, after several years of practice, a high efficient interplanting mode of plastic film garlic, plastic film watermelon and cotton has been explored, which not only has good economic benefit, but also can fertilize the soil and realize the combination of land use and land maintenance; at the same time, it can change the ecological environment and reduce the occurrence of diseases, insect pests and weeds. 1. Variety selection. garlic early ripening variety; watermelon early ripening excellent varieties such as Beimi No. 3, Huami No. 8 and Zhengza No. 7; cotton early ripening excellent varieties such as Guokangmian No. 1 and Guokangmian No. 7 provided by Zhongmian Institute;

Suwan Town of Chaohu City is a big cotton town. In order to adjust the planting structure of cotton field and improve the multiple cropping index and economic benefit, the efficient intercropping model of plastic film intercropping of garlic, watermelon and cotton was explored after several years of practice, which not only had good economic benefits, but also could fertilize the soil and realize the combination of land use and cultivation. At the same time, it can change the ecological environment and reduce the occurrence of diseases, insect pests and weeds.

First, the selection of varieties. The early maturing varieties of Ershui were selected for garlic, the early maturing varieties such as Beimi 3, Huami 8 and Zhengza 7 were selected for watermelon, and the excellent varieties with lint yield of more than 90 kg were selected for cotton, such as Guokangmian No. 1 and 410B insect-resistant cotton provided by Zhongmian.

Second, stubble arrangement. From late August to early and middle September last year, it was appropriate to sow plastic film covering garlic early, raise watermelon seedlings in late March of the following year, plant plastic film mulching in field reserved rows in late April, raise cotton seedlings with double film in nutrition bowl in the first and middle of April, and harvest garlic in the first and middle of May. Transplant cotton.

Third, planting specifications. The width of the border is 3 meters, the width of the ditch is 0.4 meters, the whole border of garlic is sown in 16 rows, the row spacing is 20 cm, the plant spacing is 5-7 cm, and about 40,000 garlic plants are planted per mu. Before and after the Spring Festival, green garlic with a width of 1 meter was listed in the middle of the border, and watermelon planting belt was freed. Watermelons were planted in a row with a plant spacing of 40-60 cm, with about 600 plants per mu. After garlic was harvested in the middle of May, two rows of cotton were planted on the garlic belt on the border, with a row spacing of 80 cm and a plant spacing of 30 cm. 2500 cotton plants per mu.

IV. Key points of cultivation

1. Garlic: sow seeds from late August to early September, and make two preparations combined with cultivated land before sowing: one is to apply sufficient base fertilizer at one time, generally applying 3500-4000 kg of rotten high-quality soil and miscellaneous fertilizer per mu, 50 kg of cake fertilizer, 75-100kg of ternary compound fertilizer or 25 kg of diammonium phosphate, and 15 kg of potassium chloride; second, seed selection, seed drying, seed soaking with chemicals to promote germination. Spraying herbicides after sowing and covering with plastic film, artificial assistance in breaking the soil and emergence of seedlings, combined with watering in the middle of November, applying 20 kg of urea per mu or 1500-2000 kg of mature human and animal manure per mu, at the same time, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests such as garlic leaf blight, soft rot, garlic maggots and so on.

2. Watermelon: planted in the middle and late April, half a month before planting, turn the soil in the reserved row to dry, remove weeds, apply 1500 kg of high-quality soil fertilizer, 30 kg of ternary compound fertilizer and 50 kg of rotten cake fertilizer per mu. Immediately after planting, watering root water, mulching and releasing seedlings should be carefully managed; reasonable drainage and irrigation, timely fertilization, ploughing and loosening soil, scientific pruning and pressing vines, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

3. Cotton: cotton should be transplanted in the first and middle of May, and the management should be strengthened after transplanting: first, balanced fertilization, sufficient base fertilizer, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, suitable fertilizer for growing trees, heavy application of flower and boll fertilizer, general application of top fertilizer, and increased application of long peach fertilizer; second, ploughing and weeding, clearing ditches and draining water to prevent waterlogging damage; third, timely pruning and forking to regulate growth. Fourth, strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: focus on the control of corn borer, aphids and red spiders at the seedling stage, and the third and fourth generations of cotton bollworm and Spodoptera litura at the flower and boll stage. During the symbiotic period of melon and cotton, the use of highly toxic pesticides is strictly prohibited, and high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides are selected or improved to reduce the pollution of pesticides to watermelons.