
Cultivation Techniques of Sophora japonica L.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sophora japonica L. Dry flower bud, there are cooling blood hemostasis, clearing heat and purging fire function. Its dry ripe fruit called sophora, there are bowel laxative, hemostatic cooling function. It is mainly produced in Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. It is widely cultivated in northern and southern China. (-) morphological characteristics deciduous trees, up to 25 meters tall. Pinnate compound leaves alternate, leaflets 9 - 15, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, apex acute or acuminate, base

Sophora japonica is the dried flower bud of SophorajaponicaL. It has the function of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing heat and purging fire. Its dried ripe fruit is called Huaijiao, which has the function of moistening intestines and relieving defecation, stopping bleeding and cooling blood.

Mainly produced in Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, widely cultivated in the north and south of China.

(-) deciduous trees with morphological characteristics, up to 25 meters high. Pinnately compound leaves alternate, leaflets 9-15, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, apex acute or acuminate, base broadly cuneate, abaxially gray-white, sparsely shortly pilose. Panicle terminal, curtain bell-shaped, Corolla milky white. Pods fleshy, beaded, 2.5 Mel 6 cm long, woody, seeds lmer 6, reniform. The florescence is from July to September and the fruiting period is from September to October.

(2) the growth habits of Sophora japonica are mostly born in temperate zone and prefer dry and cool climatic conditions. It has the characteristics of light, fertilizer, cold resistance, wind resistance and pollution resistance. The requirement of soil is not very strict, but it is better to use neutral sandy loam soil with moist, fertile and good drainage. The seeds are generally sown after accelerating germination, germinate in about 1 week, and the germination rate is 40% after 5 months of storage. In the north, the sprouts expand in late March, crack in mid-April, spread leaves in late April, flourish in mid-May, shoot buds in June-July, bloom in July-August, set fruit from August to September, mature fruit in 9-IO month, form winter buds in October, enter dormancy period, fruit does not fall through winter, pods fall off in nodes during ripening.

(3) cultivation techniques

1. Select and prepare the sunny, fertile, loose and well-drained loam. Turn 60 cm deep, level off and rake fine, make the border, 70 cm wide, apply sufficient base fertilizer, 500 kg of mature organic fertilizer or 5 kg of urea per mu, and 4000 kg of ring fertilizer will be scattered on the border surface.

2. The method of propagation can be sown and propagated, or root tillers can be used for ramet propagation.

(1) seed treatment to select mature and full seeds, soak the seeds in 70-80 ℃ warm water for 24 hours, remove and mix them with 3 times fine sand, mix them well, stack them in the room, and pay attention to turning over and adjusting the upper and lower temperature when accelerating germination, so as to make the germination neatly. Generally, it takes 7 min for 10 days, and the seeds can be sown when the seed cracks 25%-30%.

(2) the seedling was sown in spring and autumn by strip sowing or hole sowing, the sowing method was sown with a sowing area of 10ml 15cm, covered with soil of 3cm, and suppressed after sowing, and the seed amount per mu was 1015kg per mu, while the hole sowing method was sown according to 1015cm distance between holes, and the seed consumption per mu was 4m 5kg.

(3) pseudo-planting was transplanted in the north, after defoliation at the end of autumn, seedlings were raised before soil freezing, overwintering, and digging ditches with a width of 1-1.2 meters, a depth of 60 cm, a depth of 70 cm, a row spacing of 60 cm × 40 cm in the following spring, and watering after planting. During the propagation of root tillers, the root tiller seedlings of adult trees can be dug, and the holes can be opened according to the row spacing of 1.8 meters × 1.3 meters, with 1 plant in each hole, which can grow up in 4-5 years.

3. Field management

(l) Seedling field management when the seedlings are all out, the seedlings are carried out for 3 times, and the seedlings are fixed according to 10mi 15cm in the year of sowing. Appropriate amount of sulfuric acid hinge or diluted human feces and urine are applied from May to June, and attention should be paid to weeding and loosening the soil in July and August. Use 25% herbicide 0.75 kg per mu of seedling nursery, mix appropriate amount of moist fine soil in herbicide, then withdraw to the surrounding of seedlings, apply chemical herbicide, the effect is good, save labor.

(2) the afforestation and maintenance of locust trees are mostly used as "four sides" greening tree species, which are used for planting street trees, garden trees and environmental protection forest belts in various parts of North China. During the canopy closure, the dead branches should be pruned in time, protected and nurtured, and the tree shape should be beautified.

4. Pest control

The main results are as follows: (1) canker occurs in seedling stage or after transplanting in case of drought, causing damage to branches. Prevention and control methods:

① should strengthen management, apply enough water and fertilizer, and enhance disease resistance.

Mix ② with lime ∶ sulfur ∶ salt ∶ water according to 5 ∶ 1.5 ∶ 2.36 and apply it to the tree trunk.

③ for seriously diseased seedlings should be cut off and redried in time.

(2) Locust inchworm is harmful to leaves, which mostly occurs in the period of leaf growth. Prevention and cure method: spray with 1000 times of fenpropathrin or 1000 times of 50% phoxim emulsion.

(3) aphids generally occur in late spring and early summer, harming tender shoots, young leaves and flower buds, and the peak period is from July to August. Control method: spray 2.5% cypermethrin emulsion 3000 / 5000) or 40% omethoate 800 times.

(4) harvesting and processing

When the summer buds are collected and dried in time, the branches, stems and impurities are removed, and the medicinal Fructus Sophorae is obtained.

The dried sophora japonica is oval or oval in shape, with a length of 2mm and a diameter of about 2mm. In case of overcast and rainy days, it can be dried or Kang dried, and the drying temperature is about 40 ℃.

Fruit ripening after autumn, after harvest to remove impurities, processing and drying, that is, locust horn.