
High-yield cultivation of Lily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lily is a medicine for nourishing yin, it can clear heat and benefit lung qi, has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, calming the mind and mind, and is a commonly used valuable traditional Chinese medicine. It is mainly produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places. The tillage layer of the soil in most areas of our province is shallow. If the lily is cultivated according to the conventional method, the average weight per ball is about 200 grams and the yield per mu is less than 600 kilograms. Such as the use of new high-yield cultivation techniques to create a deep and fertile plough layer to make the soil loose, breathable and refreshing, which is beneficial to the root growth of lily and the rapid expansion of bulb.

Lily is a medicine for nourishing yin, it can clear heat and benefit lung qi, has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, calming the mind and mind, and is a commonly used valuable traditional Chinese medicine. It is mainly produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places. The tillage layer of the soil in most areas of our province is shallow. If the lily is cultivated according to the conventional method, the average weight per ball is about 200 grams and the yield per mu is less than 600 kilograms. Such as the use of new high-yield cultivation techniques to create a deep and fertile plough layer to make the soil loose, breathable and refreshing, which is beneficial to the root growth of lily and the rapid expansion of bulb. The specific operation points are as follows:

There are more than 10 varieties of lilies which are suitable for planting in our province, which are divided into edible and medicinal categories. The best edible variety is Baoqing Dragon Sprout Lily. The variety has enlarged scales, shaped like dragon teeth, bright color, white and delicate, rich in nutrition, good quality, no bitterness, high price and good market. Medicinal lilies generally have short scales, low yield and bitter taste, and can only be used for human medicine. Therefore, when introducing edible lily species, we must choose seed balls with white color, large scales, no pockmarks and no bitterness. The propagation coefficient of lily is low, and the amount of seed used is large, and the seed bulb is about 150-200 kg per mu.

About 30 days before fertilizing and planting lilies, turn the soil deeply and apply 50 kg lime per mu. The soil was disinfected by high temperature and strong light in midsummer, and 3500 kg of high-quality mature farm manure, 35 kg of urea, 70 kg of superphosphate and 40 kg of potassium chloride were evenly applied per mu as base fertilizer before turning the soil deeply. 2-3 days before planting lilies, shallow ploughing and fine rake make the soil surface loose, the soil fertilizer dissolves, the humidity is suitable, and the soil surface is smooth.

Before ridging and planting, first press the ridge width 1.2-1.5 meters, ditch width 40-50 cm, pull the line with a hoe to open a deep trench of 6-7 cm, delimit the ridge surface. Then use a rowing device on the ridge surface to draw a shallow trench with a row spacing of 30-33 cm, a plant spacing of 20 cm and a depth of 3 cm. In operation, the row spacing should be drawn according to the vertical direction of the ridge length, and the plant spacing should be drawn according to the vertical direction of the ridge width, so as to facilitate uniform planting.

The shallow bulb should be soaked in 0.1% topiramate solution for about 10 minutes before sowing. And then evenly placed on the vertical and horizontal intersection after the row. After setting up the seed ball or seed core, the seed soaking fertilizer is also applied to prevent the harm of diseases and insect pests on the seed ball and in the soil. The ratio of medicine and fertilizer is: calcium superphosphate 15 kg, carbofuran 3 kg, 50% carbendazim powder 1 kg, dimethazone 1 kg, clean fine sand or fire soil ash 200-300 kg, evenly mixed. Then take the mixture of medicine and fertilizer and put it on each seed ball.

After the chemical fertilizer was evenly applied around the bulb with thick cover, the ripe soil was shoveled and covered evenly in the sample ditch. The thickness of the covered soil is about 7 cm, so that the ridge surface is slightly tortoise back. After the soil is taken, the depth of the furrow can reach about 30 centimeters. If the cover is not enough, the mature soil can be picked from the ground to ensure the thick cover.

After strengthening the management of Rain Water in winter and spring, the soil is scoured and the planting ball is exposed. Attention should be paid to taking ripe soil to cover the seed ball while clearing ditches and draining water. After the beginning of spring, due to the sinking of the soil, after the emergence of lilies, we can combine with the application of seedling fertilizer to deepen the ridges and furrows by 5-6 cm in order to facilitate drainage. The crushed soil from clearing the ditch is directly covered with fertilizer on the ridge surface, keeping the cover soil on the ridge surface about 7 cm thick from the seed ball, in order to facilitate the growth of the upper root and prevent the seed ball from being exposed. Strengthen the prevention and control of diseases, pests and rats, do a good job of chemical weeding, pick flower buds in time to remove sprouting, and promote bulb expansion.

Harvest and prepare lilies for processing in time after harvest. Those reserved for seed use must be collected in time and kept strictly. The method is to cut off the beard root from the newly dug seed ball, soak it in 0.1% Tobujin solution for 5-10 minutes, dry it and store it in a cellar or a dark and clean house. A layer of fresh fine loess and a layer of ball code pile. The top is covered with a soil layer of 15-20 cm. Keep the soil moist during storage and prevent rodent damage. Generally, it can be taken out for transplanting in the first and middle of October.