
Great temperature changes in autumn and a bumper harvest of crops do not allow cattle and sheep to eat five kinds of forage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Great temperature changes in autumn and a bumper harvest of crops do not allow cattle and sheep to eat five kinds of forage

Autumn temperature is unstable, great changes, crop harvest, we should pay special attention to these five kinds of forage do not allow cattle and sheep to feed.

Cattle and sheep

1. Dew grass. It gets cooler in autumn, and the grass blades in the morning and evening are covered with dew. Cattle and sheep will get rumen bulging disease if they eat dewy grass. Therefore, grazing in autumn should wait for the sun to rise in the morning, after the dew disappears, and return to grazing before the appearance of dew in the evening.

two。 The soft skin on a corncob. Corn cob soft skin, soft taste sweet, cattle and sheep like very much, but it is rich in crude fiber, toughness is very strong, not easy to chew and digest. Some farmers, because of their busy farm work, in order to save time, do not cut short, do not mix grass, and directly feed the whole soft skin of corncobs to cattle and sheep, which is very dangerous. The accumulation of corncob soft skin in the flap stomach causes obstruction, which will ferment, rot, produce gas over a long time, and produce a large number of toxic substances, resulting in acidosis and even death of cattle and sheep.

3. The second stubble seedlings of sorghum and corn after harvest. The second stubble seedlings of sorghum and corn after harvest are rich in hydrocyanic acid. Hydrocyanic acid is highly toxic, cattle and sheep are prone to poisoning after eating. You can't use second-stubble corn seedlings as forage for cattle and sheep, nor can you graze cattle and sheep in fields with second-stubble corn seedlings.

4. Castor leaves and stems beaten by frost. In late autumn, castor leaves and stems beaten by frost contain ricinine toxin, which is easy to be poisoned after eating cattle and sheep.

5. Half-dry and half-wet sweet potato seedlings. Because when the sweet potato is harvested, the seedling has already aged, and the crude fiber in the seedling has increased, and after a few days of sunshine, the crude fiber becomes soft and resilient. After eating, these flexible and unbreakable crude fibers wind up in the intestines, causing large obstruction of the large intestine or small intestine and forming knot disease. If the disease is not diagnosed and treated in time, it is easy to cause death.