
There are some methods to fertilize cotton at flower bud stage.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, After budding, cotton entered the period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, but still dominated by vegetative growth. During this period, it is necessary to set up a shelf for high cotton yield and fully supply the demand for cotton fertilizer at the bud stage, not only to meet the needs of cotton plants, but also to prevent excessive fertilization, resulting in cotton plant growth. For the cotton fields with low amount of base fertilizer, some mature manure and cake fertilizer can be applied at the bud stage, or a small amount of available nitrogen fertilizer can be mixed and deeply applied to make the fertilizer decompose gradually, play a role in the flower and boll stage, and spray new high-fat film at the right time, which can greatly improve the effective component rate of fertilizer.

After budding, cotton entered the period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, but still dominated by vegetative growth. During this period, it is necessary to set up a shelf for high cotton yield and fully supply the demand for cotton fertilizer at the bud stage, not only to meet the needs of cotton plants, but also to prevent excessive fertilization, resulting in cotton plant growth. For the cotton fields with low amount of base fertilizer, some mature manure and cake fertilizer can be applied at the bud stage, or a small amount of available nitrogen fertilizer can be mixed and deeply applied to make the fertilizer decompose gradually, play a role in the flower and boll stage, and spray new high-fat film at the right time, which can greatly improve the effective component rate of fertilizer.

For the fertile cotton field with a large amount of fertilizer applied all the year round, if the cotton plant is growing vigorously, the bud stage can not be applied, or it can be postponed to the early flowering stage to achieve "peach application". Timely spraying cotton Zhuangtiling can control the excessive growth of cotton trees, promote the transformation of cotton tree growth function to reproductive function, thicken the nutrition delivery vessel of cotton peach, improve the swelling vitality of cotton peach, improve resistance, protect buds, bolls and peaches, and speed up the cycle of cotton tree budding, cycle boll opening, and improve fiber quality.