
Processing dried lilies with "three looks and three determinations"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lilies in our province are mainly sold in dry lilies to coastal areas, and they have been selling well in recent years. In particular, fat white high-quality dried lilies are the best-selling price. Processing is a key link in whether dried lilies are of high quality or not. Some farmers report that the quality of their fresh lilies is good, but when processed into dried lilies, they become second-class, or even inferior, with non-white color, thin dry pieces, incomplete pieces, and a big discount on the market price, which is mainly due to improper processing. Lilium production bases such as Daping, Leijiaao and Shawan, Mingxi Town, Xinshao County, are planted all the year round.

Lily in our province is mainly sold to coastal areas with dried lily, and has been sold in recent years. Especially hypertrophy white high quality dry lily is a best-selling price ang. Processing is a key link in the quality of dried lily. Some farmers reflect that their fresh lily quality is good, but processed into dried lily has become inferior products, even inferior products, performance color is not white, dry thin, incomplete, listed prices greatly discounted, this is mainly due to improper processing. Lily production bases such as Daping, Leijiaao and Shawan in Niangxi Town, Xinshao County, plant lily all the year round. The lily they process is white in color and complete in film, which is very popular with merchants. In the production practice, they accumulated some successful experiences in processing high-quality dried lily through groping and summing up, which can be used for reference. His experience can be summarized as "three observations and three determinations."

A look at the leaf color determines the harvest period. Harvest time has great influence on the quality of processed dried lily. Harvesting too early, more moisture, more monosaccharides in bulbs, less starch, used to process dried lily, not only the yield is not high, but also thin, not strong. Harvest too late, more rain after autumn, temperature also gradually decreased, water content in scales increased, part of nutrients returned to lily seedlings, reduced the accumulation of dry matter in bulbs, not only processing yield decreased, but also dry chips thin and weak. For example, the lily harvested too late needs 300~320 kilograms of fresh lily to process into 100 kilograms of dried slices, while the lily harvested in time only needs 270~280 kilograms of fresh lily to process into 100 kilograms of dried slices. Different varieties, different fertilizer and water conditions, the harvest period is not the same. But the harvest time can be determined according to the leaf color change. In central Hunan, lily can be harvested when 2/3 leaves turn yellow during the period from summer heat to autumn (July 25 to August 5). At this time, the nutrients in the body have been transferred to the bulb, the starch content of lily bulb is the highest, and the processing rate of dry lily reaches the highest value. If only 1/3 of the leaves turn yellow, it is too early to process dried lily, and if all the leaves turn yellow, it is too late to harvest. After the lily is dug out, the fibrous root is cut off, the slice is peeled off, and the edge slice is divided into the core slice. In case of rain, fresh lily can be stored in a damp place, waiting for fine and then peeling processing. Second, look at the color change of the hot plate to set the pot time. When blanching, the weight ratio of water and lily slices is 10:3, that is, 30 kg slices can be blanched after 100 kg of water is poured. The amount of film should not be too much, too much hot uneven. Lotus leaf iron pan is commonly used in Xinshao countryside, generally about 15 kg per pan. Before the slices are put into the pot, boil the water first. Put the slices washed and drained with water into the pot. Stir them with a stick while watching the color change of lily slices. This is the key to ironing. According to the film "white-yellow-white" color change law to determine the time out of the pot. That is, white fresh lily poured into the pot blanching, first slightly yellow, and then from yellow to white. At this point with fingernail scraping film skin from powder, with the mouth to taste the film raw crisp, broken film cross-section color are not white heart, the water in the pot has not changed paste, indicating that scalding appropriate, immediately out of the pot. If the pan is too late to cause paste, the pan is too early, easy to turn black. Generally speaking, the edge piece from yellow to white generally needs boiling water to roll up for five or six minutes to get out of the pot, the heart piece only needs to roll for two or three minutes, the piece turns white to get out of the pot. Change the water every time you blanch the slices two or three times. Third, look at the weather to determine the dry method.

Blanching and drying should be done on sunny days as much as possible. Put the slices out of the pan into clean cold water immediately to cool and wash away the stickiness. Then he poured water and put it on a mat and put it in the sun. Spread thin and evenly, can not be stacked. Don't turn over after drying, otherwise it will be easy to turn over the film. Because white and complete film is an important standard of quality, if there are more films broken, its quality will be greatly reduced. Generally spread for two days and one night, the film can only be turned when it is dry until it is dried. If lily has been raining continuously after harvest, it has to be dried by baking method. Baking should pay attention to control the temperature, temperature is too high easy to occur coking browning, temperature is too low, drying time is long, easy to occur oxidation. The drying standard of the film is: the film becomes hard, and the hand-folded film breaks with noise. If longer storage time is required, other preservation methods should be further adopted.