
Key points of Field Management of Cotton at Flower and Boll stage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cotton flowering and boll stage is the key period of cotton yield formation. in addition to fertilizer and water management, the following points should be done: chemical control of cotton flowering and boll stage can shift more nutrients of vegetative growth to reproductive growth and reduce bud and boll shedding. It is suggested that the cotton fields with strong growth should be sprayed with 2.0-2.5 grams of meth per mu or 25% Zhuangzhuangsu 8-10 ml at the beginning of flowering. In full bloom, according to the growth trend, spray 2.5-3.0 grams of thalidomide per mu, or 2.

The flowering and boll stage of cotton is the key period for the formation of cotton yield. in addition to good fertilizer and water management, the following points should also be done:

Chemical regulation

Chemical control at flowering and boll stage can shift more vegetative growth nutrients to reproductive growth and reduce bud and boll shedding.

It is suggested that the cotton fields with strong growth should be sprayed with 2.0-2.5 grams of meth per mu or 25% Zhuangzhuangsu 8-10 ml at the beginning of flowering. Blossom according to the growth of chemical control again, per mu spraying 2.5-3.0 grams of metoprolol, or 25% Zhuangzheng 10-12 milliliters. The last chemical control should be carried out 7-10 days after the core of the cotton was knocked off, and after three fruit nodes had appeared on the top fruit branch, spraying 3.5-4.0 grams of thalidomide per mu, or spraying 14-16 milliliters of 25% zhuangsu, focusing on spraying the edge core of fruit branches, 40-50 kg per mu of solution. In order to seal the tip of the group, cut off the invalid buds, and realize the control effect of the four doors falling lock.

Hit the heart at the right time

The suitable topping time should be determined according to the yield structure of cotton, the combined density, the number of fruit branches per plant, and the growth trend at that time.

Under normal density, each tree is required to have 13-15 fruit branches, topping around July 15. The cotton fields with strong growth and low density should be properly postponed to the top on July 20, but not later than the 25th, so that there are an average of 17-18 fruit branches per tree, so as to give full play to the advantages of high yield of soil fertility and varieties. For wheat interplanting cotton and cotton fields with high density or barren soil, the topping time should be finished as early as July 10-13, otherwise the yield and quality will be affected. The method of hitting the top with one leaf and one leaf should be taken to prevent the phenomenon of pulling.

Prevention of diseases and insects

The main diseases in the flower and boll stage are yellow and wilt, red leaf stem blight, cotton boll blight, black fruit, red rot and powdery mildew. Cotton plants should be sterilized from the beginning of August. 50% carbendazim, 50% carbendazim or 65% zinc 400-500 times solution is used alternately, spraying solution 40-50 kg per mu, once every 7-8 days, until the end of August. For the infected yellow and Fusarium wilt trees, the method of root irrigation should also be combined with 300 times the solution of bacteria, each tree should be filled with 200-250 ml of solution, once in 7-8 days, 2-3 times. The main pests in the flower and boll stage are cotton bollworm, aphid, bug bug and red spider, which do serious harm and threaten the yield, so it is necessary to control them in time.

In prevention and control, it is necessary to adjust the strategy, distinguish the primary and secondary of prevention and control, select pesticides scientifically, use drugs in time according to the harmful characteristics and activity rules of pests, and use drugs accurately and effectively.