
Standardized Cultivation Management of Flos Lonicerae

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Presumably, the SARS epidemic in the first half of last year is still fresh in our memory. At that time, there were several Chinese medicinal materials that became hot prescriptions for a time, and honeysuckle was one of them. Honeysuckle is one of the 38 kinds of precious Chinese medicinal materials under the key management of the state. It can clear away heat and toxic materials, disperse wind and detumescence, and enjoys the reputation of "small fairy in medicine shop". However, honeysuckle cultivated under traditional experience is far from meeting people's demand for high quality and safety. As the largest county of honeysuckle production, Fengqiu County of Henan Province took the lead in making articles on high quality and safety.

Presumably, the SARS epidemic in the first half of last year is still fresh in everyone's memory. At that time, several Chinese herbal medicines became a hot prescription, and honeysuckle was one of them. Honeysuckle is one of the 38 precious traditional Chinese medicines under national key management, which can clear heat and detoxification, dissipate wind and detumescence, and enjoy the reputation of "drugstore immortal". However, honeysuckle cultivated under traditional experience can no longer meet people's demand for high quality and safety. Fengqiu County, Henan Province, as the largest county in honeysuckle production, took the lead in making an article on high quality and safety. A "revolution" was carried out on the traditional cultivation and management of honeysuckle.

It has long been heard that Fengqiu County, Henan Province is the main producing area of honeysuckle. Their honeysuckle accounts for 40% of the national total, and the quality is first-class. As soon as we arrived in the county, our eyes were full of uniform honeysuckle.

Location host: dear viewers, the growth of honeysuckle is very interesting. when it first blossoms, its color is ivory white, but it will turn golden after two or three days, so the old and new are compatible with each other, so they are named honeysuckle. You see, behind me is the honeysuckle production base in Fengqiu County, Henan Province.

Zhou Lingyun, the director of the Agricultural Ecology Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told us about their "revolution" in the cultivation and management of honeysuckle.

Location host: stationmaster Zhou, where is the difference between the planting management mode of honeysuckle here and the traditional model?

Interview week: put forward the local gap cultivation management model, and explain what is gap.

Due to the strict gap operation rules before, during and after delivery, honeysuckle in Fengqiu County, Henan Province, with the help of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has not only obtained a pass to enter the international market, but also local drug farmers have personally experienced the mantra that "if you have honeysuckle at home, you have money to spend". In fact, the current stationmaster Zhou is not a native of Henan, but in order to do a good job in this base, he often lives in Fengqiu.

Webmaster Zhou: they also wanted to do it in other places three or four years ago, and then after what kind of twists and turns they finally decided to build a gap base in Fengqiu, Henan Province. The local ecological environment made them make up their minds.

The choice of prenatal ecological environment of honeysuckle is a very important factor for drug farmers who want to build a gap base. There is still a lot of knowledge about where such a high-standard base is located.

Location host: to choose the location of the honeysuckle gap base, we should first consider whether the honeysuckle is "authentic" or "not authentic". So what are "authentic" and "unauthentic"? "authentic" in "authentic" medicinal materials has the meaning of origin, high quality and so on.

Therefore, the "authentic" honeysuckle is the winner in many producing areas, in addition to Fengqiu in Henan Province, Xinmi in Henan Province, Shandong Province, Hubei Province and Hunan Province are genuine producing areas, which all have strong advantages. At the same time, the total suspended particulates, sulfur dioxide, hydroxide and fluoride in the atmospheric environment of Flos Lonicerae gap base must meet the relevant quality standards; the ph value and heavy metal content of irrigation water should meet the farmland irrigation water quality standards, and the soil environmental quality should also meet the first-class soil quality standards to avoid soil pollution caused by BHC and DDT residues.

The guest we invite to you today is Professor Qin Minjian from Nanjing soil Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Hello, Professor Qin. It seems that the choice of prenatal ecological environment of Honeysuckle gap Base is still very strict, so is it really necessary for the production of Honeysuckle?

Professor Qin: how does the ecological environment under gap ensure the quality and safety of honeysuckle?

Information: in terms of ecological environment, experts also pointed out that the processing water used in farmland irrigation should also detect the total number of bacteria and coliform bacteria, and that the atmospheric environment should meet the second-class standard of the "atmospheric environment" quality index. The soil environmental quality of the medicine garden should reach the second-class standard of soil quality.

The strict control of the prenatal ecological environment is indeed a reassuring lock for the high quality and safety of Honeysuckle, but the stationmaster Zhou told us that there is more than one lock to be put on as a medicine farmer in the production and management of Honeysuckle gap. Fengqiu County medicine farmland Jiangyan has deep experience.

Now, with the help of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tian Jiangyan has done more meticulous work in cutting and breeding seedlings. Lao Tian said that according to the standard, we should choose 1-2-year-old sturdy branches without diseases and insect pests, and should be cut into 30 cm long segments before cutting. Because this kind of branch has the highest survival rate and grows the fastest.

When cutting, the depth of the trench is about 25 centimeters, and a cutter is inserted every 5 centimeters. Pay attention to the depth so that the cuttings should be exposed to the ground 15 centimeters, and the growth buds must be upward. In this way, compacted soil can be watered once, and after half a month, they can take root and sprout, which is a good way to obtain a large number of high-quality nutritious seedlings in a short time.

