
High-yield cultivation techniques of American bolting garlic

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Dawangzhuang Village, Yaogezhuang Town, Gaomi City, and Weifang Yangtze River Agricultural products Development Co., Ltd. jointly introduced American bolted garlic in 1998, and carried out high-yield and high-quality cultivation experiments. Through 4 years of production practice, a set of high-yield and high-quality cultivation techniques suitable for this variety were found. 1. Characteristics of American garlic without bolting, no bolting or very weak bolting, plant height 68.4cm, stem diameter 1.8cm, leaf length 47.2cm, leaf width 3.9 cm, total leaf number 11. The total number of bulbs is 15, belonging to

Dawangzhuang Village, Yaogezhuang Town, Gaomi City, and Weifang Yangtze River Agricultural products Development Co., Ltd. jointly introduced American bolted garlic in 1998, and carried out high-yield and high-quality cultivation experiments. Through 4 years of production practice, a set of high-yield and high-quality cultivation techniques suitable for this variety were found.

I. characteristic characteristics

American bolting garlic, no bolting or very weak bolting, plant height 68.4cm, stem diameter 1.8cm, leaf length 47.2cm, leaf width 3.9cm, total leaf number 11. The total number of bulb petals is 15, which belongs to multi-valve type. Garlic is large, with an average diameter of more than 6cm and a single mass of more than 65g. American boltless garlic, with purplish red stripes on the outer skin, light purple inner skin, thick garlic juice, strong pungent flavor and high dry powder rate, is an excellent variety very suitable for processing garlic slices and exporting garlic powder. American boltless garlic has strong growth potential, strong disease resistance and high yield, with an average yield of garlic 1700~2200kg per 667m2.

Second, the main points of cultivation

1. Choose plots and avoid repeated cropping. Choose plots that have not grown garlic, onions, green onions or leeks in two years. It is required to choose loam or sandy loam with fertile soil, convenient irrigation, water and fertilizer conservation and rich organic matter.

two。 In order to apply sufficient basal fertilizer, deep ploughing and soil preparation should be ploughed and dried as soon as possible after the previous crop harvest, and combined with cultivated land, one-time sufficient basal fertilizer should be applied above 6000kg of mature pig manure and cattle and horse manure per 667m2, or pure chicken manure 1500kg, plus three-element Sakefu chemical fertilizer 50kg. Then turn the 20cm deeply and carefully plough it for 2 or 3 times to prevent the bumps of light and dark.

3. The flat border was planted with 1.2m width, 30cm width and height 10cm. With solid border ridge, the border surface is raked flat or slightly sloping, in order to facilitate watering.

4. Seed selection and seed soaking from September 25 to October 10 is the suitable time for planting garlic. Select the outer garlic cloves which are large, white, mildew-free, ungerminated, full and without losing water as seeds. Cut off the tip of the garlic cloves with scissors to facilitate germination. Then soak the garlic seeds in clean water for 24 hours.

5. Sowing due to the larger head of bolting garlic in the United States, the row spacing of plants is slightly larger than that of ordinary garlic. Row spacing 20cm, 7 rows per row, plant spacing 10cm, sowing 30 000 ~ 35000 plants per 667m2, sowing depth according to the top of garlic cloves from the border surface 1cm.

6. After watering, spraying and plastic film sowing, the seeds are suppressed along the bed with stone mulch to make the ground flat to facilitate watering and prevent jumping garlic (the garlic seeds are arched out of the ground when the garlic seeds take root). After underwater infiltration, sprayed with herbicides, herbicides can be used Acetochlor, isoproturon, Duer and so on. Then cover the 0.04mm film close to the ground, press both sides of the film, and sprinkle a shovel of fine soil every 2 to 3 meters in the middle to prevent the strong wind from blowing off the film.

7. Field management

(1) overwintering water is watered once at the end of November or the beginning of December.

(2) around March 15, the garlic has begun to grow, and the temperature has risen. If the garlic seedlings continue to grow under the film, the leaves may be burned, so at this time, hands are used to pull out the garlic seedlings without natural broken plastic film.

(3) after watering and breaking the film, spring water can be irrigated for the first time, and diammonium phosphate 15~20kg is applied with water per 667m2. In April, the soil should be kept dry and wet, and the moisture should be moderate. May is the peak growing season of garlic. during this period, the weather turns hot, the water evaporates quickly, and the plant needs a lot of water, so it should be watered frequently, usually every 6-8 days. In order to promote the expansion of garlic, each 667m2 can be watered with potassium sulfate 15~20kg and urea 15kg. After that, the soil became dry and wet until the watering was stopped one week before harvest.

(4) timely control of diseases and insect pests May is the occurrence period of onion maggot adults, which can be controlled by spraying 1000 times of phoxim, spraying once in 7-8 days, and using 2-3 times in succession. May is also the occurrence period of garlic diseases, such as leaf blight and purple spot, which can be controlled by copper master and other chemicals at the initial stage of the disease.

8. In the first and middle of June, the leaves of garlic changed from green to yellow. Put the harvested garlic in a ventilated place to dry, cut off the false stem, cut off the fibrous root, bag and sell it.