
High-yielding cultivation techniques of garlic in early winter in Dali

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Garlic (scientific name: ALLiumsativum), also known as garlic, belongs to the Liliaceae, with root system plants. The leaves are narrow and flat, light green, with wax powder on the surface, and the underground bulbs are surrounded by gray-white membranous bark, with small bulbs, called garlic cloves, inflated by axillary buds in each leaf axil on the stem disk. Garlic in early winter in Dali area is famous for its unique garlic, early time on the market and high income from garlic sprouts. It is an economic crop dominated by local farmers, the main source of rural economic income, and the main planting of science and technology demonstration households.

Garlic (scientific name: ALLiumsativum), also known as garlic, belongs to the Liliaceae, with root system plants. The leaves are narrow and flat, light green, with wax powder on the surface, and the underground bulbs are surrounded by gray-white membranous bark, with small bulbs, called garlic cloves, inflated by axillary buds in each leaf axil on the stem disk. Garlic in early winter in Dali area is famous for its unique garlic, early time on the market and high income from garlic sprouts. It is an economic crop dominated by local farmers, a main source of rural economic income, and a main crop for scientific and technological demonstration households. the cultivation techniques of garlic are introduced as follows:

1. Selection and treatment of garlic species.

(1) selection of seeds

After years of experiments, the most suitable variety of early winter garlic in Dali is "Hongqixing" garlic in Wenjiang, Sichuan, which can achieve the physiological characteristics of early maturity and high garlic rate after cold treatment.

(2) garlic seed treatment

In strict accordance with the technical requirements, the "Hongqixing" garlic species in Wenjiang, Sichuan, whose moisture and decay rate did not exceed the standard, underwent low temperature vernalization treatment in the cold storage, the temperature was 2 ℃ and the cold treatment time was more than 50 days, which could promote the early growth and rapid development of garlic seeds, leaf bud variation, the formation of unique garlic, and early ripening.

2. Sowing seeds

(1) Field selection

Planting garlic fields is best in sandy soil and loam, and cement soil and clay fields should not be selected, because waterlogging can drain and drought can irrigate, which is beneficial to garlic emergence, long roots and early growth and rapid development, and fields with low concave and cold water can not be selected.

(2) Classification of garlic species

After the garlic seeds have been cold treated in the cold storage for more than 50 days, the garlic seeds coming out of the storage should not be covered in piles, but should be spread out in a cool place, and the garlic cloves should be separated and graded according to the size and size, and the seeds should be soaked in 500 times solution of more than 50% carbendazim for 12 hours. after leaving the storage, the garlic seeds had better be sowed within 7 days, otherwise they will rot or air-dry.

(3) sowing date

The best sowing period of garlic in Dali area is from August 25 to September 15, the sowing is too early, the growth is too late, and the disease is also serious.

(4) sowing

Before sowing, the application of farm manure 1500000 K / mu, urea 5K / mu and potash fertilizer 10K / mu as base fertilizer. The plant row spacing is 8m × 9m, sowing on demand, sowing 60,000-80000 plants per mu, covering soil 2m, sowing should not be too deep. If there is too much soil cover, the germination nutrients of garlic seeds are consumed too much, resulting in weak seedlings, dead seedlings and irregular emergence.

3. Field management

(1) Chemical weeding

Twenty-five days after sowing, 100 grams of chlorotoluron and prometryne are sprayed with water, or you can use a special garlic herbicide from Dali Prefecture Plant Protection Station.

(2) Irrigation

The garlic sown in September can not be irrigated because of more Rain Water, and it will be irrigated once every 20 days in dry winter. Generally, water is irrigated once in the flower bud differentiation period, the extension period of garlic moss and the expansion period of garlic head to ensure the supply of water. In the later stage, too much soil moisture will affect the quality of garlic fruit, which can be irrigated once after picking garlic moss, and then no longer irrigated.

(3) topdressing

After topdressing farm manure and base fertilizer, the first topdressing applied seedling fertilizer at 3 Mel 4-leaf stage, sprinkled with urea 150 K per hectare, and the second topdressing applied 150 K urea and 150 K potash fertilizer per hectare during the expansion stage of garlic fruit.

(4) Disease and pest control

The diseases of garlic mainly include leaf blight, purple spot and rust. According to the policy of prevention and comprehensive control, mancozeb was sprayed twice continuously before the garlic was disease-free during the 5-leaf period, and Shigao was used to control the disease if the disease occurred. Shigao was used to control the disease in the 6-leaf and 8-leaf stage, and at the same time, insecticides were sprayed together to achieve the purpose of pest control.

4. Harvest

(1) garlic moss: the top of the garlic moss begins to bend, and the bud should be harvested in a sunny afternoon when the bud begins to turn white.

(2) garlic fruit: after 25 days of harvest, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, and there are 3 green leaves at the top. When the pseudostem is soft, it should be harvested in time.