
Pollution-free and high-yield cultivation techniques of Jimusar white garlic

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Garlic is a biennial herb of the genus Allium in Liliaceae. It is semi-cold and likes cold climatic conditions. The seedlings can tolerate the low temperature of-10 ℃, the suitable temperature for germination is 16-20 ℃, the high temperature above 30 ℃ will force dormancy, and the temperature suitable for garlic bulb growth is 12-25 ℃. Garlic is a shallow root crop. The root system is mainly concentrated in the tillage layer of 5cm to 25cm, with a horizontal diameter of about 30cm. It is most suitable to grow on sandy loam. Natural conditions the mountain area of Jimusar County is the production base of Jimusar white garlic.

Garlic is a biennial herb of the genus Allium in Liliaceae. It is semi-cold and likes cold climatic conditions. The seedlings can tolerate the low temperature of-10 ℃, the suitable temperature for germination is 16-20 ℃, the high temperature above 30 ℃ will force dormancy, and the temperature suitable for garlic bulb growth is 12-25 ℃. Garlic is a shallow root crop. The root system is mainly concentrated in the tillage layer of 5cm to 25cm, with a horizontal diameter of about 30cm. It is most suitable to grow on sandy loam.

I. Natural conditions

The mountain area of Jimusar County is the production base of Jimusar white garlic, which is located in the reverse temperate zone on the north slope of Tianshan Mountain, warm in winter and cool in summer, with a frost-free period of 120-140 days. The light condition is superior and the air is humid. The average temperature in July is 17.8 ℃, the highest temperature is 29 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 230-240 mm. The base has a large area of irrigated chestnut loess, the soil is relatively loose, rich in organic matter, drainage, water conservation, fertilizer conservation performance is good, suitable for the growth of garlic. There is no pollution from industrial and mining enterprises within 3000 meters around the base, and it is far away from the main roads of highways and traffic. For Tianshan snow sprinkler irrigation, the structure of agriculture and animal husbandry is reasonable, there are many organic fertilizers, the use of pesticides is less, the soil is not polluted, and the production of garlic can reach the standard of pollution-free vegetables.

Second, pre-broadcast preparation

1. Soil selection and stubble arrangement

Garlic root absorptive capacity is weak, suitable for planting in the land rich in organic matter, flat, loose, fertile and convenient for irrigation. It is not suitable to grow garlic in the soil that returns alkali in spring. Garlic should avoid continuous cropping, and it is not suitable for continuous cropping with leeks, onions, green onions and other crops, but should be rotated 2-3 years apart. Beans, melons, potatoes, cabbages, root vegetables, eggplant fruits can be used as the ideal predecessor.

two。 Intensive cultivation, adequate base fertilizer, light topdressing

After the previous crop harvest, autumn ploughing and winter irrigation, ploughing depth of 20cm to 30cm. Before soil preparation, 2500 kg of mature high-quality organic fertilizer, 50 kg of diammonium phosphate and 20 kg of potassium chloride were applied every 667m2. The fertilizer is well mixed with the topsoil. Store enough soil moisture before winter, plow and rake in early spring, and make the land ready for sowing. The organic fertilizer should be processed by high temperature accumulation and retting, and the harmless treatment should be carried out to kill the bacteria and eggs in the feces, so as to prevent the adults of garlic maggots from being induced to lay eggs next to the plant by the stench of uncooked raw manure, and the eggs will enter the soil layer after hatching to harm garlic.

3. Improve sowing quality

① selected plants with pure varieties, no diseases and insect pests, big and round garlic heads, consistent appearance and color, similar petal number and uniform size as remaining species. Garlic seeds must not be frozen and heated during storage. The garlic seeds exported from the garlic base should choose large cloves or more than 4 grams as far as possible, and remove the stem heel at the base of the cloves, so as to facilitate sowing cloves to absorb water and take root. For the soil with high saline-alkali content, it is best not to peel off the garlic in order to reduce the saline-alkali erosion.

The first method of soaking ② seeds: soak the garlic seeds for 24 hours with 30% carbendazim wettable powder or 25% carbendazim water, add water into 500x solution, sow the garlic seeds immediately after drying water. Soak the garlic seed in 1 kg liquid. The second method: dry the garlic seeds for 2 to 3 days before sowing, then soak them in 40 ℃ warm water for one day and night, change hot water for 2 to 3 times to keep the water warm, and dry for 4 to 6 hours after being removed, then sow the seeds. The third method: soak the seeds with 0.3% diammonium phosphate solution for 6 hours before sowing. The above seed soaking methods can be selected and need not be used completely, but it should be noted that the soaked garlic seeds should only be sowed wet rather than dry; in areas with drought and poor irrigation conditions, soaking seeds should not be soaked before sowing. When sowing, every 667 square meters with fertilizer diammonium phosphate 7 kilograms, sprinkled into the ditch, covered with soil to suppress.

③ sowing date begins when the topsoil layer thaws and the daily average temperature rises steadily to 3: 5 ℃, that is, 5 days before and after the Qingming Festival as the suitable sowing time for garlic, and the sowing should be finished by April 20 at the latest.

The suitable density of ④ is 20 ~ 30 000 plants per 667m ~ 2, the plant spacing is 8cm ~ 11cm, the row spacing is 20cm, and the seed amount is not more than 30000 petal per 667m ~ 2. Large clove garlic sowing should be sparse, small clove garlic sowing should be dense; leaf open type varieties should be sparse, leaf upright compact varieties should be dense; fertile soil should be thin, and barren soil should be dense.

