
Thai sweet potato variety Taihong 3

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, 1. Variety source: this variety is a new sweet potato variety introduced from Thailand by Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Second, characteristics: the leaves of this variety are heart-shaped, green, purple, stem nodes of moderate thickness, branches 8-10, vine length of about 1.5 meters, no need to turn seedlings. The variety is early and concentrated, and the good species are easy to manage, the tuber is good-looking, the flesh is easy to separate, contains 18% 20% starch and 7.3% sugar. The variety is resistant to drought and waterlogging, low temperature and high resistance to black spot. Third, the yield performance: according to the determination, this variety in 2000

1. Variety source: this variety is a new sweet potato variety introduced from Thailand by Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Second, characteristics: the leaves of this variety are heart-shaped, green, purple, stem nodes of moderate thickness, branches 8-10, vine length of about 1.5 meters, no need to turn seedlings. The variety is early and concentrated, and the good species are easy to manage, the tuber is good-looking, the flesh is easy to separate, contains 18% 20% starch and 7.3% sugar. The variety is resistant to drought and waterlogging, low temperature and high resistance to black spot.

Third, yield performance: according to the determination, the yield of this variety is more than 4000 kg per mu in the summer of 2000 and 5500 kg per mu in spring. if plastic film mulching is used, the yield per mu can reach 7500 kg.

4. key points of cultivation: fine soil preparation, deep ploughing of about 30 cm, application of high-quality farm manure 3000kg to 5000kg per mu, and basic fertilizer can be determined according to the required fresh potato yield. generally, for every 1000 kg of fresh potato, 5 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 10 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 15 kg of potash fertilizer are needed. It is suitable for summer planting of this variety from the end of May to the end of June, with 3500 holes per mu, plant spacing 40cm 50cm, row spacing 85cm 100cm, and planting with large high ridge is better. During the period of potato block expansion, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and sweet potato dilatonin were sprayed every 10-15 days. If sweet potato seedlings are overgrown, they can be controlled by spraying paclobutrazol. This variety generally does not need watering, especially when it is dry, it can be watered with small water.