
Performance and cultivation points of High grafting introduction of Hongnanguo Pear

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Hongnanguo pear is a bud mutation of Nanguo pear which was identified in Shenyang Agricultural University in 1996. In 2003, 5000 seed strips were introduced from Fushun specialty science research institute in Luanxian county for high grafting trial planting. It performed well in Luanxian County, yielding 300kg per 667m2 in the second year with an income of 4200 yuan, 800kg per 667m2 in 2005 with an income of 8000 yuan, and reaching 1500kg in 2006 with an income of 12000 yuan, with remarkable economic benefits. The main results are as follows: 1 the basic situation of the high connection experimental park is located in Luanxian County, Hebei Province.

Hongnanguo pear was identified in Shenyang Agricultural University in 1996. In 2003, Luanxian County introduced 5000 seed strips from Fushun Specialty Science Institute for high-grafting trial cultivation. In Luanxian County, the yield was 300kg per 667m2 and the income was 4200 yuan in the second year after high grafting; the yield was 800kg per 667m2 and the income was 8000 yuan in 2005; and the income reached 1500kg and 12000 yuan in 2006. The economic benefit was remarkable. 1. Basic situation of high-grafting experimental garden The introduction site is located in Xishaijiatuo Village, Xiaomazhuang Town, Lishu Research Institute, Luanxian County, Hebei Province, covering an area of 6.67hm2. The local average annual temperature is 10.5 ℃, the average annual precipitation is 680mm, the average annual sunshine is 2651 hours, and the frost free period is 175 days. The soil is flat sandy loam with organic matter content of 0.6% and pH value of 6.8. The age of tall grafting trees is 7 years old, the average trunk circumference of tall grafting trees is 10cm, and the plant spacing is 3 m x 4 m. 2. Characteristics of Hongnanguo pear variety2.1 Botanical characteristics The variety grows moderately, the tree posture is upright, the branch bark L is sparse, the branch is thick and solid, the distribution is dense, the mature tree posture is open. Leaf blade long oval, leaf tip pointed, medium to large; leaf margin with spines serrate, more regular; leaf color dark green, rich luster. Mature leaf veins red or dark red. Flower bud is mixed flower bud, belong to corymb inflorescence. 2.2 Growth and fruiting habits Hongnan fruit grows stronger, the branches of the year can be as long as lm, easy to branch, can form a small number of short branches in the year, some can form top flower buds. A few long branches can form part of axillary flower buds. The more scions there are, the easier it is to flower. In the second year, the top flower bud and axillary flower bud of medium and short fruit branches bear fruit mainly, and the axillary flower bud bears fruit with strong habit. The bud rate of branches is high, the mature branches are strong, the top advantage is strong, the middle and lower parts are not easy to shoot, the bearing branches have strong continuous bearing ability, the management is not good, and the big and small years are easy to appear. Self-flowering is not fruiting, pollinating trees should be configured, with Pingxiang, Daci pear is better. 2.3 Fruit economic characters Hongnanguo nearly round fruit shape index 0.9. The average fruit weight is 1009 and the maximum fruit weight is 1459. The fruit is red on the sunny side, smooth and shiny on the fruit surface, large and dense in fruit spots, shallow in peduncle depression, nearly flat and grooved; calyx depression is deeper and more orderly, calyx shedding or persistent. Fruit stalk short and thin, fruit core smaller, pulp milky white. Harvested flesh hard, sweet crisp edible, after a week ripe flesh yellow white, thin flesh, soft and juicy, stone cells less. Soluble solids up to 16%, Vc content of 135ug/1009, rich flavor, sweet and sour taste, quality. Shelf life at room temperature is 20 days. It can be stored for 3 months under refrigeration. 2.4 The phenological period of Hongnan fruit in Luanxian County, Hebei Province sprouts in the first and middle of April, blooms in the last ten days of April, blossoms for about one week, ripens in the last ten days of September, and leaves in the first ten days of November. This variety has wide adaptability and strong disease and insect resistance. 3. Key points of cultivation techniques 3.1 The pruning principle of 1-2 years after high grafting is light cutting and slow release, generally not thinning and not cutting in order to quickly restore the crown and achieve early high yield. In the second year of high grafting, Hongnan fruit can form a few medium and short branches, with a few top flower buds and some axillary flower buds. Pruning is mainly in growing season, supplemented by winter pruning. In the third year, the key points are to thin out over-dense branches, competitive branches and overlapping branches, transition to free spindle shape, withdraw branches on small main branches in time after fruiting, and cultivate small and medium-sized fruiting branches. 3.2 Scientific fertilization red south fruit harvest to apply more organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer must be mixed with trace elements, more B, Zn. Generally, organic fertilizer is applied about 6000kg per 667m2. Foliar fertilizer should be sprayed in the growing season, mainly urea, borax and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, to promote leaf growth, flower bud differentiation, prevent element deficiency and early defoliation. 3.3 Fruit and flower management red south fruit late, not easy to flower, early stage should pay attention to bud carving and ring cutting, combined with pulling branches, take branches, and apply PBO, to achieve early high yield. Red south fruit self-flowering is not fruiting, the best artificial pollination. After fruiting, one fruit is reserved every 25cm, the ratio of leaf to fruit is 40:1, and the yield is controlled within 2000kg per 667m2. 3.4 Disease and pest control The disease and pest control of Hongnan fruit is lighter. Pear scab and branch disease were the main diseases. The main control pesticides were diniconazole, triadimefon, M-45 and thiophanate-methyl. The main pests were pear stem wasp, pear psyllid, fruit borer and thorn moth. Can be used to sweep the methyl, imidacloprid, abamectin and chlorfenuron, such as the combination. Attention should be paid to the mixing and concentration of pesticides and the interval between two applications to avoid phytotoxicity and achieve the purpose of pollution-free prevention and control.