
Peach variety: Xaguang

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The main results are as follows: (1) the natural plant change of Feicheng peach was found after Xiaguang (provisional name) and found in 1992. after grafting and propagation, it was planted under different site conditions. after many years and multi-point observation, it showed stable genetic characters, large fruit, high quality and strong adaptability. more resistant to storage and transportation. 2 main characters 2.1 Botanical characteristics this variety has strong tree strength, relatively open posture, high germination rate, strong branching ability, large growth of new shoots, middle secondary shoots, large leaves in the middle of new shoots, and the average length of leaves is 13-1.

1 selection and breeding process

Xiaguang (tentative name), the natural plant change of Feicheng peach discovered in 1992, was planted under different site conditions after grafting and propagation. after many years and multi-point observation, it showed stable genetic characters, large fruit, high quality, strong adaptability and tolerance to storage and transportation.

2 main characters

2.1Botanical characteristics this variety has strong tree strength, relatively open posture, high germination rate, strong branching ability, large growth of new shoots, middle secondary shoots, large leaves in the middle of new shoots, flat average leaf length 13--14cm, wide 3--4cm, shallow leaf margin sawtooth, annual growth (dry branch base diameter) about 30% larger than Feicheng peach, crown expansion faster, early fruit. Long, medium and short branches are easy to form flowers. The first fruit stage is mainly long and medium fruit branches, and after entering the full fruit stage, it is mainly medium and short fruit branches. There is more pollen and the seed setting rate of self-pollination is high.

2.2 the economic character of fruit is large fruit type, the average weight of single fruit is 255g, the maximum weight of single fruit is 425g, the average vertical diameter of fruit is 7.05cm, the average transverse diameter is 7.18cm, and the shape of fruit is correct. The fruit is nearly round, the suture line is shallow, the fruit stalk is short, the stem depression is deep, and the fruit top is flat, round and slightly concave. The fruit surface is smooth, the background color is yellow and green, and the sunny side is red. The rate of fruit cracking is low, about 2% in general years. The flesh is milky white, the core is red around the core, and the core is free. The stone is small, and the weight of the core is 5.12g. The meat is fine and crisp, the flavor is sweet, there is a strong aroma and sweetness, the quality is extremely high, the content of soluble solids is 17.5%, the titratable acid is 0.16%, the average hardness of the fruit is 8.1kg/ square centimeters, it is more resistant to storage and transportation, and it is often stored in the greenhouse for 10 days without wrinkling and water loss. It is an excellent late-ripening peach variety.

2.3 growth and fruiting habit trees are strong, the average growth of new shoots is 45.8cm, crown expansion is fast, flowers are easy, and the distribution of all kinds of branches is reasonable, of which long fruit branches account for 41.5%, medium fruit branches account for 20%, and short fruit branches account for 27.5%. The initial node position of the bouquet is low, the 2nd-3rd nodes at the base of the branch begin to bear flower buds, and the germination rate is as high as 81.7%. The branching ability is strong, which is 35.1%, and the rate of secondary buds is 31.2%. Physiological fruit drop and pre-harvest fruit drop are slight. The self-pollination ability is strong, there is no need to configure pollination trees, and the early fruit is highly productive.

2.4 strong stress resistance and adaptability, cold resistance, high yield and stable yield on sloping land and flat land. It has strong resistance to aphids and leaf mites. It is more resistant to bacterial perforation and gum disease. The drought resistance is strong, but the waterlogging resistance is slightly poor.

2.5 Phenophase sprouts around March 23 in Linqu County, Shandong Province, blossoms at the beginning of April, blossoms on April 10-14, and Xie flowers in mid-late April. The single flowering period is 10 days, and the whole flowering period lasts 15 Mueller 20 days. If there is a low temperature before and after flowering, the flowering period can be delayed by 2 Mueller for 3 days. The fruit began to color in the middle of July, matured in late September, the fruit growth period was 160 days, and the leaves were deciduous in the middle of November.

3 main points of cultivation techniques

3.1The plant spacing of the garden row is generally 3--5mx4m, horizontal ditch or large hole soil preparation, the furrow (hole) width is 0.8mur1.0m, the seedling height is 1.5m, the thickness of the grafting site is above 1.2cm, and it is planted after autumn or spring. Before planting, high quality base fertilizer 4000kg, special fertilizer 50kg for fruit trees and a small amount of urea were applied. After pruning the roots of the seedlings before planting, they were sterilized by soaking the roots in 10min (minutes) with carbendazim. After planting, dry at the 50cm of seedling height, and full buds should be left in the 10cm plastic band under the cut. After planting, pour water thoroughly and cover the seedlings with plastic film.

3.2 soil, fertilizer and water management from late August to early October, combined with deep ploughing and soil improvement, 667 square meters of high quality soil and miscellaneous fertilizer 4000--5000kg. Topdressing 4 times before germination, young fruit expansion stage, hard seed stage and after fruit harvest. Topdressing is especially important in the hard-core stage. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the early stage, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer is applied in the later stage, and 0.4--0.7kg is suitable for general plants. Extra-root topdressing was carried out every 15 days after mid-May, with 0.3% UV 0.5% urea in the early stage, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the later stage, and 200 times liquid light combined with micro-fertilizer in the later stage. Combined with fertilization for irrigation, 3 murmurs 4 times a year, that is, before germination, before flowering, during fruit expansion period, after fruit picking. Avoid watering during flowering, so as not to reduce the rate of fruit setting. The amount of irrigation per 667 square meters in the growing season should be controlled within 20 cubic meters. Drainage and waterlogging prevention should be carried out in time in the rainy season.

3.3.The natural happy shape should be adopted for shaping and pruning, the dry height is generally 40--50cm, the base angle of the main branch is 45 °- 55 °, and the number of branches retained should not exceed 90 000 per 667m2. During the winter shearing from 1 to 4 years after planting, the main branches should be kept short and long alternately every other year to form a strong skeleton. In the fifth year, the secondary shoots on the back of the extended branches were left behind, and were no longer cut short. The long and middle fruit branches were cultured into small fruiting branches or several single fruiting branches on the main branches every year. On the back and both sides of the main branch, two large fruiting branch groups and three medium fruiting branch groups were cultured with overgrown branches and strong strong shoots, and pay attention to the timely renewal of the fruiting branches.

3.4 Flower and fruit management must be strictly thinning flowers and fruits, mainly leaving a single fruit, and retaining a certain number of empty tables (except flowers and teenagers), so as to create conditions for high yield and high quality. In the arrangement of fruit, the fruit is mainly left on both sides of the backbone branches, and the medium and long fruit branches are kept in the early fruit stage. after entering the full fruit period, the fruit should be mainly medium and short branches. Leave as little fruit on your back as possible.

3.5 the variety has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, so it should focus on the control of bacterial perforation, peach borer and peach heart borer. On the basis of strengthening comprehensive management, it is common to spray 5 pomethyl sulphur mixture every spring (late March), spray 70% methyl thiophanate 800m 100x liquid plus 40% methamidophos 600ml 100x liquid in early May, spray 70% mancozeb wettable powder 500x liquid or 70% methyl thiophanate 800ml 1000 times liquid in early June, spray 25% thiophanate solution 1500 times in July. In the future, spray medicine timely depending on the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.