
Quality Identification of Edible Fungi

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The quality of edible fungi strains directly affects the success or failure of production and the yield. Therefore, the quality identification of edible fungi strains is very important for producers. 1. Appearance direct observation identification appearance strain, hypha thick white, thick, elastic, strong vitality; if the strain hypha atrophy, dry without color, or mycelium autolysis produced a large amount of reddish-brown liquid, the vitality has become weak, should not be reused; wood block strain if still hard, belong to the strong vitality of the strain, if the wood block becomes soft loose, it has aged, not

The quality of edible fungi directly affects the success or failure of production and the yield. Therefore, the quality identification of edible fungi is very important to the producers.

1. Direct observation and identification of appearance

Appearance bacteria, mycelium thick white, stout, elastic, then strong vitality; if the mycelium atrophy, dry no color, or mycelium autolysis produced a large amount of reddish-brown liquid, then the vitality has become weak, not suitable for re-use; if the wood block fungus still remains hard, it belongs to the strong vitality strain, if the wood block becomes softened and loose, it has been aged and should not be used.

two。 Culture, observation and identification

For the isolated, selected and introduced strains, the adaptation characteristics of mycelium to dryness, humidity and temperature were observed through culture. If the mycelium is cultured under dry, wet and suitable dry and wet conditions, if the mycelium can grow well under the first two conditions, and the best growth is under the condition of suitable dry and wet conditions, it is said that friend is a good strain.

3. Liquid culture identification

Prepare 2% sugar solution, often sterilize and disinfect, pick up the bacteria with the size of soybean grains, put them in 100 ml of the above solution and culture them at 25: 28 air temperature for 3 or 7 days, if there are bubbles on the liquid surface and produce "oil skins" and turbidity, it shows that the bacteria itself has miscellaneous bacteria; if the bacteria sink or grow a very thin mycelium layer for a long time, it means that the strain is weak in life. If the mycelium around the wave surface grows fast and is thick and white in the shape of cotton floc, it indicates that the life of the strain is strong. 4 identification of sawdust bottle planting and periodic yield

The method of bottle identification is similar to the method of cultivation and cultivation. The sawdust culture material is loosened, the humidity is increased appropriately, the bacteria that need to be identified are inoculated in the culture medium, and the record is made. The sawdust culture material is cultured at 26 ℃ for 15 days. Then the temperature was lowered to 15: 20 ℃, and better scattered light conditions were given. After about half a month of cultivation, seeds, solid primordia and a small amount of fruit bodies appeared on the bottle wall and material surface. If no miscellaneous bacteria and abnormal phenomena are found, the bacteria are connected to the wood section and the periodic yield is identified. If the fruiting body has exuberant growth, high yield and high quality, excellent variety characteristics, and no mixed bacteria, it shows that the strain is reliable and can be preserved and put into large-scale production.

Practice has proved that the above methods are more scientific and can screen out excellent bacteria for the majority of users to choose and use.