
Onion King Hybrid No.1

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Variety source: scallion King Hybrid No.1 is a new green onion variety bred by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Changling County, Jilin Province, using high-tech hybrid breeding technology. it has the leading level of disease resistance, high quality and high yield at home and abroad. Characteristics: this variety has been popularized for 3 years and has been planted in various provinces and cities. it is characterized by disease resistance, cold resistance, lodging resistance, strong root system, rapid growth, high yield, high quality and resistance to storage and transportation. The plant height is 150ml 165 cm, the leaf color is dark green, there are no yellow leaves in autumn harvest, and the plant is white, 65mil 75cm, cylindrical.

Source of variety:

"scallion king hybrid No. 1" is a new green onion variety bred by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Changling County, Jilin Province, using high-tech hybrid breeding technology. it has the leading level of disease resistance, high quality and high yield at home and abroad.

Feature properties:

The variety has been popularized for 3 years and has been planted in various provinces and cities. it is characterized by disease resistance, cold resistance, lodging resistance, strong root system, rapid growth, high yield, high quality and resistance to storage and transportation. The plant height is 150ml 165 cm, the leaf color is dark green, there are no yellow dry leaves at the autumn harvest, the green and white 65 mi 75 cm, cylindrical, the texture is meticulous and the stem is full. In the same year, the average plant weight was 1 kg and the maximum plant weight was 2.40 kg. High resistance to all kinds of diseases and insect pests of scallions. The yield per mu is 8000000kg, which is more than 50% higher than that of sycamore 29 line.

Main points of cultivation:

The key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of "onion king hybrid No. 1" are as follows: strong seedlings, digging deep trenches, high soil cultivation, and increasing water and fertilizer management in the growth period.

1. Sowing and raising seedlings can be raised in both spring and autumn. Spring sowing seedlings in small arch shed or sunny shed in late March or early April. The bed soil is combined with biological potassium and micro-fertilizer. After emergence, pay attention to the wind, spray 1 time "Baofeng micro-special". 20 days before planting, it was mainly controlled to make it a strong seedling. Raising seedlings in autumn is the same as raising seedlings in spring, except that they do not buckle the shed.

two。 Transplant seedlings in late May in autumn last year and in mid-June in spring of the same year. Select stubble land with good irrigation and drainage conditions, apply high-quality farm manure 5000,000kg and biological potassium 5kg per mu. The distance between rows and plants is 80 cm × 5 mi 8 cm, and the groove depth is 30 cm. If you plant onions upright, you can't bury your heart leaves. After planting, scattered application of "Furan boat", slow seedling stage would rather drought than waterlogging.

3. Field management to strengthen water and fertilizer management after slow seedling, less watering in July, vigorous growth of spring onions in August, frequent watering, fertilizing and soil cultivation. "Baofeng Weishi" was sprayed for 5 times from the beginning of leaf growth. It can promote growth and increase production by 30%, 50%. It is wet but not dry from August to September, but it can not be flooded. Topdressing is needed for each watering, which is more than 20 centimeters away from the seedling. Harvest in mid-October.

4. "Botrytis cinerea" and "Fenmei Bike" were used to control friendly mildew and rust, "onion disease Ke" was used to control purple spot disease, "trichlorfon" was used to irrigate roots to control onion maggots, and "vegetable fly" or "Haoanwei" was used to control leafminer and onion thrips.