
High-yield cultivation techniques of summer eggplant

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Eggplant is widely cultivated in Sichuan. Due to the low price, the planting amount of eggplant in summer is relatively small, and farmers generally plant eggplant in early spring and autumn. In fact, as long as we improve the commerciality of eggplant and increase the yield per unit area, planting eggplant in summer can greatly make up for the disadvantage of low price. In recent years, we have summed up the new techniques of cultivating eggplant in open field in summer through experiment and cultivation. The stubble has achieved high yield and economic benefits in two or three districts and counties around Chengdu. Now let's talk about the operation technology in detail in order to push

Eggplant is widely cultivated in Sichuan. Due to the low price, the planting amount of eggplant in summer is relatively small, and farmers generally plant eggplant in early spring and autumn. In fact, as long as we improve the commerciality of eggplant and increase the yield per unit area, planting eggplant in summer can greatly make up for the disadvantage of low price. In recent years, we have summed up the new techniques of cultivating eggplant in open field in summer through experiment and cultivation. The stubble has achieved high yield and economic benefits in two or three districts and counties around Chengdu. Now a specific description of the operation technology, in order to promote.

For the high-yield cultivation of eggplant in summer, the mid-late maturity varieties with strong heat resistance and disease resistance should be selected, such as short handle black, purple light big round eggplant, purple black long eggplant and so on.

In terms of soil, sandy loam with fertile, high topography and convenient drainage and irrigation should be selected. Do not low-lying prone to waterlogging or clayey soil, in case of rain and waterlogging caused by retting roots and dead seedlings. If it is a relatively clayey soil, or a field with a high groundwater level and easy to accumulate water, it should be a tall box with a ditch depth of more than 30 cm.

It can be harvested 25 days after flowering. The white or light green ring band where the eggplant sepals meet the fruit is about to disappear and can be harvested.

Raising seedlings

I. seed treatment

Put the seeds in 55 ℃ 60 min lukewarm water. Stir continuously until the water temperature is 30 ℃, then soak for 2 hours. The seeds were slightly air-dried and soaked in 200 mg / kg gibberellin solution for 24 hours.

Second, the sowing and sowing box is made 1 meter wide, and there are flat and fine broken sides on both sides. Pour sufficient bottom water before sowing, and after water infiltration, the seeds that are sterilized and soaked to accelerate germination are mixed with sand to sow. Then cover the soil 1 cm thick. In dry years, if the bed soil is too dry before emergence, it can be watered 1-2 times to keep the bed soil moist to promote rapid emergence.

After the emergence of full seedlings, it is necessary to have time for seedlings to eliminate overdense and sick and weak seedlings. The seedlings can be divided before and after the two true leaves, and the distance between the seedlings can be widened to about 8-12 cm. A nutrition cup of 9 × 9 cm can be selected to ensure that the seedlings have a certain nutritional area.

Due to the high ground temperature and air temperature at seedling stage, attention should be paid to prevent diseases caused by excessive growth and excessive humidity of eggplant seedlings in water management. It is usually necessary to pour enough water on the seedlings. After slowing down the seedlings, ploughing and loosening the soil in time to preserve soil moisture, in order to promote the healthy growth of seedling roots. The seedlings can be planted at the age of 50-60 days.

3. weeds found in seedling management should be pulled out manually in time; soil fungicides such as carbendazim should be sprinkled once or twice within 3 days after emergence and breaking the soil; when dividing seedlings, the fixed root water should be mixed with 600 times carbendazim and 800 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate; in the prevention of diseases and insect pests at seedling stage, protective agents such as chlorothalonil and avermectin should be sprayed every 7-10 days.


I. Daejeon arrangement

Eggplant is not resistant to waterlogging. The summer eggplant enters the high temperature and rainy season soon after planting. High-lying sandy loam should be selected for cultivation. Clay soil permeability is poor, if there are many Rain Water years, easy retting root dead seedlings, should dig irrigation ditches, leveling the land to prevent stagnant water and waterlogging. In addition, it is suitable to use small tall box cultivation. The height of the box is 20-45 cm, the width of the box face is 100-120 cm, and the width of the box groove is 20-30 cm.

Eggplant is a deep-rooted fertilizer-loving and fertilizer-tolerant vegetable. It is suitable for deep ploughing and heavy application of base fertilizer. 5000 kilograms of rotten organic fertilizer, 40 kilograms of monoammonium phosphate and 30 kilograms of potassium sulfate are applied per mu. If the fertilizer source is sufficient, more than 10000 kilograms of organic fertilizer and 50 kilograms of calcium superphosphate can be applied per mu. If the soil organic matter is sufficient, chemical fertilizers can also be used, including large granular urea 100kg, calcium superphosphate 50kg and potassium sulfate 50kg per mu.

Second, the planting period of eggplant is generally from early June to early July after wheat harvest. But it should be early rather than too late, so as to facilitate a period of rooting before the height of summer.

Shading should be paid attention to at noon within 2 days, 30 ℃ in daytime and 20 ℃ at night in slow seedling stage. After seedling retardation, 28 ℃ in daytime and 15 ℃ at night. The growing period of summer eggplant is long, but it is not pruned in the early stage, and its growth and branches are allowed to bear fruit. After the eggplant is harvested, the lower old leaves are removed, and after the eggplant is formed, the upper two outward lateral branches are cut off to form double dry branches, and so on. When the four-door eggplant sits down, pick your heart. Generally, there are 7 eggplants per plant. The degree of plant development was large in the middle and later stage, and the suitable planting density was 1800-2000 plants per mu. The planting should be deeper. Pour a lot of water after planting to slow down the seedlings. When the door eggplant appears, strengthen the ploughing and weeding to prevent waterlogging. In the summer rain and waterlogging season, fertilizer and water should be strengthened, and slow seedling water should be watered once after planting for 7 days, until the door eggplant should be watered and fertilized before Xie flower. When the door eggplant grows to 3mi 4cm, it begins to be fertilized and watered and secretly irrigated under plastic film.