Everyone knows "three minutes, seven minutes," and Tian Jiangyan tells us that when this old method meets a new standard, it takes more than seven points to manage.

Interview Tian Jiangyan: when he did not implement gap standardized management, in order to pursue high yield and efficiency, due to his limited knowledge of pest control and blind use of highly toxic and residual pesticides, not only did not effectively control diseases and insect pests, but the drug resistance of pathogens and pests increased, resulting in great losses; on the contrary, strict and scientific standardized management measures were adopted under the guidance of technicians.

Pest control according to gap requirements makes Lao Tian and Zhou Zhanchang become friends. Blindly using highly toxic and residual pesticides has become history for Lao Tian. Now the harvest of honeysuckle in his field has increased several times. In the face of numerous and complicated diseases and insect pests, what kind of prevention and control can reach the standard of gap management?

Interview Zhou: therefore, in the long run, if we want to control diseases and insect pests, we must improve the resistance of honeysuckle plants to diseases and insect pests, and we should apply more organic foliar fertilizer and control nitrogen fertilizer during its growing period. Zhou stationmaster and Tian Jiangyan told reporters that the more serious pests in Fengqiu area are honeysuckle moths, cotton bollworms, aphids, and so on. Of course, it is also a good method to make use of the phototaxis of these pests and use light to trap them. But the stationmaster told us that the more important purpose of doing this is to do a good job in predicting the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and to pay more attention to "prevention." Prevention is naturally the best way to deal with pests, but once there are pests, according to the requirements of gap, we must use harmless biological pesticides.

However, this pest is indeed careless prevention, although the cultivation of honeysuckle under standardized management, Lao Tian's neighbors are not so lucky.

Rotten root, Hagen honeysuckle let this medicine farmer see in the eyes, pain in the heart, then root rot is what kind of disease?

Moderator: professor Qin, whether we have just seen the breeding of high-quality seedlings or the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, the person in charge of the base and the drug farmers are striving for standardization and standardization while breaking the traditional cultivation mode of honeysuckle. So what practical significance do you think these two management measures in honeysuckle production have to realize the establishment of honeysuckle gap base?

Professor Qin: respectively talk about the importance and necessity of breeding high-quality seedlings and controlling diseases and insect pests in the standardized cultivation and management of Flos Lonicerae. How do drug farmers change passivity into initiative in these two aspects and break the traditional concept.

Information: experts suggest that in order to meet the requirements of gap of honeysuckle, the following problems should be paid attention to in production: honeysuckle needs proper pruning, which can change the ventilation and light transmission conditions, which is conducive to controlling the occurrence of diseases and insect pests; in the initial stage of the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, the leaves, buds and tips of diseases and insect pests should be removed in time to control the source of bacteria and insects and reduce the harm.

Host: the implementation of gap management in prenatal delivery of honeysuckle really made the local drug farmers taste the benefits. Honeysuckle in Fengqiu County can harvest four crops of flowers a year. What we see now is the first crop of flowers. Its flowering period is from late April to mid-May. This crop of flowers is not only of the best quality, but also has the highest yield, accounting for about 56.98% of the annual output. Therefore, during this period, post-natal harvest and processing is also very important to the whole gap management standard.

Jiang Yan looked at the honeysuckle being harvested in his land, which naturally could not hide his joy, but when the reporter asked about the details of the harvest and processing, he told us that he had not been so prosperous before.

Lao Tian said that now their drug farmers here really connect value with quality, and the sparse and ordinary harvest is beginning to become orderly. In fact, honeysuckle should be harvested before the bud opens. Like this kind of bud changes from green to light green, the upper part is inflated, the lower part is cyan, we call it the second white flower; if the bud turns completely white, we call it the big white needle, these two kinds are the most suitable harvest time.

Location host group interview: so it can be processed after harvest?

Therefore, according to the specification to get the highest quality honeysuckle, these whitening and flowering should be picked out before processing. The honeysuckle here should not only be harvested carefully, but also the medicine farmers here have generally mastered the "four-stage heating method" drying technology. In other words, the indoor layered frame is built when drying, the height of the layer is 25Mel 30cm, and the thickness of the flowers on the mat is not more than 3Mel 6cm. The temperature at the beginning of baking should not be too high, generally 30-35 degrees Celsius, after baking for 2 hours, the temperature can rise to about 40 degrees Celsius, and so on, when the flowers discharge water vapor, they should properly open the doors and windows to exhaust steam; when baking for 10 hours, most of the water in the flowers will be drained, and then the temperature will rise to 55 degrees Celsius, so that the flowers will dry quickly. In this way, it can be completely dried in 12 to 20 hours.

1) Professor Qin, does the strict operation step by step from time to grading of honeysuckle have a great impact on its quality?

2) what are the advantages of the postharvest "four-stage heating" drying technology?

Information: experts pointed out that honeysuckle should not be turned over by hand or other things during postharvest drying, otherwise it is easy to turn black; it cannot be stopped in the drying process, otherwise it will cause fever and deterioration.