
It takes several years to plant carambola, and the planting techniques and management methods of carambola grow fruit for several years.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Carambola is grown on a small scale by small farmers in Malaysia and is widely grown and has not been commercially grown until recently. Do you want to plant carambola and eat your own carambola? If you want, let's take a look at it. Planting technology and management of carambola

Carambola is grown on a small scale by small farmers in Malaysia and is widely grown and has not been commercially grown until recently. Do you want to plant carambola and eat your own carambola? If you want, let's take a look at it.

Carambola planting technology and management:

1. Carambola trees need continuously moist soil for best performance and limited drought tolerance. Avoid overwatering trees, as stagnant water often leads to root rot and leaf health problems.

2. Fertilize young carambola trees with 1 pound mixed fertilizer, using a 6-6-6-3 formula, once every 60 to 90 days. If planted in shallow soil, mature trees need to be fertilized three times a year, while only two times a year in deep soil. Use a total of 2 pounds of fertilizer per inch of trunk diameter per year.

3. Apply a layer of sawdust or bark mulch to help maintain soil temperature and moisture and reduce weed growth. Lay a 2-6 inch cover around the tree so that the covering material is about 12 inches away from the trunk.

4. When your area needs cold, cover the young trees with sheets or carpets. Mature poplar fruits can be treated as low as 27 degrees Fahrenheit in a short period of time, but seedlings are extremely vulnerable to cold. If necessary, place the light bulb under the cover for extra warmth.

5. Carambola is harvested when the green skin turns completely yellow, usually 60 to 75 days after the end of the fruit, depending on the cultivated variety. The harvested fruit store can store it for up to three weeks when it is bagged and put in the refrigerator.

Slow-growing stars mature to a height of 30 feet and spread. Plant star-shaped fruit trees at least 30 feet from other trees and structures to give the roots enough space to spread so that the trees can get plenty of sunlight. These low-maintenance trees rarely need pruning, and no serious pest problems require chemical control.

How many years does it take to grow carambola? Carambola has been planted for a long time, which is also related to the region. in some areas, carambola can bear fruit in about four years, and some have to wait until six to seven years to bear fruit.