
A New Technique of Tea Short Cutting

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, At present, the asexual propagation of tea plant mainly adopts the method of short ear cutting with bed surface paved with subsoil. Although this technology can effectively reduce the disease and grass damage in the breeding process, it restricts the breeding and popularization of tea varieties to a great extent because of its large workload and high investment cost. In recent years, we have put forward a simple, reliable, labor-saving and material-saving cuttage technology with no soil through a large area of experiments. The production cost of this technology is only 300 yuan per mu. It not only saves cost compared with the traditional spreading of soil, but also the survival rate of cuttage can reach about 85%.

At present, the asexual propagation of tea mainly adopts the short-spike cutting method of laying the core soil on the border. Although this technology can effectively reduce diseases and grass damage in the process of breeding, it restricts the breeding and promotion of improved tea varieties to a great extent because of its heavy workload and high input cost. In recent years, through large area experiments, we have put forward a simple, reliable, labor-saving and material-saving soil cutting technology. The production cost of this technology is only 300 yuan per mu of land preparation, which is not only cheaper than the traditional paving soil. And the survival rate of cutting can reach about 85%, which is worth popularizing.

I. preparation of cutting nursery

The main results are as follows: 1. The nursery land should be close to the water source, the soil is loose, the terrain is flat, and it is convenient for drainage and irrigation.

2. The planning district should be set up in accordance with local conditions, and the district should be divided according to the natural drop of the parcel, and drainage and irrigation ditches should be set up around each district, with 60cm in width and 40cm in depth. The border length is generally 10-15m, the border direction is suitable for east-west direction, the border width is 1m, and the operating ditch between the border and the border is 40cm.

3. After the establishment of the seedling bed, the lines are placed around the border, and the excavation is carried out. The topsoil 10cm is dug first, all the topsoil is shoveled and placed on one side, and then the bottom soil layer 10cm is placed on the other side. All the topsoil is backfilled and leveled, and the prepared insecticides, fungicides and base fertilizer are fully mixed, and then evenly sprinkled on the topsoil layer (8g carbofuran per square meter, 1.5g methyl topazine, 450g cake fertilizer), and then the subsoil is backfilled as topsoil, leveled and rammed around.

4. After finishing the furrow irrigation seedling bed, continuous furrow irrigation was carried out in order to kill the insect eggs, make the fungicide fully permeate the soil, and the cake fertilizer was fully mature. The process takes about 20 days.

II. Establishment of shading facilities

According to the practical effect in the past two years, the shading effect of 1.8m high flat shed is the best. For the establishment of Gaoping shed, each district is taken as a unit to lay out wire and bury piles, with a horizontal spacing of 6-8m and a longitudinal border length. About 25 piles are needed per mu. Phyllostachys pubescens can be used, the length is generally 2.5m, 50cm is buried, and each pile is compacted and buried layer by layer with stone and soil. After burying the pile, the pile is fixed with 1 inch iron wire, and the sunshade net is placed on the wire.

Third, cuttage

one. Cutting cuttings must be sturdy semi-lignified branches with reddish brown, cutting cuttings should be carried out in the morning, branches should be cut back immediately. The length of cuttings is generally 3. 3-4.0cm, the long Internode is cut one node (one leaf and one bud), the short Internode can be used to cut two cuttings, the lower leaf is cut off, leaving the upper leaf, the small pile cut on the leaf can not be too short, generally leave 3-4mm. The upper cut is tilted outward to avoid stagnant water and mildew, and the lower cut is cut into a horseshoe shape.

two. Sprinkle the border thoroughly 1-2 hours before cutting, and then draw a line. Generally, the row spacing of small and medium leaf varieties is 7-10cm. After the border was rowed, the herbicide butachlor 170ml was sprayed with water 55kg per mu, and then cuttings were cutting. it was better to not cover each other with cuttings and no soil after cutting. Press slightly between the short spikes with your fingers after insertion. The angle of insertion is generally at an angle of 35-45 °between the blade and the ground, and the blade should not lay flat the ground, otherwise it will affect the breathing of the blade. After being inserted, the cuttings were sterilized with carbendazim 1000 times solution until the leaves were cleaned and the cuttings were better fixed. Finally, the bamboo bow (2.2m long) is inserted on the border, and the height of the center from the ground is not lower than that of 50cm. The bamboo bow is covered with film and compacted with soil around to form a small arch shed, which can keep warm and wet and is beneficial to the healing and rooting of cuttings.

IV. Nursery management

one. Irrigation should be carried out in time after water management, and furrow irrigation should be carried out for about 20 hours. The usual water management should depend on the soil moisture, generally keep the topsoil moist, less than an inch of soil can be twisted into strips without sticking to the hands. If the topsoil is dry and loose, it should be irrigated in time.

two. Temperature management generally north of the Yangtze River tea area using autumn cutting (August 20-October 20), when the day is still relatively high, and covered with film, the small arch shed daytime temperature in 28-34 ℃, the highest temperature can reach 42 ℃ or more, if more than 42 ℃, the leaves will burn, therefore, to timely ventilation and heat dissipation (open both ends of the film). After the temperature rebounds in the spring of the second year (usually in late March), the temperature change should be observed at any time and adjusted in time.

three. Pick buds cuttings in summer and autumn, buds are many, must be removed in time. Dissecting scissors or pointed scissors can be used when picking flower buds. Do not damage buds and shake cuttings. Flower buds can be picked at the same time as ventilation or spraying.

four. Fertilization is generally carried out in late April, with the gradual rise of the temperature, continue to produce a large number of new roots, tea buds also sprout, then need a lot of fertilizer and water. After the middle of May, 85-95% of the cuttings can be removed after rooting, and the foliar spraying was carried out with 0.5% urea solution for the first time, and foliar spraying with 1% urea plus Penshibao for the second time (the interval was 7-10 days). The third time, 2% urea plus Fushibao was sprayed. After the middle of June, with the gradual growth of cutting seedlings, the resistance is enhanced, and organic fertilizer can be applied mainly by putting 1 part of cake fertilizer and 10 parts of water into the pond to make it fully mature (about 20 days), then take 1 part of cake fertilizer and 10 parts of water, and irrigate it with spray pot, once every 15-20 days. In this way, the seedling height can reach 50-70cm in the same year.

five. After refining seedlings into August, the temperature gradually dropped, and gradually uncovered the sunshade net above the high shed. In the Dabie Mountains, there are often semi-cloudy days, so we can seize this opportunity to refine seedlings.

six. Due to the need for heat preservation and moisturization of cutting seedlings, the propagation speed of many diseases and insect pests is accelerated under the condition of high temperature and high humidity. According to the field observation, the loss of diseases is much greater than that of insect pests. The main diseases are tea bud blight, red leaf spot, root rot, brown leaf spot, root cancer, moire leaf blight, anthracnose and so on. the main pests are: tea green leafhopper, green blind stink bug, tea tarsal mite, tea caterpillar, tea inchworm, tea leaf roll moth and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the occurrence and changes of diseases and insect pests in the shed and prevent them in time.

The main diseases in autumn and winter, such as tea cloud leaf blight, anthracnose, brown leaf spot, etc., can be sprayed with chlorothalonil or carbendazim 1000 times, and the bud blight, root rot and anthracnose occurred in spring can be sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramate or 50 times of carbendazim.