
Pollution-free cultivation techniques of Lily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lily belongs to Liliaceae, its flowers can be watched, fresh stem is a kind of vegetable with high nutritional value and high medicinal value, and the economic benefit of planting lily is high. In this paper, the pollution-free cultivation techniques of lily are introduced: scientific land selection, reasonable rotation of lily should choose higher terrain, smooth drainage, loose soil and fertile land for planting. It is not suitable to choose the fields where the previous crop is pepper, eggplant and so on. Continuous cropping and continuous cropping are most avoided. The base fertilizer is mainly rotten farm manure, and the fully mature barnyard manure ranges from 1500 kg to 1500 kg per mu.

Lily belongs to Liliaceae, its flowers can be watched, fresh stem is a kind of vegetable with high nutritional value and high medicinal value, and the economic benefit of planting lily is high. The pollution-free cultivation techniques of lily are introduced in this paper.

Scientific selection of land, reasonable rotation of lily should choose higher terrain, smooth drainage, loose soil, fertile land for planting. It is not suitable to choose the fields where the previous crop is pepper, eggplant and so on. Continuous cropping and continuous cropping are most avoided.

Heavy application of base fertilizer, finishing field block base fertilizer to rotten farm manure, generally apply fully mature barnyard manure 1500 kg to 2000 kg, plant ash 500kg. Cake fertilizer 50 kg, compound fertilizer 20 kg, evenly scattered in the field, deep into the soil.

Before sowing, 3 kg of green space per mu and 25 kg of fine soil were scattered evenly over the whole field for soil treatment, and the soil preparation should be deeply ploughed and raked to achieve "flat, fertile, clean and smooth", that is, the field should be flat, the soil fertile, the border surface clean, and the drainage and irrigation smooth. The border is 1.4 m to 1.5 m wide and the border ditch is 30 cm wide and 25 cm deep, and the border ditch is matched with waist ditch and perimeter ditch to facilitate field drainage and irrigation.

In the selection of seed balls, the seed balls with bright color, close cohesion, strong root system and disease-free insects should be selected for strict disinfection. It is suitable for medium size and net weight of 25 to 30 grams. Strictly disinfect the seed balls, generally soak the seeds with 50% carbendazim 500 times solution for 20 minutes, remove them to dry and wait for sowing.

Sowing at the right time, reasonable close planting in different climates and different sowing dates. The suitable sowing time in the Yangtze River basin is in the first and middle of September, and the free land can also be advanced appropriately. The previous crop is the middle and late rice field, and the sowing should be finished in the middle and late October. The density is 20 cm between plants and 25 cm between rows, with 12000 to 14000 plants per mu. When sowing, first use hoe to open the sowing ditch with a depth of 5 cm to 8 cm, and then spray the ditch with 50% carbendazim 500 times solution to disinfect the ditch. Rearrange and cover the soil, do not cover the soil too thick. Spray with methyl topiramate and then cover the plastic film.

After sowing, plastic film mulching can not only preserve soil moisture, increase temperature, kill weeds, but also prevent heavy rain from washing, and the soil should not be consolidated.

It takes 5 to 6 months for lily to emerge after planting. During the period of seedling emergence, it is necessary to do a good job of breaking membrane and ventilating to introduce seedlings. Plastic film should also be sealed to prevent the growth of weeds. Within 1 week after emergence, the seedlings should be checked to fill the gap, transplant and dilute, and pay attention to ditch drainage.

After ploughing, weeding should be carried out before sprouting after sowing, and special herbicides for dry land such as glyphosate and butylamine are generally used. When the height of the seedling is about 10 cm, weeding should be done in time. After budding, a deep ploughing is usually carried out in the first ten days of May, and pay attention to soil cultivation. After the buds are removed, a shallow ploughing should be carried out at a depth of 4 cm.

Topdressing is mainly based on rotten human and animal feces and urine, generally topdressing for 3 times. The first time in the seedling, the mu of rotten human and animal feces and urine 500kg to 1000 kg; the second time in the seedling height of 10 cm to 15 cm, mu of rotten familiar human feces and urine 1000 kg to 1500 kg. The method of fertilization is strip application, but should not be close to the plant to prevent "burning seedlings". After harvesting the bulbs, the third time topdressing was carried out to prevent premature senility. Generally, 10 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per mu, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed on the leaves.

After picking buds in time and controlling diseases and insect pests, when the buds are not blooming, the buds should be removed in time, mainly to control the reproductive growth of lilies and promote the rapid expansion of bulbs. Do not apply fertilizer blindly, lest the stem node grow too long, affecting the development and hypertrophy of the bulb.

The principle of prevention and control of lily diseases and insect pests is "prevention first, integrated control". Rhizoctonia solani and root rot are the common main diseases of lilies. Except for bulb treatment and soil treatment, Bordeaux solution was used to prevent them at seedling stage, and 500 times methyl topiramate solution was used to control them after the disease occurred. At the same time, it is necessary to dredge the three ditches, do a good job of drainage after rain, reduce the humidity in the field and reduce the occurrence of diseases. Lily pests are mainly caused by underground pests. Soil treatment should be done well before sowing, and farm manure should be fully mature. If pests are found, phoxim can be used to irrigate the roots, or sycamore leaves can be used to cover the ground, and manual hunting can be carried out the next morning.

Timely harvest, graded seed harvest lily bulbs in mid-June, fresh lilies in late June, processed lilies can be harvested in Greater Heat, remaining lilies can be harvested before and after the Beginning of Autumn. The quality of seeds should be strictly controlled during harvest, and seed selection should be carried out in the field and indoors, and commercial lilies and seed lilies should be collected and stored at different levels. In particular, after harvest can not be exposed to the sun, so as not to affect the quality.