
Gaojie Nanguo Pear in Western Liaoning Province

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, 1. The survival of hybrid pear can be determined after 20-25 days of high grafting of Nanguo pear. The skin of the surviving Nanguo pear scion remained green and the buds began to sprout, while the surviving ones showed wrinkled and dry skin. Those who do not survive should be repaired in time, the method is to cut off the dead piles in spring and then split them; after peeling in summer, green branches can be grafted under the skin. Paper bags should be put on in time after reconnection to facilitate survival. If the plastic bag is used to cover the bag, due to the high external temperature, it is easy to cause the scion to lose water. two。 Unbind the new Nanguo pear which was split or cut in spring.

1. The survival of hybrid pear can be determined after 20-25 days of high grafting of Nanguo pear. The skin of the surviving Nanguo pear scion remained green and the buds began to sprout, while the surviving ones showed wrinkled and dry skin. Those who do not survive should be repaired in time, the method is to cut off the dead piles in spring and then split them; after peeling in summer, green branches can be grafted under the skin. Paper bags should be put on in time after reconnection to facilitate survival. If the plastic bag is used to cover the bag, due to the high external temperature, it is easy to cause the scion to lose water.

two。 Unbind the new shoots of Nanguo pear which were split or cut in spring and enter the rapid growth period from June to July, so the plastic strips should be unbound in time. For those who use plastic bags for high grafting in spring, when 2 or 3 leaves grow out of the new shoots, the plastic bags should be torn gradually, and then the plastic strips should be loosened after the grafting part is healed.

3. After high grafting, due to the imbalance of nutrition supply above ground and underground, the buds under the interface are very easy to germinate, resulting in insufficient nutrition supply, slow growth in the early stage, and even gradual death. Therefore, for the highly grafted Nanguo pear, the sprouting of the original variety under the grafting interface should be removed in time, once a week and 5-7 times a year.

4. When the new tip of Nanguo pear is 25 cm long and 35 cm long, the strut should be tied in the grafting part in time, and then the strut should be removed after the Lignification interface of the new tip heals firmly.

5. For pear trees prepared for high grafting with timely fertilization, organic fertilizer should be applied in the autumn of last year or spring of the same year to maintain the nutrient supply of high grafting trees. Topdressing should be carried out after the survival of high grafting, according to strip ditch, annular ditch and other methods, topdressing 1: 1.5 kg per adult tree.

6. In order to promote the growth and ripening of new shoots of high-grafted Nanguo pear, 0.3% 0.5% urea solution was sprayed twice from June to July, and 0.3% 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed twice from August to September. Spraying fertilizer on the above leaves can accelerate the growth and ripening of high grafted Nanguo pear branches.

7. Irrigate the high-grafted tree immediately after timely irrigation, so as to ensure sufficient humidity in the garden and promote wound healing. In the middle and last ten days of June, when the new shoot j grows, it should be irrigated again according to the water demand of the high grafting garden. Practice has proved that more flower buds can be formed in the same year by fertilizing and irrigating the high-grafted Nanguo pear trees and strengthening the management, and a certain yield can be obtained in the second year.

8. Reasonable summer shearing and winter shearing should be carried out in summer to control the overgrowth of grafted shoots. When the new shoots of grafted branches grow to 40 cm, they should be coring at 3 curry meters to promote branches to expand the crown and promote early fruiting. For the branch group grafted with inner chamber, the heart should be picked gently in the middle and late June to promote the formation of flower bud, and the branch should be pulled if the growth angle is not ideal. The strong branches with erect growth can be ring-cut, or the eye injury can be carried out in the following spring. The winter shearing is based on the principle of light cutting and less thinning, and the strong branches with good high grafting position can be cut short at the full buds. The high grafting of the same branch can remove the strong and retain the weak and control the growth in order to promote wound healing. The crown of the tree has been enlarged the following year and can be pruned normally.

9. Timely control of diseases and insect pests after high grafting due to late germination, Zhouxiao young, the most vulnerable to red spiders, pear stem bees and other pests, timely control should be carried out according to the insect situation. At the same time, before the rainy season in mid-late June, fungicides were sprayed once to control pear scab to ensure the normal growth of new shoots and achieve Lignification.