
Efficient cultivation techniques of garlic with double-layer Film mulching

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Qi Xinqiang, a garlic farmer in Qijiazhuang Village, Baoding City, planted plastic film garlic for many years, and explored the cultivation technology of using double-layer plastic film to cover garlic in the production process, which realized that garlic was put on the market in advance, the yield was also high, and the yield increased by more than 10% per mu. It is worth learning and drawing lessons from the majority of vegetable farmers in garlic producing areas. The cultivation techniques are introduced as follows: first, select the excellent varieties of garlic in Guanxian County, Shandong Province. The excellent varieties of garlic in Shandong Province are also important export varieties. Each garlic has 8 cloves, the skin is slightly purplish red, the skin is thin, the garlic cloves are fat and spicy.

Qi Xinqiang, a garlic farmer in Qijiazhuang Village, Baoding City, planted plastic film garlic for many years, and explored the cultivation technology of using double-layer plastic film to cover garlic in the production process, which realized that garlic was put on the market in advance, the yield was also high, and the yield increased by more than 10% per mu. It is worth learning and drawing lessons from the majority of vegetable farmers in garlic producing areas. The cultivation techniques are introduced as follows:

First, select the excellent varieties of garlic in Guanxian County, Shandong Province, the excellent variety of garlic in Shandong Province, is also an important export variety, each garlic head has 7 murals and 8 cloves, the skin is slightly purplish red, the skin is thin, the cloves are fat, spicy and of good quality, and they belong to bolting species. Strong growth, strong cold tolerance, high bolting rate, resistant to storage, suitable for autumn planting.

Second, sowing garlic at the right time must be sowed at the right time, too early, the seedling emergence rate is low, and it is easy to appear compound garlic; too late, the growth period before winter is short, the seedlings are too small, easy to be damaged by freezing, and affect the yield and quality of garlic. In order to ensure that the number of leaves of garlic can reach 4 mi 5 leaves before overwintering, the suitable sowing time in the central part of our province is from late September to early October.

Third, soil preparation and fertilization of garlic has a wide range of adaptability to soil, including sandy soil, loam and night tidal land, but it is better to use slightly acidic sandy soil with rich organic matter, deep soil layer and good drainage. Planting garlic on such soil has developed root system, early green, early bolting, big garlic, spicy and fragrant, and easy to pick up garlic. Fine soil preparation and increasing application of organic fertilizer are of great significance to increase the yield and quality of garlic. Fine soil preparation: the land growing garlic needs deep turning and fine harrowing to increase soil permeability, which is beneficial to the activity of soil microorganisms and the transformation of soil nutrients, and to the development of root system and bulb hypertrophy. Garlic fields are usually ploughed to a depth of 20ml and 30cm. After the harvest of the previous crop, we should plough and turn the ridge as soon as possible to activate the soil. Application of sufficient base fertilizer: due to plastic film mulching, it is not suitable for topdressing during the growth period of garlic. therefore, one-time application of sufficient base fertilizer should be combined with soil preparation before sowing, with 6000 kg of high-quality ring fertilizer and 80 kg of cake fertilizer per mu. Urea 50 kg, calcium magnesium phosphate 80 kg, potassium sulfate compound fertilizer 25 kg, zinc sulfate 1.5 kg.

Fourth, sowing and covering the film to choose garlic with large size, large and neat cloves, hard cloves, white color and fresh garlic as seeds. It is generally required that garlic cloves weigh more than 400g, and the local temperature is stable at 18Mel 19 ℃ before sowing, so that the height of garlic seedlings can reach more than 25cm when overwintering, which is conducive to safe overwintering. Sowing requires row spacing of about 15 cm, plant spacing of 8 cm, trenching depth of 10 cm, seed petals in the trench, and keep them upright, with a density of 40000 trees per mu. Then cover the soil with double-layer plastic film. When mulching plastic film, the plastic film is required to spread flat on the border surface without wrinkles, and there is no gap under the plastic film, so that the plastic film is close to the border surface so as not to breed weeds. When the garlic seedling is more than 50%, the film is broken, and the sharp wire is used to pierce the hole in the film, and the diameter of the hole is about 1 cm.

Fifth, the field management should immediately irrigate once after sowing, the seedlings should be watered for the second time, and the soil should be watered with anti-freezing water before freezing. After a few days, cover the grass curtain or corn straw to prevent cold and drought and ensure that garlic seedlings survive the winter safely. Before and after "the Spring Equinox", the ground cover should be removed in time and watered in sunny and warm weather to promote the green growth of garlic seedlings as soon as possible. From the beginning of April to the end of April, water was watered once every 7 days according to soil moisture 5mur. it was fertilized 3 times with water topdressing 2mur. generally, 15 kg of ammonium sulfate or urea was applied per mu, and watering was stopped 3 to 4 days before bolting. Garlic bolts should always keep the soil moist after harvest to promote the rapid increase of garlic, until 2 to 3 days before harvest, stop watering.

6. pest control when garlic seedlings grow to 2 leaves and 1 heart, control garlic thrips and garlic flies, and use high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides such as cypermethrin. In the middle of March, we should pay attention to the control of garlic maggots and garlic borer. 1000 times of carbendazim or 65% carbendazim was used to control garlic leaf blight.

Seventh, timely harvest in the central and southern parts of our province, single-layer plastic film is generally harvested in the middle and late May. Garlic cultivated with double-layer plastic film can be harvested 10 days ahead of schedule, that is, it can be harvested at the end of April and early May, when most of the plant leaves have withered and the pseudostem has become soft, so as to buy time and harvest as early as possible, as the quantity of fresh garlic on the market is less and the price is more expensive, it is necessary to seize the favorable opportunity to sell in time to obtain higher income.