
Key points of High-yield cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gastrodia elata is a perennial herb of Orchidaceae, which is mainly used in tuber. it is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine listed in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and plays an extremely important role in the long-term best-selling varieties of traditional Chinese medicine in China. In addition to being used in the huge traditional Chinese medicine market, it has been widely used in pharmaceutical, health care, food, beverage, fermentation, aerospace and other industries in recent years. Gastrodia elata has been imported into Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and North America in large quantities at a price of US $200000 per tonne. After careful packaging, it is resold at a high price. After China's accession to the WTO, the demand for Gastrodia elata in the international traditional Chinese medicine market will increase greatly, and the price will be connected.

Gastrodia elata belongs to orchid perennial herb, mainly tuber medicine, is listed in the chinese pharmacopoeia of precious traditional chinese medicine, in china's traditional chinese medicine market long-term best-selling varieties occupy an extremely important position. In addition to being used in the huge Chinese medicine market, in recent years, it has been widely used in pharmaceutical, health care, food, beverage, fermentation, aerospace and other industries. Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and North America have imported a large number of Chinese Gastrodia elata, with a ton price of US $200,000. After careful packaging, it will be resold at a high price. After China's entry into WTO, the demand for Gastrodia elata in the international traditional Chinese medicine market will rise sharply, and the price will rise year after year. According to experts 'prediction, Gastrodia elata in China will not grow as much as Pleurotus ostreatus, Mushroom and Flammulina velutipes in a long period of time, and the price will not drop in a long time. According to the figures released by the State Administration of Medicine, the annual output of Gastrodia elata in China is about 500,000 kg, and the annual demand is 750,000 kg.@#@136@#@The trend is greater than the supply. The key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata are introduced as follows:

1. Cultivate high-quality and robust bacteria

First, we must select high-quality, robust dense ring bacteria, with the characteristics of "three highs and three new". Namely: high survival rate, high germination rate, high yield; new fungus material, new hemp seed, new method.

Second, we must select and manufacture logs for cultivating bacteria. To green bar, Quercus acutissima, Quercus variabilis, small chestnut, Quercus acutissima and other light family tree species is good, the diameter of 6 - 15 cm is appropriate, the diameter of more than 10 cm should be split, and at the same time with a knife axe every 4 - 5 inches cut a small mouth.

Third, we must pay attention to training methods. That is to say, pile culture, pit culture and semi-pit culture methods should be adopted. The inoculation amount should be appropriately increased. At the same time, during the culture period, regular inspection, watering and ventilation should be paid attention to. The culture temperature is kept at about 15℃, the moisture content of the bacteria is about 80%, and it can mature in 2 - 4 months.

Fourthly, good fungi should be selected. The characteristics of high-quality fungi are: ① hard wood, not easy to rot;② vigorous growth of mycelium, white growth points at the tip, uniform distribution of hyphae;③ fresh and unrotted fungi. Note that blackened fungi cannot be used for cultivation.

II. Selection of hemp seeds and sites

The hemp seed used for cultivation is preferably white hemp, the individual should be complete, without damage, and the individual should be 20 - 50 grams. Hemp rice can also be used as seed, with less seed, rapid reproduction, but harvest later. Gastrodia elata for seed should be stored in the basement or cool place, the ground temperature should not be higher than 15℃, otherwise it will germinate. During transportation, we should not only prevent injuries, but also prevent strong light exposure.

The ideal site should be warm and humid, not cold and dry, generally open wasteland between forests, sandy soil gentle slope, and sparse shade. It can also make full use of indoor, basement, cave, courtyard, house front and back, woody and vine hidden under the free space cultivation, each point can be dug 6 holes, each hole can be planted three layers, can produce 17 - 20 kg of dry products. Also can use small hole, short stick, fine wood, artificial creation can adapt to any region of the climate, environment and other new planting methods.

III. Determination of suitable sowing time

Gastrodia elata cultivation techniques are more difficult to master than cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, Flammulina velutipes, Auricularia auricula, but compared with the same cultivation of mushroom, the technology and technology are much easier, with or without professional technology and education level can be learned. Gastrodia elata cultivation after sowing, only humidity, temperature management, low labor intensity. General houses, air defense facilities, greenhouses, empty ground and factories can be used for cultivation, and the required sand, branches, sticks and leaves are easily available materials. Cultivation methods are more diverse, pots, boxes, baskets, bedstead, the ground can be. Asexual cultivation from November to May every year; sexual cultivation from April to June every year, the national climate temperature difference is large, but according to local conditions can be cultivated, men, women and children can go to battle.

Asexual planting of 1 square meter of gastrodia elata requires 15 kilograms of tree sticks, 20 kilograms of sand and sawdust, 2 - 3 bottles of dense ring fungi, 0.3 kilograms of rice hemp, 0.75 kilograms of white hemp, 6 months later, each square meter produces about 15 kilograms of finished hemp and hemp, worth 400 yuan. Sexual cultivation per square meter cast capsule 10, dense ring fungus 2 - 3 bottles, germinating bacteria 2 bottles, tree sticks 15 kg, sand saw foam (or cotton shell, corn cob) 20 kg, 6 months can receive zero generation of rice hemp value 500 yuan. The asexual and sexually propagated hemp seeds and fungi in the current year can be used as cultivated seeds in the second year, and no hemp seeds will be purchased. This alone can reduce 80% of expenses.

Gastrodia elata is mainly planted in winter and can also be planted in spring. Winter sowing should be sown at a temperature of 15 ° C, too early will affect the yield of the year, too late (such as October-November) will affect the annual yield. Spring planting is generally in March-April, when the temperature is about 10℃, it is necessary to sow. At this time, although the seed hemp did not germinate, but the dense ring fungus has grown slowly, with the rise of temperature, gastrodia elata and dense ring fungus quickly establish symbiotic relationship, into the growth season. It takes about 150 days from planting to harvest, and the sowing period is between September and the end of May of the following year.

IV. Strengthening cultivation management

Cellar cultivation and ditch cultivation are better for large areas of Gastrodia elata, and bacteria bed cultivation is adopted for small areas in new areas; high mountain, high humidity and sticky soil areas should be cultivated in high compartments to improve ground temperature and prevent excessive humidity; indoor cultivation should be sown in wooden boxes. Specific cultivation management should be achieved: 1) keep the soil moisture content at about 50% on the site, water it in time when it is dry, and water it at night when the temperature is higher than 20℃ to prevent steaming and damaging Gastrodia elata;2) control humidity: clear the ditch to drain and remove silt in continuous rainy weather; when the humidity is too high, rake the surface soil and increase the evaporation; cover the exposed bacteria materials in time;3) set up a shed to shade and avoid high temperature rot; 4) Control pests, rodents and miscellaneous bacteria. When the bacteria are infected with a small amount of miscellaneous bacteria, they can be sterilized by exposure; the severely damaged bacteria can be eliminated;5) It is forbidden to graze on the gastrodia elata field to avoid trampling by livestock and wild animals.