
Crystal shrimp balls

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cooking category: fried cuisine: Cantonese food category: shrimp and crab taste: salty and fresh flavor: color white and transparent, crisp to eat, summer most suitable ingredients: prawns (10) excipients: monosodium glutamate (12.5g), refined salt (a little), ground chestnut powder (a little), sesame oil (a little), pepper (a little) production: 1) peel the prawns to the head and tail, and then remove the surface of the black skin with a blade, each bright Prawn Crackers into 3 slices Marinate and put in alkali water (every 500 grams)

Cooking Category: Cooking System: Cantonese

Ingredients: Shrimp and Crab Flavor: Salty and Fresh

Color and fragrance: white and transparent, crispy to eat, best in summer

Ingredients: prawns (10)

Accessories: monosodium glutamate (12.5g), refined salt (a little), ground chestnut powder (a little), sesame oil (a little), pepper powder (a little)


1)shell prawns, remove head and tail, then remove the black skin on the surface with a blade, slice each prawn into 3 pieces, marinate in alkaline water (50g alkaline water for every 500 grams prawns), take out after two hours, and rinse with cold water for one hour;

2)Another warm raw oil pan with strong fire, prawns put in, a little explosion that is taken out, and then boiled with water, prawns put in a Sichuan fish out, another strong fire oil pan, prawns put in, a push that is poured out;

3)Use the original oil pan, put ginger shreds, onion shreds into stir-fry, then pour prawns, quickly cut open, at the same time add sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder, refined salt, oil thicken, immediately pour into a colander, filter chestnut powder into a plate. Serve with oyster sauce, shrimp sauce each a small plate.