
Production technology of characteristic honey

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Honey has always been regarded as a pure natural nutrition and health care product. If bees collect separated honey prepared by several flower species, it is called mixed honey, or miscellaneous nectar; if it is a single flower species, it is called single nectar; if certain nutrients are artificially added and fed to bees, the honey brewed by bees is called biologically fortified honey. The so-called "special honey" refers to the production of single flower seed honey or bio-fortified honey with certain nutrition and health care value. First, the production of single special nectar. Bees collect different kinds of honey

Honey has always been regarded as a pure natural nutrition and health care product. If the separated honey prepared by several flower species is collected, it is called mixed honey, or miscellaneous nectar; if it is a single flower species, it is called single nectar; if you artificially add certain nutrients to feed the bees, the honey brewed by the bees is called biofortified honey. The so-called "special honey" refers to the production of single flower seed honey or bio-fortified honey with certain nutrition and health care value.

First, the production of single special nectar. Bees collect nectar from different honey plants, and the color, composition, taste and nutritional value of honey are also different. If you choose a single flower species with special efficacy, the honey brewed will have a certain special health care effect. For example, pure loquat honey has the effect of relieving cough and moistening the lungs; Codonopsis pilosula honey has a nourishing effect; motherwort honey has a certain therapeutic effect on gynecological diseases; bitter thorn nectar has a heat-clearing effect; Coptis honey has a heat-clearing and detoxifying effect and so on. In addition, pure Ziyunying, vetch, Robinia pseudoacacia, Linden, litchi, longan and other honey, good color, fragrant smell, known as first-class honey. If the site of honey source is selected in a planned way, special honey of a single flower species is purposefully collected, which is very popular with consumers.

To produce a single kind of special honey, we must first organize a strong honey colony, select a place where the honey source is more concentrated, put the bees, and train the bees to collect the flower species. Every day with the plant's floral syrup (soaked in fresh flowers in clean water, and then mixed with honey or sugar water) to feed bees, bees go out to collect, will specially collect this kind of nectar. In order to produce special honey of a single flower species, it must be noted that the honey taken out for the first time still has honey from the last flowering period on the nest and spleen, which is more mixed and should be stored separately, and the honey taken for the second time is pure single special honey.

Second, biology strengthens the production of honey. The artificial method is used to produce biologically fortified special medicinal honey and to establish a convalescent bee farm with good results. The method is according to a certain proportion, according to the needs of the treatment of different diseases, configure drug syrup, feed bees every day, and use bees to produce medicinal special honey with high curative effect. For example, the bees are fed with panax notoginseng decoction and sugar water, processed and prepared by the bees, stored on the nest, taken out by a honey shaker after maturity, packaged and stored respectively. This is "Panax notoginseng honey" with high medicinal value. Others, such as "Dangshen honey", "Hawthorn honey", "Shouwu honey" and so on, can also be produced by the same method.

If you add necessary trace elements to honey to feed bees, you can also produce special honey, such as calcium honey, iodine honey, zinc honey, selenium honey and so on, which can prevent and cure many diseases with high value.

In order to produce bio-fortified special honey, we must pay attention to the following points: the colony potential of ① colony should be strong (should be more than 8 spleen-footed bees). ② after the end of the nectar period of the external nectar plants, the bio-fortified honey produced has a high purity. The syrup fed by ③ must be rich enough for bees to live and reproduce, and there should be sufficient surplus. ④ according to different needs, add a certain proportion of corresponding drugs. After ⑤ is added to the drug, experiments must be conducted to see whether bees are willing to accept the drug. Production can be carried out only if bees are willing to suck this drug syrup.