
The Prospect of Development and Utilization of Gezao Resources

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, China is rich in kiwifruit resources and has a long history of cultivation, but it is mainly concentrated in the south. There are mainly three kinds of kiwifruit produced in Northeast China: ActinidiaPolyganaPlanch, A.argutaPlanch and A.kolomiktaMaxim. From the current reproduction, cultivation and utilization of kiwifruit in Northeast China, there is a lack of related research. Soft jujube and Gouzao kiwifruit have been introduced and planted sporadically in China, but there is no successful experience.

China is rich in kiwifruit resources and has a long history of cultivation, but it is mainly concentrated in the south. There are mainly three kinds of kiwifruit produced in Northeast China: ActinidiaPolyganaPlanch, A.argutaPlanch and A.kolomiktaMaxim. From the current reproduction, cultivation and utilization of kiwifruit in Northeast China, there is a lack of related research. Soft jujube and Gouzao kiwifruit have been introduced and planted sporadically in China, but there is no successful experience. The research on the cultivation and utilization of Gezao kiwifruit is still blank in China.

Gezao kiwifruit, also known as Ziziphus jujuba, Polygonum polygonum, is a deciduous woody vine of kiwifruit, which is the most hardy species of kiwifruit in China. It is mainly distributed in Mudanjiang forest region, Jilin Province and Liaoning Province. Pueraria jujube is a precious health fruit, rich in vitamins and rich in nutrition. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more people pursue green pollution-free food. Heilongjiang Province has unique conditions in China, rich in resources, beautiful mountains and rivers, almost no pollution, is the natural base for the development of green food kiwifruit. Gezao kiwifruit has a wide range of uses, such as fruit, leaf, stem, fruit, beverage, fiber, medicine, wine and so on. It contains main medicinal ingredients: sugars (benzene), arginol, vitamin C and vitamin E, which can reduce triglyceride and cholesterol in organisms, and has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dredging veins and activating collaterals. at the same time, it can increase the immune function, reduce fatigue, delay aging, and has high food and health care value.

New Zealand is the largest producer and exporter of kiwifruit in the world, and its production and scientific research level is in the leading position in the world. New Zealand introduced kiwifruit from China in 1904 and began commercial production in the 1940s, with a cultivated area of 18000 hectares. So far, more than 20 countries have successfully introduced kiwifruit, among which Italy, the United States, France, Japan, Chile and other countries have developed rapidly in scientific research and production.

Kiwifruit was eaten or used medicinally as wild fruit in China as early as a thousand years ago. Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Henan and other provinces have a history of cultivating kiwifruit. In 1978, various provinces and regions carried out investigation and research on kiwifruit and began to carry out artificial cultivation. The speed of development has been accelerated since 1990, and rapid progress has been made in resource investigation, improved variety selection, seedling propagation, cultivation techniques, processing and utilization, etc. Actinidia chinensis was successfully introduced in Beijing from 6 latitudes northward from Funiu Mountain area of Henan Province in 1961, and the first cultivation model in China was established. More than 1400 excellent individual plants have been selected in China, which generally have high yield, good taste and adapt to local ecological conditions. Gezao kiwifruit in our province is rich in resources, but it is in a wild state, and there is no artificial planting, and it does not have the basis for forming a new planting industry in terms of fruit yield and quality. The development of Gezao kiwifruit cultivation and utilization will produce good economic, ecological and social benefits.

It is a national policy of our country to protect resources and environment and improve people's health. One of the most important directions in the quality of life is food quality. China's agenda 21 will strengthen food quality and safety, including the development of pollution-free green food as one of the important action plans. The China Nutrition improvement Action Plan calls for actively promoting the production of green food and protecting the ecological environment of agricultural production. At present, 128 products of 9 varieties in Heilongjiang Province have been certified as green food. Among them, products and food account for 98%, while the products produced by the forestry system and licensed for the use of green trademarks are less than 2% of the products in the province, which is extremely incommensurate with the superior ecological environment and rich and diverse biological resources in the forest region. According to Japanese biological resources professor Yingmin Sakurai research confirmed that gezao contains more VE, Vc content, mixed with candy flour, can also make tea, to achieve the purpose of dietary therapy, and is anti-hyperlipidemia, anti-cancer, cardio-cerebrovascular disease health products. A survey conducted by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1993 showed that 91.6% of consumers were interested in organic vegetables. 77% of Americans say they like green food. 40% of Europeans prefer organic food. In China, people are increasingly demanding high-quality food. According to a survey of two major cities, Beijing and Shanghai, 79% to 84% of consumers want to buy green food. Therefore, the prospect of developing kudzu jujube resources and products is very broad.

Gezao kiwifruit resources have strong drought resistance and cold tolerance. Breeding and planting excellent varieties can enter the full fruit period in a few years, and the economic life is more than 40 years. It is a new type of fruit tree with short cycle and quick effect. Gezao kiwifruit is a treasure all over the body, and the vine contains a lot of high-quality plant gum and fiber, which can be made into high-grade paper, seeds and flowers can be used as medicine. Our province is rich in kiwifruit resources. from the development trend of the world and the current situation of our country, the development of Gezao kiwifruit industry has great potential, which will provide new resources for food, beverage, medical and health care and special nutrients. Gezao kiwifruit comes from the forest region, has a superior pollution-free ecological environment, and belongs to natural green food. In recent years, people attach importance to natural green food, but its production and resources are far from meeting the needs of the domestic market. The utilization of Gezao kiwifruit will greatly promote the economic development of forest areas. It plays an inestimable role in the development of characteristic economy in our province.

Gezao kiwifruit is suitable for mountain and wasteland growth, and can be cultivated in forests or concentrated gardens. However, the natural distribution of Gezao kiwifruit in the eastern forest region of Heilongjiang Province is uneven, its population is still in the wild state, and the variety is degraded singleness. The fruit quality has not reached the due level, especially in the past decade, the resources in the shallow mountain area have been endangered. Therefore, there is an urgent need to strengthen the protection of kiwifruit resources, improve varieties, select new varieties, and form complete intensive management and cultivation management techniques. At present, it is a critical period for our country to implement the natural forest protection project, so it is urgent to seek a new industry to replace the main industry of wood as soon as possible. Gezao kiwifruit resources are widely distributed in the eastern forest region of Heilongjiang, and there are many environments suitable for its growth and development. The cultivation of Gezao kiwifruit has very attractive economic benefits and broad application prospects. Through the development and cultivation of Gezao kiwifruit, the forest region can get out of the predicament as soon as possible, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the natural forest protection project, which is of great significance for the sustainable protection and utilization of wild plant resources and promoting the economic development of the forest region.