Eggplant likes water, so we should always keep enough water in the soil. Irrigation and furrow irrigation can be carried out when there is a shortage of water. During watering, fertilizers ammonia bicarbonate, monoammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate are dissolved in water with concentrations of about 0.3%, 0.15% and 0.2%, respectively. After filling a ditch with heavy water during furrow irrigation, the above fertilizers are scattered evenly in the ditch to melt, and the dosage per mu can be 15-30 kg, 10 kg and 10 kg respectively. If there is no shortage of water, you can dig a nest among every four eggplants and put fully mature farm manure in the nest. Note that after topdressing, ventilation should be increased to prevent fertilizer damage and diseases. After the first topdressing, once every 15 days, urea 10kg / mu, diammonium phosphate 10kg / mu, potassium sulfate 5kg / mu, timely watering to promote the growth and development of plants and fruits, prevent premature senescence, prolong the harvest period, and increase the yield and economic benefits in the later stage.

During flowering, 20-30 mg / kg of anti-falling hormone can be used to smear the stalk and calyx, and the treated Corolla should be gently removed after the fruit is large to improve the fruit-setting rate.

In the summer and autumn season, we should pay close attention to the work of weeding and pest control in ploughing. Weeding can be done with 48% trifluralin 100-150 grams per mu, and spray the ground after planting. It can not only achieve good insecticidal effect, but also reduce labor.

Pest control

The main insect pests are red spiders, aphids, whitefly, mites and Liriomyza huidobrensis, and the main diseases are cotton blight, Verticillium wilt, powdery mildew and virus diseases.

First, pest red spiders: in addition to keeping the soil moist, avoiding excessive drought and removing weeds in the field in time, chemical control is mainly used: 2000-3000 times of 40% chrysanthemum EC, 2000-3000 times of 40% chrysanthemum and horse EC or 50% sulfur suspension.

Aphids: 2.5% deltamethrin EC 2000-3000 times, 40% chrysanthemum horse EC 2000-3000 times or Aktai wettable powder 2-3 g / mu, 15 kg water can be sprayed.

White whitefly: 25% Aktai water dispersible granule can be used, 2ml / mu, 3g / mu, 30kg of water or by penicillin spray combined with yellow plate trapping.

Mites: 1000-1500 times of 36% Ke mite fly EC, 2000 times of 5% carotene EC and 3000 times of 1.5% Abudine EC can be used.

Liriomyza huidobrensis: in late May, after the harvest of rape and rape, a large number of female adults migrated from wheat and rape fields into vegetable fields. The female adults stab the plant leaves, feed and lay eggs, and the larvae sneak into the leaves and petioles to cause harm, resulting in irregular serpentine white insect tracks (so also known as leaf nematodes), chlorophyll is destroyed, photosynthesis is affected, and heavily injured leaves fall off. At the initial stage of the occurrence of Liriomyza huidobrensis, the track showed irregular linear extension, and the terminal of the track often widened obviously. Control method: when there are 3 larvae in a leaf of a damaged crop, it should be mastered before the 2nd instar of the larvae (the insect path is very small). After 8-11:00 dew drying, the larvae began to reach the foliar activity or when the mature larvae mostly drilled out of the worm path, they were sprayed with 1500 times EC, 1.8% alfenvalerate EC, 2000 times cis-fenvalerate EC, 25% insecticidal double water agent 2000 times, 98% insecticidal single soluble powder 2000 times, 1.5% abadine EC 3000 times, 20% Kangfuduo concentrated solvent 4000 times, 5% Yitaibao EC 2000 times, 36% mites fly EC 1000-1500 times, 5% carotene EC 2000 times. The control time of 8-12:00 at the peak of adult Eclosion has a good effect. In addition, biological control method can also be selected. The parasitic wasps such as wasps were released to parasitize Liriomyza huidobrensis, and the control rate was higher.

2. Cotton blight disease: use 25% Ruidui wettable powder, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, 70% Senmeng zinc wettable powder, 64% disinfectant alum or Redomir and Jinlei wettable powder, 50-80kg per mu, spray once every 7-10 days, spray 2-3 times, pay attention to alternate use, do not ignore the base of the stem when spraying.

Verticillium wilt: in the early stage of the disease, the roots were irrigated with 500x solution of carbendazim WP, 50x solution of methyl topiramate WP, or 350x solution of 30%dt fungicide, about 0.25kg of each plant, once every 7-10 days, and continuous irrigation for 2-3 times.

Powdery mildew: the leaves are covered with white powdery matter, which makes the leaves lose green and yellowing, resulting in premature senescence of the plant. When there is a white powder on the leaf, it should be sprayed every 7-10 days with cyanobacterium solution, trimethoprim solution, Cuibei solution, or sulfur suspension solution for prevention and control, continuously spraying 2-3 times, pay attention to the amount of water must be large.

Virus disease: spray with 120 times of vitamin a solution, twice in seedling stage and once after transplanting, which can prevent and cure virus.