
Pharmacology of lily

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, [source] it is the dried fleshy scale of LiliumlancifoliumThunb, L.browniiF.E.BrownexMiellez or L.browniiF.E.BrownexMiellezvar.viridulumBaker of Lilium in Liliaceae. The former is called "Longya Lily" and the latter two are called "Su Lily". [original plant] 1. Ludan is a perennial herb, bulb.

[source] it is the dried fleshy scale of LiliumlancifoliumThunb, L.browniiF.E.BrownexMiellez or L.browniiF.E.BrownexMiellezvar.viridulumBaker of Lilium in Liliaceae. The former is called "Longya Lily" and the latter two are called "Su Lily".

[original plant] 1. Codonopsis lanceolata is a perennial herb, bulb subbroadly globose, 4 cm in diameter; scales fleshy, broadly ovate, 2.5 cm long, 1.4 cm 2.5 cm wide, white, stem 0.8-1.5 m high, with purple stripes and white woolly. Leaves alternate, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 5-20 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide, small upward and bract-like, often with globules in the axils. Summer flowering; flowers usually 3-6 arranged in terminal racemes; pedicels 6.5-9 cm long, purple, white woolly; flowers pendulous, trumpet-shaped, tepals 6, arranged in 2 whorls, lanceolate, retrorse, orange-red, with purplish-black spots; outer tepals 6-10 cm long and 1-2 cm wide; inner tepals slightly wider, with papillary and fimbriate protuberances on both sides of nectaries Stamens 6, filaments 5-7 cm long, reddish, anthers oblong, purple, ca. 2 cm long; ovary cylindrical, 1.5-2 cm long, style slender, stigma 3-lobed. Capsule narrowly long-ovate, 3-4 cm long. Born in a humid environment. Distributed in our province and Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Xizang and other provinces. Mostly for cultivation. It is also distributed in Japan and Korea. two。 Wild lily is a perennial herb, bulb globose, 2 cm 4.5 cm in diameter; scales lanceolate, 1.8 cm long, 0.8 cm 1.4 cm wide, white, stem 0.7 2 m high, with purple stripes or papillary protuberances in the lower part. Leaves scattered, lanceolate to linear, 7-15 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, distally becoming smaller and bract-like, with 5-7 veins, entire, glabrous. Flowers bloom from May to June; flowers solitary or several arranged subumbellate; pedicels 3 × 10 cm long, slightly curved; flowers trumpet-shaped, tepals 6, arranged in 2 whorls, fragrant, milky white, outside slightly purplish, unspotted, spreading outward or apex curved without curling, 13 cm long; outer tepals 2 × 4.3 cm wide, apex pointed; inner tepals 3.4 cm wide, with small papillary protuberances on both sides of nectaries. Stamens 6, filaments 10-13 cm long, curved upward; anthers long-elliptic; ovary cylindrical, 3.2-3.6 cm long, stigma 3-lobed. Capsule oblong, 4.5 × 6 cm long, ca. 3.5 cm wide, angled, with many seeds. Born on hillsides, under bushes, by the side of a road or by a stream. Distributed in our province and southeastern, central, southwestern and southern regions of China. 3. Lily differs from wild lily in that its leaves are oblanceolate to Obovate. Born in hillsides and stone crevices. Distributed in our province and Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei and East China, South China to southwest provinces and regions. Wild or cultivated.

[medicinal materials] our province is produced in Qingyuan, Lianxian, Longmen, Yangchun, Xinyi, Huiyang, Meixian, Shaoguan and other places. Harvest and processing in summer and autumn. Dig the bulbs, wash, peel off the scales, or cut off the base to remove the scales naturally, blanch them in boiling water and dry or dry them, or smoke them with sulfur for 1 or 2 times and then dry them. Character (1) Longya lily: the scale is long oval, the tip is sharp, the base is slightly wider, the edge is thin and slightly microwave, often curls inward, the middle is wider and thicker, 2 cm 3.5 cm long, 1 cm 1.5 cm wide, and 1 mm 3 mm thick in the middle. The surface is milky white or yellowish brown, smooth and translucent, with 3-5 vertical veins (vascular bundles), sometimes cracked on the outer surface and longitudinal cracked on the inner surface. The empirical identification is summarized as "ivory color, forced crack, bun hairpin tail, dragon boat shape, delicate quality". The quality is crisp, easy to break, the section is flat, horny. The breath is faint and the taste is sweet. (2) Su lily: the scales are slightly thinner and thinner than Longya lily, the color is slightly darker, the veins are not obvious, and the taste is bitter and slightly sour. The best quality requirements are those with thick scales, white and yellowish color (ivory color), strong and fine quality (bitter taste is better for medicine). The packaging and storage is loaded in gunny bags and stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent mildew and moths. A small amount of honey products should be sealed in the altar and placed in a cool and dry place to prevent moisture and moths.

[pharmacology] antitussive and antiasthmatic effect water decoction can relieve cough in mice induced by ammonia, increase lung perfusion flow in mice, and antagonize histamine-induced toad asthma. The leukocyte-increasing experiment proved that this product could increase the peripheral leukocyte. Hemostatic effect of external use of its powder, has a certain degree of hemostatic effect.

[processed] the lily picks out the impurities and sieves the dandruff. Take the lily, according to the weight of the lily, dilute it with 20% honey and 2% liquor, mix well, after the honey has been absorbed, stir-fry until light yellow in the pan, when it is not sticky, take it out and cool. After processing, it is yellowish and sweet with honey charred aroma. Honey broiling can enhance the effect of moistening lung and relieving cough.

[medical use] the taste is sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold. Meridian, heart and lung meridian. Function and treatment of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the mind. For lung dryness or lung heat dry cough and sore throat, hard cough and hemoptysis, residual heat is not clear after fever, palpitation, insomnia and mental uneasiness caused by deficiency of qi and yin. Usage and dosage 9: 30g, fried in water or boiled porridge. Do not take it if you pay attention to wind-cold cough and moderate cold stool.