
High-yield cultivation techniques of Green Food garlic

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1 Green food garlic site conditions the green food garlic base should be far away from the city, industrial and mining areas and main traffic lines, and there are no "three wastes" emission enterprises in and around the base area. The atmospheric environment of farmland is good, and the irrigation water quality and soil environmental quality should meet the Environmental quality Standard of Green Food producing area. The soil suitable for garlic growth should be deep plough layer, fertile soil, and the content of organic matter is more than 1.0%, and loam is the best. 2 the planting of green food garlic 2.1.The depth of soil preparation and ploughing is generally about 20cm, which should be ploughed carefully.

1 site conditions of green food garlic

The green food garlic base should be far away from cities, industrial and mining areas and main transportation lines, and there are no "three wastes" emission enterprises in and around the base area. The atmospheric environment of farmland is good, and the irrigation water quality and soil environmental quality should meet the Environmental quality Standard of Green Food producing area. The soil suitable for garlic growth should be deep plough layer, fertile soil, and the content of organic matter is more than 1.0%, and loam is the best.

2 planting of green food garlic

2.1 Land preparation

Ploughing depth is generally about 20cm, to fine ploughing, raking flat, raking solid, there is no obvious bumpy, to achieve "neat, loose, broken, clean". According to the water source, the length of the border can be 80-100m long and 4.2-4.4m wide, and that of 40m-50m long and 4.2-4.4m wide.

2.2 selection of species

Peel and break the peel manually, remove the tray and stem plate of garlic, classify them according to large, medium, small and garlic heart, and treat the small garlic cloves according to the specific conditions. Seed selection requirements are pure white without red tendons, no scars, no saccharification, no light skin. The principle requires that each grain weighs about 5g. Seed size is the key to high yield.

2.3 timely sowing

Garlic should be sown at the right time. The planting time is at the end of Bailu and the beginning of the Autumn Equinox (late September and early October), and the temperature is about 17 ℃. The garlic cloves should be dried for 1-2 days before sowing.

2.4 reasonable close planting

General row spacing 20cm, plant spacing 16~17cm, about 20 000 plants per 667m2. The method is to use a rake or trench opener to open the ditch, the ditch depth is about 5cm, and the soil above the garlic is covered with 1cm after planting.

3. Field management

3.1 Irrigation

The water demand of garlic is relatively large, and it generally needs to be watered 4 times during the whole growing period.

(1) plastic film mulching water: garlic should be watered in time after sowing, fully watered thoroughly, one plant does not leak, 100 cubic meters per 667 square meters. The water not only meets the needs of garlic planting, but also provides convenience for covering plastic film.

(2) strong seedling water: generally watered around the first ten days of April or when the ground temperature is above 15 ℃.

(3) moss water: the garlic moss is watered as soon as it comes out of the tip.

(4) inflated water: pour this water after pulling out the garlic moss.

3.2 plastic film mulching

Plastic film mulching is the key to increase the yield of garlic, which can increase the ground temperature, decompose organic matter quickly, reduce water evaporation, and meet the environmental demand of garlic. After pouring the film coating water, the ground is still slightly sunken, and the film is covered with a film mulching machine or manual method. Either way, the plastic film should be tightened and pressed firmly on both sides to prevent it from being lifted when there is a strong wind in autumn and winter.

3.3 release seedlings

Garlic sprouts just broke the soil, punctured the plastic film in time, so that the seedlings are exposed outside the film, generally in the morning or evening, the temperature is low, the plastic film elasticity is small, tap the plastic film with a new broom or light with bamboo rake.

3.4 artificial weeding

During the growing period of garlic, the temperature is relatively low, and the harm of weeds is mainly after the Spring Festival. The method is to use thick iron bar or 8mm steel bar to break the "7" shaped trench and break the plastic film to eradicate the grass seedlings.

3.5 pull out garlic moss

It is the best time to pull out the garlic moss when the upper bend of the garlic moss begins to bend upward from the bottom. The method is to carry it gently by hand from 11:00 to 3 p.m. Every day.

4 fertilization

The principle of fertilization for green food garlic is mainly organic fertilizer, with a small amount of chemical fertilizer as the formula, with base fertilizer as the main fertilizer and topdressing as the auxiliary.

4.1 Base fertilizer

In late September, high-quality farm manure (fully mature barnyard manure, compost, cake manure) 5000kg, urea 20kg, potassium sulfate 10kg were applied every 667m2. It is required to spread evenly, and then turn the cultivated land deeply.

4.2 topdressing

In the first ten days of April of the second year, combined with watering strong seedlings, urea 10kg, a quick-acting fertilizer, was applied every 667m2. In the middle of April, every 667m2 was sprayed with 0.5kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate dissolved in 50kg water.

(5) Disease and pest control

As the green food garlic is mainly planted with organic fertilizer, the plant has strong disease resistance, coupled with the low temperature during the growing period of garlic, the occurrence of garlic diseases and insect pests is relatively light, and the common diseases and insect pests are leaf blight and garlic maggots.

5.1 Leaf blight

Leaf blight is a major disease in the growth process of garlic. when the harm is serious, garlic is not easy to bolt, which in turn affects the yield of garlic. the general control method is to use 100g of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder for every 667 square meters at the initial stage of the disease in mid-April. Spray once after diluting with water.

5.2 garlic maggots

The occurrence of garlic maggots is not common in general years, and the plots with heavy occurrence of garlic maggots can be combined with soil preparation. When planting garlic and opening ditches, 40kg of plant ash is applied every 667m2, which can effectively control the occurrence of garlic maggots. However, when the harm of garlic maggots is more serious, drug control can be used. The prevention and control method is to use 50% phoxim EC 100mL every 667m2 in late April, dilute it with water, and then pour medicine into the root of garlic.

6 harvesting, grading, packaging, storage and transportation

6.1 Harvest

Garlic harvest season is usually in mid-late May, around Lesser Fullness of Grain. Garlic can be harvested when the leaves turn yellow and the cloves protrude. When harvesting, use a special tool-garlic seed, do not break or bruise. After harvest, garlic should be dried in time to make it dry, but also to prevent exposure to the sun, to prevent saccharification. The usual method is: cover the garlic leaves and dry the garlic in the field for 10 hours, then cut off the garlic whisker (be sure to cut flat and clean, do not hurt the garlic body), keep the garlic in the ventilated place and continue to dry. When the garlic stalks are 80 or 90% dry, cut the garlic stalks and 2cm the garlic, bag it, put it in a ventilated place and continue to dry, but not directly. Remove the residual plastic film in time after the garlic is harvested.

6.2 grading

Dried garlic should be graded according to its size and quality. Green food garlic is divided into super garlic (≥ 70mm, long stalk ≤ 15mm), first grade garlic (transverse ≥ 60mm, long stalk long ≤ 15mm), second grade garlic (transverse ≥ 50mm, long stalk long ≤ 15mm), third grade garlic (transverse < 50mm, long stalk long ≤ 15mm); according to appearance and quality, garlic is divided into first class, second class and third class.

6.3 Packaging

Green food garlic should be packaged according to specifications and grades, with the same unit weight and size, clean, dry, breathable, pollution-free and odorless, and the green food logo design should be standardized. The name, variety, net content, place of origin, distribution unit, packaging date and so on should be marked on the package.

6.4 Storage and transportation

The garlic storage area of green food should be clearly marked and stored in a special thermostatic storeroom. it is forbidden to mix non-green food products with green food products. special means of transport should be used for the transportation of green food, and the garlic products should be cleaned according to the rules before loading to ensure that the garlic products will not be contaminated during transportation.