
The main points of the production method of Snake Wine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The soaking material of snake wine is generally soaked with dried snake, and it is also soaked with the whole snake after caesarean section. The methods of soaking are raw and cooked. Generally, the color of snake wine is yellowish and transparent, the smell is slightly fragrant and fishy, and the taste is greasy, smooth, moist and slightly astringent. In order to strengthen the curative effect, a variety of Chinese herbal medicines can be added to the snake wine, and the extract is sometimes slightly precipitated. The method of soaking snake wine: ① dry soaking method, soaking the processed dried snake meat in 55 degrees liquor at 5:1, sealing for 2 months, waiting for the wine color to turn yellow, and then drinking it; ② fresh soaking method, killing the snake.

The soaking material of snake wine is generally soaked with dried snake, and it is also soaked with the whole snake after caesarean section. The methods of soaking are raw and cooked. Generally, the color of snake wine is yellowish and transparent, the smell is slightly fragrant and fishy, and the taste is greasy, smooth, moist and slightly astringent. In order to strengthen the curative effect, a variety of Chinese herbal medicines can be added to the snake wine, and the extract is sometimes slightly precipitated.

Snake wine soaking method: ① dry soaking method, the processed dried snake meat, the proportion of 5:1 into the 55 degrees liquor, sealed for 2 months, waiting for the wine color to turn yellow to drink; ② fresh immersion method, kill the snake, remove the viscera, rinse, soak into 55 degrees liquor, seal for two months.

Three Snake Wine is made by soaking wine with Golden Ring Snake, Chinchilla Snake, Cobra and related Chinese herbal medicine. The preparation method is that one of each of the three kinds of snakes (about 1000-1500 grams) is eviscerated, washed with clean water, dried with a cloth, soaked in 7.5-10 liters of rice wine above 50 degrees, and sealed for 2-3 months. The three snake wine is orange and mellow.

Sea snake dried wine has a special effect on rheumatism, scapulohumeral periarthritis and sciatica, which is called "rheumatism nemesis". The way to soak the wine is to wash the dried sea snake with wine, cut it into small sections, and then soak it with 100 grams of dried sea snake with 5 kilograms of high-quality liquor above 40 degrees Celsius, which can be soaked in an appropriate amount of traditional Chinese medicine and can be drunk 20 days later.