
High-yield cultivation of Flos Lonicerae

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Honeysuckle is a perennial evergreen vine of honeysuckle family, which has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, mainly for colds, upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia and so on. Mainly used in Chinese and Western medicine, proprietary Chinese medicine and cosmetics production and export of raw materials, has a good development prospect. Since 2002, combined with the implementation of the project of returning farmland to forests, Tongbai County in the south of Henan Province has developed an area of 1300 mu of honeysuckle on the hillside, with an average yield of 75kg per mu in the second year after planting, with a benefit of 1500 yuan per mu, and 1500 yuan per mu in the third year.

Honeysuckle is a perennial evergreen vine of honeysuckle family, which has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, mainly for colds, upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia and so on. Mainly used in Chinese and Western medicine, proprietary Chinese medicine and cosmetics production and export of raw materials, has a good development prospect. Since 2002, combined with the implementation of the project of returning farmland to forest, Tongbai County in the south of Henan Province has developed an area of 1300 mu of honeysuckle on the hillside, with an average yield of 75kg per mu in the second year after planting, with a benefit of 1500 yuan per mu; in the third year, the yield per mu is 106kg, and the benefit per mu is 2200 yuan; after 4 years, the benefit per mu is more than 3000 yuan, and good economic, social and ecological benefits have been achieved. The main cultivation techniques are as follows:

1 selection of suitable cultivation sites

Honeysuckle has strong drought resistance, barren tolerance and lax requirements on the soil. Except for saline-alkali soil and too barren soil, the general soil can be planted. It is appropriate to choose sunny flat land, mountain slopes, can also be planted in ridges, canals, courtyards and other places.

2. Select high-yielding varieties

The quality of varieties is directly related to the yield and quality. pay attention to the selection of varieties with compact plant shape, strong sprouting and branching ability, more flowering, medium flower shape, golden color, high and stable yield and strong resistance.

3. Seedling propagation

3.1 arrangement of nursery land

The nursery land should choose the land with fertile soil, deep soil, pH5.5~6.8, salt content less than 0.2%, sandy loam soil and convenient irrigation. Apply basic fertilizer 3000~5000kg per mu, turn it deeply and flatten it, and make a border with a width of 1 to 1.5m.

3.2 picking cuttings and cutting

Honeysuckle can be propagated by seed, root division and cutting. Cuttage propagation is generally used in production, and the seedling is formed quickly. It can be from April to June or September to October. Select vigorous and pest-free plants, select the middle of 2-3-year-old strong branches as cuttings, cut into long segments of 20~30cm (each section has at least 3-5 buds), the lower cut is oblique, and remove the lower leaves, the upper end of the cuttings can be sealed with wax, and the lower end (that is, the end of the cuttings) can be soaked in 20% naphthoacetic acid (rooting agent) 900-1000 times solution for 1 hour to promote rooting, and the survival rate can reach more than 90%. Insert the cuttings obliquely according to the row spacing 20cm and plant spacing 10cm to expose the ground 10~15cm (2-3 buds exposed), then cover the soil and press it and water it. If the light is too strong, it is necessary to build a sunshade or cover grass to shade the sun. Keep the ground wet and slippery before taking root, and remove the sunshade after taking root. In the same year, the seedlings can grow to 1-2m high and have 2-2m branches. The cuttings in spring can be transplanted in autumn.

4 planting techniques

It can be transplanted in both spring and autumn. Spring is in the first and middle of April, and autumn is in the first and middle of August, transplanting in overcast and rainy days. Before planting, the mountain area should dig a large zigzag hole of 1 × 1 × 1m or draw a groove of 1 × 1m, dig a hole and plant it on a flat land with good site conditions, and apply high quality farm manure 2~3kg in each hole. When raising seedlings, the root system should bring some soil clods as far as possible, according to the row spacing of 1: 1.5 m, plant spacing of 1 m, planting 2-3 plants per hole and 500-600 holes per mu. After planting, water the plant again.

5. Field management

5.1 Fertilizer and Water Management

Weeding, loosening the soil and watering should be done frequently after planting, and organic fertilizer should be applied to cultivate the soil once after germination of new buds in early spring and before freezing in autumn. Topdressing 2-3 times a year, topdressing the first time fertilizer (compound fertilizer with high nitrogen content) near the end of flower harvest in early spring, using compound fertilizer with low nitrogen content from July to August, applying organic fertilizer for the third time in October, applying soil miscellaneous fertilizer 5kg per hole for more than 5 years, applying compound fertilizer 0.25~0.5kg or phosphate fertilizer 150g / 200g, ammonium bicarbonate 50g / 100g each time. If the young plants are reduced, the fertile soil can be applied less, once a year as base fertilizer and once as topdressing. At the same time, foliar fertilization can also be carried out, and nutritious foliar fertilizer can be sprayed before and after flowering.

5.2 set up a frame

Honeysuckle is a winding stem, can not stand on its own, after the adult plant should be set up next to the plant, 1.2-1.5 m high, so that the stem around it, keep good ventilation and light, otherwise lie on the ground to grow, low flower yield, and not easy to pick and manage.

5.8 pruning and shaping

Pruning and shaping is an important measure for high yield of Flos Lonicerae. In the growing season, the useless sprouting and tillering branches should be cleaned in time to make it ventilated and transparent; before sprouting in winter or early spring, the senescent branches, harmful branches of diseases and insect pests, overgrown branches, thin and weak branches and dry and withered branches should be cut off, and the long branches above 60cm should be properly cut short to retain 4 pairs of buds so as to promote multiple branches and more flowering. Light shears with strong growth, leaving 6-7 pairs of buds; heavy-shears with weak growth, leaving 2-3 pairs of buds; so that the branches are dense and uniform, the inner and outer layers are distinct, and the whole pillar forms an upright umbrella-shaped flower pier. Pruning should also be carried out after picking the first stubble to promote more than two branches and increase the yield of two stubble flowers, and then pruning can get 3 or 4 stubble flowers. Reasonable and fine pruning can produce more new branches and flowers, which is 40% higher than that of non-pruning.

6. Pest management

There are few diseases and insect pests in honeysuckle, but aphids and leaf spot disease occur in overcast and rainy days.

Prevention and control methods:

6.1 take comprehensive measures to eradicate weeds and loosen soil after thawing in spring, prune reasonably and apply more organic fertilizer to improve resistance.

6.2 spray once before plant germination, such as stone sulfur mixture, Shiduqing, etc.

Before the Qingming Festival and before and after Grain Rain and the Beginning of Summer, leaf spot disease can be controlled with 1 ∶ 2 ∶ Bordeaux solution or 800 times solution of Dasheng M45, once a week for 3 weeks (note that spraying is prohibited 15-20 days before flower picking to avoid polluting honeysuckle).

7 harvesting and processing

Honeysuckle begins to produce flowers 2 years after planting, and blossoms after 5 years. It blossoms from May to June every year, and flowers must be picked in time. When the buds are picked from green to yellow and white to before flowering, the quality of picking flowers is good and the yield is high. Choose dew in sunny days when it is dry, and dry or dry in time after harvest. In general, dry flower 150kg per mu is produced in the high yield period, and the high one can reach 200kg.

The harvest of honeysuckle vines can be combined with pruning, cut off the leafy twigs and tie them into small bundles to dry.