
Management techniques for feeding Agkistrodon halys

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Agkistrodon halys, also known as Agkistrodon halys, is a small venomous snake distributed all over China, which has high medical value in addition to food. It is easy to get, and the breeding method is not difficult. It is a new type of aquaculture for the masses to get rich. First, the development and utilization of some valuable drugs produced with Agkistrodon halys as raw materials can treat a variety of difficult diseases. At present, the ways of development and application in domestic scientific research institutions are as follows: ① Agkistrodon halys venom is the raw material for the production of highly effective antithrombotic drugs. ② dried snake has the effects of dispelling wind, calming, detoxifying pain, strength, lower breast and so on.

Agkistrodon halys, also known as Agkistrodon halys, is a small venomous snake distributed all over China, which has high medical value in addition to food. It is easy to get, and the breeding method is not difficult. It is a new type of aquaculture for the masses to get rich.

I. Development and utilization

Some valuable drugs produced with Agkistrodon halys as raw materials can cure a variety of difficult diseases. At present, the ways of development and application in domestic scientific research institutions are as follows: ① Agkistrodon halys venom is the raw material for the production of highly effective antithrombotic drugs. ② dried snake has the effects of dispelling wind, calming, detoxifying pain, strength, lower breast and so on.

Therefore, the artificial culture of Agkistrodon halys has high economic value. The pure dry poison powder of Agkistrodon halys is 20 times the price of gold in the international market, and the domestic price is more than 1000 yuan per gram.

II. Living habits

Agkistrodon halys has a body length of 60 cm to 70 cm and a slightly triangular head. The back is grayish brown to brown, there is a dark "∧"-shaped spot on the back of the head, and the ventral side is gray to grayish brown, mixed with black spots. Move slowly at ordinary times, and the tip of the tail vibrates when disturbed. Often inhabit plains, hills, low mountains or field stream ditches under rocky piles or in the grass, bent into a disk or wave. Prey on rats, frogs, lizards, birds, insects, etc. The reproduction, feeding and activity of Agkistrodon halys are all restricted by temperature. Agkistrodon halys hardly preys when it is below 10 ℃, hibernates below 5 ℃, preys at a peak of 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and generally does not hunt when it is more than 30 ℃ into the snake hole. Active at night, after the warm spring, one after another came out to look for food.

III. Methods of reproduction

The young snakes are sexually mature for 2 ~ 3 years and can be reproduced. Agkistrodon halys reproduce differently from most snakes and reproduce for oocytes. The embryo of Agkistrodon halys develops in the female, and the offspring can live independently. The embryos in this way of reproduction can be protected by the mother, so the survival rate is high, which is beneficial to artificial breeding. The breeding period is from May to September every year, and each female can give birth to 2 and 8 baby snakes. The newborn cub is 14 cm long and weighs 21 g. The newborn snake peeled for 1 or 2 times in that year and went into hibernation.

IV. Feeding techniques

1. The establishment of Agkistrodon halys farms should be built according to the number of breeds. Feeding density, generally not more than 5 per square meter. There are tank raised, indoor raised, outdoor raised. A small number of available cylinders are maintained, and the cylinder mouth needs to be filled with a breathable cover. The requirements of indoor maintenance and site maintenance should be safe, anti-escape and anti-harmful. The floor and walls should be smooth with water to prevent rats from digging holes and snakes drilling holes to escape.

two。 Feeding and management of Agkistrodon halys has a slow metabolism. If you don't eat food for a few days, or even dozens of days, you won't starve to death, but you have to provide drinking water. Agkistrodon halys is a carnivore, which mainly feeds on small animals. it can put fish, frogs, rats, insects, meat, birds, chicken and duck eggs into the breeding ground, so that Agkistrodon halys can be swallowed at any time. Insect trapping lights can also be set up in the farm to lure insects for snakes to hunt. The teeth of Agkistrodon halys do not have the ability to chew, and the food is swallowed into the stomach and digested by gastric juice with strong digestion. The farm should be kept clean and cleaned in time to get rid of sick and dead snakes. The drinking water in the pool should be changed frequently. Breeders had better be trained to prevent Agkistrodon halys from injuring people (snake medicine should be prepared).

3. It is very important to protect and raise Agkistrodon halys through the winter. no matter what methods are taken, we should strictly prevent rodent damage and often check the temperature of overwintering places to prevent frostbite snakes. Before hibernation, it is necessary to provide enough food and increase the nutritional reserve of the snake so as to create good conditions for safe overwintering. The following measures can be taken to protect Agkistrodon halys safely through the winter. (1) the method of overwintering with sand. Lay a layer of fine sand 20 centimeters thick in the wooden case. Put the sleeping Agkistrodon halys on the sand, spread the fine sand 20 centimeters, and put another layer of snakes, repeatedly until the wooden box is full and covered, and then place the wooden box in a cellar of 0 ℃ ~ 2 ℃. When the next spring is warm, move the snake box into the farm and let the snake crawl out. ② drilling and nesting overwintering method. In the breeding ground, drill deep holes with iron brakes, let Agkistrodon halys climb into the hole for the winter, and then cover the hole with 20 cm of soil. Next spring, when it is warm, remove the soil and let the snake climb out naturally. (3) the method of digging pit and rockfill to survive the winter. In the farm, dig a pit 1.5 to 2 meters deep and pile stones and weeds inside. After the snake climbs into the stone crevice and hibernates, the soil is covered with 20 centimeters. When the soil is removed after the spring is warm, the snake will climb out naturally.

5. Collection of snake venom

In order to protect the original resources of poisonous snakes, live snakes should be used to extract poison. The price here is to introduce the method of biting and taking poison. In this method, the snake neck is grasped with the left hand, and the venom holder is stuffed into the snake mouth with the right hand, which makes the snake bite the venom container instinctively and urge it to pick out the venom. The newly taken snake venom should be dried immediately with a vacuum dryer so that its water content does not exceed 5% to prevent the snake venom from spoilage. Dried poison powder can be wrapped in black paper or tin foil and stored in a dry place for sale. The venom of Agkistrodon halys should not be taken too frequently, once a month, 6 or 7 times a year, and not during hibernation. When collecting poison, it is necessary to strictly prevent venomous snakes from hurting people. once the injury occurs, emergency self-rescue measures should be taken immediately, and Agkistrodon halys antivenom serum should be injected into hospitals at or above the county level as soon as possible to ensure safety.