
Comprehensive prevention and treatment of glandular gastritis in big chicken

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Comprehensive prevention and treatment of glandular gastritis in big chicken

The main characteristics of chicken glandular gastritis are chicken growth retardation, weight loss, uneven size, glandular stomach enlargement, glandular stomach nipple erosion. The disease has the advantages of early onset, long course and high morbidity, and the mortality is closely related to the secondary disease. The clinical symptoms were not obvious in the initial stage, but the mortality increased in the later stage, such as Escherichia coli, mycoplasma, Newcastle disease, coccidiosis, enteritis and so on.


Clinical symptoms

In the early stage of infection, the chicken was in low spirits, shrunken head and tail, dishevelled feathers, reduced intake of food and drinking water, and slow growth. The weight gain was slow and the laying rate decreased. Most of the diseased chickens discharge white, white-green and yellowish green thin feces, some discharge green feces, the feces contain undigested feed, and the feathers around the anus are contaminated by feces. In the later stage of secondary disease, there are obvious respiratory symptoms, cough, open mouth breathing and rales. Snoring, eye swelling and tears can be heard in large flocks of chickens. In the middle and later stage of the disease, the respiratory symptoms disappeared, the sick chicken was depressed, afraid of cold, closed eyes and standing, easy to be frightened, necked and tail, wings drooping, feathers dishevelled. Often lying on the ground can not afford, food intake and drinking water are reduced. Some diseased chickens have fluid accumulation in the crop, dilated neck, progressive weight loss, a small number of diseased chickens, claudication can occur and eventually die of failure.

Comprehensive prevention and control measures

Feed quality control. The main cause of chicken glandular gastritis is mycotoxin in feed and some unqualified animal materials, such as meat and bone meal and so on. Therefore, the key to the prevention and control of chicken glandular gastritis is to prevent mycotoxin poisoning and some unqualified animal raw materials. Let the chicken eat fresh feed, when the freshness of the feed can not be guaranteed, Likang can be added to the feed in the proportion of 0.1%, which can detoxify and detoxify, protect the intestinal tract, protect the liver and kidney, and prevent chicken glandular gastritis.

Avoid chicken stress. Among the various factors, the change of feed and injection of bursitis vaccine had a great impact on the intestinal tract of chickens, and chickens were prone to diarrhea. For healthy chickens, sudden feeding and vaccination change the original intestinal environment and are prone to diarrhea. Therefore, in the replacement period, after vaccination of bursitis vaccine, the use of intestinal drugs for prevention, to maintain gastrointestinal health in chickens to reduce the incidence of glandular gastritis.

Early diagnosis and early treatment. If the disease takes a long time, the best time for treatment will be lost, and the loss outweighs the gain. When it is found that chickens eat slowly, pull feed stool, do not cure for a long time, and there is no high death rate, it should be considered that the chicken is infected with glandular gastritis. Use drugs that can improve food intake, repair damaged digestive tract mucosa, resist bacteria and reduce inflammation, and enhance immunity. At the same time, it is necessary to promote the excretion of toxins, liver protection and detoxification of chickens. Generally choose compound vitamin B, cod liver oil, cimetidine, dysentery peptide, glandular stomach Kang and other comprehensive treatment.