
High yield and High efficiency cultivation techniques of garlic

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cangshan garlic is one of the famous vegetables in Shandong, with large head, thin skin, white and neat cloves and spicy flavor. There are mainly three cultivated varieties: pu, brown garlic and high foot. Among them, Puzhu has strong growth potential and adaptability, cold resistance, good quality, fragrant, spicy, sticky and other characteristics, planting is more common. The cultivation techniques are introduced as follows: first, deep ploughing and careful cultivation, scientific fertilization garlic root system is string-like whisker root, root system is fragile, vitality is poor, 80% to 90% is distributed in 15~20cm deep ploughing layer, like

Cangshan garlic is one of the famous vegetables in Shandong, with large head, thin skin, white and neat cloves and spicy flavor. There are mainly three cultivated varieties: pu, brown garlic and high foot. Among them, Puzhu has strong growth potential and adaptability, cold resistance, good quality, fragrant, spicy, sticky and other characteristics, planting is more common. The cultivation techniques are introduced as follows:

First, deep ploughing and careful cultivation, scientific fertilization garlic root system for string-shaped whisker root, root system is fragile, poor vitality, 80% to 90% distributed in the 15~20cm deep plough layer, like the fertile and loose soil environment, the soil quality is suitable for loam. After the harvest of the previous crop, the soil moisture should be ploughed and turned, and the ploughing depth is about 20cm. After ploughing, the soil is fine and flat, so that the soil is fine, the soil is loose, and there is no light and dark.

Garlic has a long growing period and needs more fertilizer, so we should grasp the fertilization principle of "organic fertilizer mainly, chemical fertilizer as auxiliary; base fertilizer as main, topdressing as auxiliary", generally applying soil miscellaneous fertilizer 5000kg, cake fertilizer 100kg, ammonium bicarbonate 75kg, phosphorus and potash fertilizer 50kg, diammonium phosphate 15kg, garlic multi-element fertilizer 25kg per 667m2. Pay attention to soil miscellaneous fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, micro-fertilizer and so on should be spread and ploughed into the soil layer. Cake fertilizer and diammonium can be used as seed fertilizer.

Second, sowing seeds at the right time to improve the quality

1. Selected seeds and graded sowing according to the characteristics of the variety, the garlic with large head, large petal and even clove was selected for seeding. Before sowing, the garlic cloves were broken and graded and the moldy, moth-eaten and broken cloves were removed, which were generally divided into three grades according to large, medium and small. When sowing, first sow first grade seeds (100 petal weight about 500g), then sow second grade seeds (100petal weight about 400g). They should be planted separately, not mixed. The three-stage valve is generally not used for seed, but can be used to produce garlic seedlings and garlic yellow.

two。 Sowing at the right time according to the experiment for many years, the most suitable sowing date of Cangshan garlic is the first ten days of October, that is, before and after Cold Dew, the daily average temperature of this period is 16-17 ℃, and the deep ground temperature of 5cm is about 18 ℃. The seedlings generally emerged in 8-10 days after sowing, and the seedlings were ready in 13 days. Reaching 5 leaves and 1 heart before winter is a strong seedling with well-developed root system, high resistance to cold injury and freezing injury, and fast green and strong growth in the following spring.

3. Scientific sowing requires that the ditch depth should be about 10cm, the sowing depth should be 6~7cm, the depth, row spacing and plant spacing should be uniform, and at the same time, it should be oriented, planted straight and stable, that is, the back of the belly of garlic should be parallel to the row, which can make full use of space and improve the utilization rate of light energy. After planting, sow flat, immediately water through the water, solid soil, promote garlic cloves to take root and sprout. If the watering is too little or too late, the seed petal is easy to be pushed out of the soil by the root group, and it is easy to be damaged by freezing in winter.

4. To ensure the appropriate planting density should be in accordance with local conditions, according to sowing date, soil fertility, production conditions, management level and other factors to determine the planting density. Many years' experiments showed that the suitable planting density of Cangshan garlic was 23.5 ~ 45000 plants per 667m, row spacing 18~21cm, plant spacing 6~7.5cm. Border width should be determined according to watering conditions, electric irrigation or mechanical irrigation, border width 100~150cm, each border planting 5-8 rows, border ridge higher; artificial water irrigation, border width 60~80cm, each border planting 3-4 rows.

Third, to strengthen field management and ensure high and stable yield, the focus of field management is the regulation and control of water and fertilizer and the integrated control of diseases and insect pests.

1. Sowing time management sowing each 667m2 can use 50% promethazol or 50% promethazide 100g 150g water 2kg, evenly mix seeds 200~250kg. Control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum After sowing, 80% dichlorvos and 1500 times of dichlorvos or 40% dimethoate emulsion can be sprayed twice to control onion flies. Watering seedling water for 2 times before emergence, watering seedling water twice after seedling emergence, and hoeing and loosening soil as appropriate, in order to promote seedling growth and lay a good foundation for overwintering. "Lesser Snow" poured overwintering water once, and rowed to loosen the soil, conserve moisture, cover some weeds, keep warm and protect seedlings, and survive the winter safely.

two。 In mid-February of the following year, before the "sting", the temperature rose and the garlic seedlings returned to green. Before and after the Spring Equinox, to remove the grass cover, hold the ridge, 667m2 topdressing soil fertilizer 3000kg, potash fertilizer or diammonium phosphate 15kg, ditch into the ground, then watering, and, as appropriate, hoe to loosen the soil to eliminate weeds. In order to control ground maggots, 40% isofloxacin or 40% phoxim 1500 times solution can be used to irrigate the root.

3. In the management of garlic bolting growth period, if there is no topdressing or lack of fertilizer in the early stage, 667m2 can be topdressing diammonium phosphate 15kg. After that, the field should be watered in stages to keep the field moist, and attention should be paid to hoeing and loosening the soil and pulling out weeds. From late March to early April, 80% dichlorvos or 40% dimethoate emulsion was sprayed twice every 7-10 days to control onion flies and aphids. From the middle of April, 50% Sukeling wettable powder 1500 × 2000 times liquid was used to control garlic gray mold; 40% carbendazim 500 times liquid or 60% carbendazim aluminum 600 times solution was used to control leaf blight, once every 7 to 10 days, generally 2 times in a row.

4. Management of garlic expansion period after bolting, the growth of roots, stems and leaves tended to decline, and the growth of garlic entered the peak stage of expansion. After bolting, the bolting should be watered for 2 times and 3 times before harvest to keep the ground moist to meet the moisture needs of garlic in the later stage, and to spray once disease prevention drugs (such as Sukeling) to consolidate the disease prevention effect and ensure a good harvest of garlic.

Fourth, there are three harvest standards for timely harvest of garlic bolts: first, the hook of garlic bolting is in the shape of a large scale, and the 4~5cm length above and below the bud should be horizontal (called bolting); second, the bud is obviously expanded, and the color changes from green to yellow, and then white (called white buds); third, there is 4~6cm on the near leaf sheath of garlic bolts and turns yellowish (called swinging yellow). Generally, the harvest should be at noon and afternoon on a sunny day, and garlic leaves should be mainly protected when bolting, especially flag leaves to prevent leaves from lifting or breaking, thus affecting the expansion and growth of garlic.

The basal leaves of garlic plants are mostly dry, and the upper leaves begin to fade, and then gradually dry up from the leaf tip to the leaf body, and the plant is in a soft state, such as the garlic stalk is not brittle and tenacious after compressing the garlic stalk to one side to the ground, it shows that the garlic has matured and should be pulled out gently during harvest, do not knock or touch, so as to avoid injury to the garlic head and reduce the commodity value and storability.