
Although sweet potato is nutritious, there are four taboos for feeding sweet potato properly to pigs.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Although sweet potato is nutritious, there are four taboos for feeding sweet potato properly to pigs.

When autumn falls, the sweet potatoes in many farmers' homes are about to have a bumper harvest. Sweet potatoes are delicious, nutritious and cheap, so they are good feed for pigs, but if they are not properly fed, they will lead to diet loss, suspension, fat loss and even poisoning. Therefore, when feeding sweet potatoes, we should pay attention to four points:


First, it is forbidden to feed sick potatoes. Black spot disease potato, even after cooking, steaming, roasting, etc., can not destroy its toxicity, sick potato or its residue feeding pigs can easily cause pig poisoning. Pig eating diseased potato poisoning symptoms often occur 3-4 days after eating, such as elevated body temperature, loss of appetite, constipation, dry and black feces, globular, with mucus, blood and so on. Therefore, do not feed sick potatoes to pigs.

Second, it is forbidden to feed blindly. The feeding amount of sweet potato is determined by pig weight, age, sex and so on. Feed too much, eat less other feed, nutrition is not comprehensive, hindering growth and development. Fattening pigs weighing more than 60 kg can be fed properly, but each pig should not exceed 8 kg per day.

Third, it is forbidden to ignore scientific feeding. In order to make the pig appetite exuberant, do less to add frequently, regular and quantitative feeding, improve the digestive ability of the pig stomach and intestines. If mixed with green fodder, it is appropriate to feed green fodder first, then sweet potato; if mixed with concentrate, it is appropriate to control the proportion. If it is cooked, it should be fed in time after it is cooked. At the same time, pay attention to the cleaning of the feed to prevent sweet potatoes from rancidity caused by storage for too long.

Fourth, it is prohibited to be used as the main material of breeding pigs and piglets. Due to the low content of protein, calcium and phosphorus in sweet potato, if it is used as the main feed of breeding pigs and piglets, it is easy to lead to poor estrus of sows, abortion, lactation of lactating sows, edema and weight loss of piglets, decreased libido and semen quality of boars. Therefore, the proportion of sweet potato in feed is no more than 15% for sows, 30% for piglets and 10% for boars.