
Pay attention to the breeding of fish in autumn

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Adjust the density, graded feeding into the autumn can choose the appropriate weather where the temperature is relatively cool, and screen the uneven fish species in the pond and classify them according to large (about 20 cm), medium (about 15 cm) and small (less than 15 cm). Large-sized fish species can be transferred to adult ponds with larger area and better conditions, and medium-and small-sized fish species can be farmed in separate ponds. The stocking density is generally about 15 meters in the pond with a depth of about 3000 Mu. Fertilize according to the water, feed reasonably the breeding ponds mainly composed of silver carp and bighead carp, except

Adjust the density, graded feeding into the autumn can choose the appropriate weather where the temperature is relatively cool, and screen the uneven fish species in the pond and classify them according to large (about 20 cm), medium (about 15 cm) and small (less than 15 cm). Large-sized fish species can be transferred to adult ponds with larger area and better conditions, and medium-and small-sized fish species can be farmed in separate ponds. The stocking density is generally about 15 meters in the pond with a depth of about 3000 Mu.

Look at water fertilization, reasonable feeding of silver carp and bighead carp fingerling culture ponds, in addition to watching water fertilization to maintain the appropriate fertility of the pond water, but also properly fed with concentrate feed, that is, bran, cake or compound feed at 9 am and 4 pm every day, 0.5-1 kg per thousand fish species.

Strengthen management, pay attention to disease prevention autumn is the most popular season of fish disease, especially grass carp autumn disease is the most serious, if we do not strengthen disease prevention work, once the fish disease epidemic, often serious losses. Therefore, it is necessary to always patrol the pond in the morning, in the middle and in the evening, observe the feeding and activities of the fish in the pond, and adhere to the "Sanding" in feeding (that is, the residue should be removed in time, and the food grounds and tables should be disinfected regularly. Regularly feed disease prevention bait and sprinkle disease prevention drugs).