
Fertilization techniques of Lily and Rose

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ms. Xi of Anhui Quanjiao asked: the lily I planted harvested bulbs, how to fertilize to achieve high quality and high yield? Expert: Lily is a perennial plant and should be re-applied with organic fertilizer. The seedling stage is longer, so it is necessary to give priority to organic fertilizer and cooperate reasonably with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. First of all, we should choose the sandy loam with deep soil layer and good drainage. Before planting, combined with deep ploughing and soil preparation, 2000-3000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 10 kg of urea, 20-30 kg of superphosphate and 10-15 kg of potash fertilizer were applied per mu. Topdressing is divided into three times, combined with shallow tillage and weeding.

Ms. Xi of Anhui Quanjiao asked: the lily I planted harvested bulbs, how to fertilize to achieve high quality and high yield?

Expert: Lily is a perennial plant and should be re-applied with organic fertilizer. The seedling stage is longer, so it is necessary to give priority to organic fertilizer and cooperate reasonably with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. First of all, we should choose the sandy loam with deep soil layer and good drainage. Before planting, combined with deep ploughing and soil preparation, 2000-3000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 10 kg of urea, 20-30 kg of superphosphate and 10-15 kg of potash fertilizer were applied per mu. Topdressing was divided into three times, combined with shallow ploughing and weeding, and covered with soil after application. For the first time in spring, 1000 kg / mu of rotten 20% human and animal manure water, or 10 kg of urea, 20 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potash fertilizer were applied. The second time before flowering, 5000 kg of rotten human and animal manure water or 30kg of general compound fertilizer was applied per mu. After flowering for the third time, 30 kg of high nitrogen and potassium compound fertilizer was applied per mu. It is also very effective to spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.3% 0.5% urea in the middle and later stages as appropriate.

Mr. Qi from Changsha, Hunan asked: what is the role of growing lilies by picking their hearts and buds? Does it have anything to do with fertilization?

Experts: topping and bud picking can control the growth of lily, promote the transfer of nutrients to the underground corm, and increase the yield of bulb. The study shows that combined with fertilization and irrigation, proper coring and topping can increase corm yield by 8% to 10%.

Ms. Gao from Shangqiu, Henan asked: I have contracted hundreds of mu of land to cultivate Chinese rose. How should I apply fertilizer?

Expert: rose is an erect shrub, which is cultivated for the purpose of cultivating oily green leaves and bright flowers. For this reason, organic fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and organic fertilizer is combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The supply of trace elements such as magnesium, iron and boron should also be taken into account. Different cultivation methods such as family pot, greenhouse and open field cultivation have different requirements for fertilization. For rose gardens with high density for cut flowers, trenches or pits with a depth of 50 to 60 centimeters should be dug, and 4,000 to 6000 kilograms of rotten barnyard manure and compost, 30 kilograms to 50 kilograms of superphosphate, or 8 kilograms to 12 kilograms of diammonium phosphate and 5 kilograms of potash fertilizer should be applied per mu.

Ms. Liu in Beijing asked: how to top up the rose? What problems should be paid attention to when applying fertilizer?

Expert: after rose cultivation, different fertilizers are applied according to the characteristics of fertilizer needs in different periods. 20-25 cm around the tree after spring germination and before overwintering, combined with shallow ploughing, weeding or irrigation, apply rotten human and animal dung water, chemical fertilizer solution or dry chemical fertilizer. Apply chemical fertilizer 40g to 50g per plant 2-3 times a month. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of chemical fertilizer is mainly nitrogen and phosphorus before flowering and phosphorus and potassium after flowering. It is not necessary to apply too much nitrogen fertilizer in autumn, otherwise it will affect the safety of overwintering. For example, the proportion of fertilization formula at flowering stage is 1 kg urea, 2 kg calcium superphosphate and 2 kg potassium sulfate, which are mixed into 0.2% chemical fertilizer solution. It can also be prepared with high nitrogen and potassium compound fertilizer, and the concentration of foliar fertilizer generally does not exceed 0.2%. Spray on sunny mornings or evenings to avoid sunny noon and rainy days. Once every 7 to 10 days. Be careful not to put fertilizer on flower buds, flowers or leaves. Do not apply fertilizer when you are blooming and after just pruning. It is best to apply it during two blossoms.