
Applying potassium to garlic has high yield and good quality.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Potassium is a necessary nutrient element for crop growth, and its effect on increasing crop yield and improving the quality of agricultural products has been confirmed in many crops, but there are few reports on the effect of potassium on the yield and quality of garlic. The soil and Fertilizer Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences has proved that the application of potassium to garlic has high yield and good quality through two years' field experiment. 1. The results of field experiment on the effect of potassium application on garlic for two years showed that the application of potassium fertilizer could significantly increase the yield of garlic. Under the condition of equal nitrogen and phosphorus level, the yield per mu of potassium fertilizer was 60.0 higher than that of non-potassium fertilizer.

Potassium is a necessary nutrient element for crop growth, and its effect on increasing crop yield and improving the quality of agricultural products has been confirmed in many crops, but there are few reports on the effect of potassium on the yield and quality of garlic. The soil and Fertilizer Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences has proved that the application of potassium to garlic has high yield and good quality through two years' field experiment.

1. The results of field experiment on the effect of potassium application on garlic for two years showed that the application of potassium fertilizer could significantly increase the yield of garlic. Under the condition of equal nitrogen and phosphorus levels, the application of potash fertilizer can increase the yield by 60.0-237.3 kg per mu compared with that without potash fertilizer, with an increase of 17.3%-47.4%. The application of 1 kg potassium oxide can increase the yield of garlic by 4.67-23.7 kg. The benefit of applying potash fertilizer per mu is 157.0688.9 yuan, and the ratio of output to input is 1 ∶ 6.1 to 30.9. The effect of potassium fertilizer application is related to the ratio of nitrogen to potassium. When the ratio of nitrogen to potassium was 1 ∶ 0.5-1.0, the yield-increasing effect was the greatest. Under the level of 20 kg nitrogen per mu, adding 10 kg potassium oxide has a better benefit, and under the condition of 30 kg nitrogen per mu, adding 20 kg potassium oxide to increase the yield is higher.

two。 Effect of potassium application on garlic quality increasing potassium fertilizer can improve the appearance quality of garlic, increase the weight of single fruit, improve the market competitiveness of garlic, increase the total amount of soluble carbohydrates and amino acids in garlic; the content of arginine, the dominant amino acid, increased from 4.6% to 5.31%, and the nutritional quality of garlic was significantly improved.

3. The suitable amount of potash fertilizer is 20kg / mu of nitrogen and 10kg / mu of potassium oxide.