⑤ sowing method mechanical trenching, making multi-line opener, fixed line spacing, manual sowing, sowing, do not squeeze the top of the seed petal and press hard into the soil, so as not to squeeze the seed garlic. The sowing depth should be 3-5 cm, with large cloves sowing deeply and small cloves sowing shallowly. Seed valve orientation: in addition to setting the plant distance, the dorsal ventral line of garlic cloves is required to be parallel to the row direction, and the north-south direction of sowing should be adopted as far as possible. The garlic cloves of each sowing line should be staggered with each other. After sowing, gently hug the back of the rake in the direction of the ditch, cover the soil with the flat ditch, and water it in time to promote the root, compact the soil and prevent garlic jumping.

III. Field management

1. Germination period management

Seedlings can emerge 10-20 days after sowing, which generally requires moist soil to promote rooting and sprouting. In principle, no watering or less watering, more ploughing and weeding, keep the soil surface dry and wet, but in the case of insufficient soil moisture and can not emerge in time, you can irrigate a small amount of water and ploughing in time.

two。 Seedling stage management

The seedling stage lasts for 25-30 days, which needs to reduce the soil temperature properly, promote the root system to develop in depth, and prevent the seedlings from growing too much. In the early stage, the soil moisture was preserved by mid-ploughing and the mother was delayed. In the later stage, increasing fertilizer and water to promote the growth of seedlings, when the seedlings had 2 or 3 leaves, the first intertillage to weed should be deep ploughing, and then shallow ploughing again after 4 or 5 days. At the stage of 4 to 5 leaves, the withdrawal of mother ended, combined with watering and fertilization to accelerate the growth of seedlings. This period can be foliar spraying 1% 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and topdressing diammonium phosphate 510 kg / 667 square meters, if the soil is fertile, do not topdressing.

3. Management of scale bud and flower bud differentiation period

This period is about 10 days, which is the key period for the growth of garlic, the growth rate is accelerated and the amount of fertilizer absorption is increased. To keep the soil moist, if there is a dry tip above ground, it should be watered in time.

4. Long-term management of garlic bolting

This period is not only the period of the largest growth of garlic, but also the period that needs the most fertilizer and water. It should be watered frequently and watered every 5-6 days to keep the soil moist. Stop watering 3-5 days before bolting to avoid garlic bolts being too brittle. When garlic bolts are exposed to the tail, combined with watering and fertilization, 1%-2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or microbial fertilizer can be sprayed on the leaves to remove weeds in time. The morphological standard of garlic bolts harvested at the right time: the top of the garlic stalk was bent, the involucre began to expand, the color changed from green to white, and the leaf sheath became light yellow with a length of 4 to 5 centimeters. When picking bolts, try to protect functional leaves, especially the uppermost 1-2 leaves, which has the strongest physiological function and has the greatest effect on the expansion of garlic. If bolting is broken at will, the yield of garlic will be affected.

5. Management of garlic expansion period

This period is the key period to determine the yield and commodity of garlic. The management goal is to prevent premature senescence, prolong the life of functional leaves and roots in the later stage, and promote the expansion of garlic. After bolting, head water was poured to replenish soil moisture, 20 kg of diammonium was applied every 667 square meters, 50 kg of 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed outside the root, and it was sprayed again every 7 days. Stop watering 10 days before harvest, prohibit watering before harvest and use urea to improve the commerciality and storage time of garlic.

IV. Harvest

1. Morphological characteristics of suitable harvest of garlic

Most of the leaves at the base of the plant are dry, and there are 3-4 green leaves in the upper part. The leaves are gray-green, the top of the leaves are dry, the pseudostems are soft, and the bark is dry, tough but not brittle. Generally, this form can be reached at 17-20 days after bolting.

two。 Harvesting method

In order to reduce the damage of garlic during harvest, it should be dug manually. Line up, cut off the fibrous roots, put the back row of garlic leaves on the front row of garlic, and dry on the spot. Braided after 3 days, then transported back to the cool place to dry in the shade to complete the post-ripening drying process.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

1. Garlic virus disease

Mosaic disease, also known as mosaic disease, is mainly spread by aphids and thrips. Virus-free garlic should be used as seed.

two。 Purple spot disease

Before sowing, soak the seeds with 40% carbendazim 50 times suspension for 4 hours, spray 50% topazine wettable powder 600 times, or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 500 times.

3. Rust disease

At the initial stage of the disease, 70% mancozeb wettable powder 1000 times liquid + 15% triadimefon wettable powder 2000 times liquid can be evenly sprayed, or 16% triadimefon wettable powder 1600 times liquid, once every 10 days, twice in a row.

4. Garlic nematode disease

Before sowing ① seeds, soak garlic in warm water for two hours, then soak in 50 ℃ hot water for 11 minutes. The seeds were soaked in 1000 times solution of ② crystal trichlorfon for 24 hours before sowing.

5. Garlic maggot control

① uses fully mature organic fertilizer or is evenly sprayed with 800 to 1000 times as much as 90% trichlorfon during retting, and then piled up for retting. Irrigation in autumn and winter, when the pest damage is serious, use 90% crystal trichlorfon to evenly spray the plant and the ground. ② 2.5% deltamethrin EC 2000 times, and other pyrethroids pesticides or 40% phoxim emulsion 1000 times. ③ sweet and sour liquid entrapment. Add 90% of 1 ∶ 10 trichlorfon to form a mixture of sugar, vinegar, wine and water according to the ratio of 3 ∶ 3 to 1 ∶ 10. Place 8 trichlorfon in separate bowls and add vinegar every other day.

VI. Storage

Choose a ventilated and dry indoor or high-lying outdoor shed, set up a storage bracket inside the shed, and hang fully dry garlic or braids on the bracket. It is safest to keep the indoor temperature at 2: 10 ℃ and 2: 5 ℃ during storage. Garlic should not be frozen, heated or damp.