
Raising seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia, a golden tree species

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, RobiniapseudoacaciaCV.ldaho is a variety of Robinia pseudoacacia. It is a deciduous tree of Leguminosae. It has a height of 5m and a straight trunk. It blossoms in two seasons a year. The first is in May, the florescence is about 20 days, and the second is from July to August. The flowering period is 40 days, with large flowers, large flowers and beautiful flowers. It is a landscaping tree species introduced into China in recent years. It has strong growth, developed root system and strong stress resistance. it grows better than Robinia pseudoacacia in arid mountainous areas, and Robinia pseudoacacia

Robinia pseudoacacia CV.ldaho is a variety of Robinia pseudoacacia, belonging to butterfly flower leguminous deciduous tree, 5 - 8 meters high, straight trunk, two seasons a year full of flowers, the first in May, flowering about 20 days, the second in July-August, flowering 40 days long, flowers, flowers, flowers and beautiful. It is a garden tree species introduced into China in recent years. It grows vigorously, has developed root system and strong resistance. It grows obviously better than Robinia pseudoacacia in arid mountainous areas. Moreover, it has strong tillering power of root. In the second year of planting, it can germinate a large number of new plants, which can be planted in barren hills and barren beaches. According to our practical experience, we summarized the seedling technology of Sophora japonica L.

1. Land selection and preparation

In the middle and late April, select sandy loam with deep soil layer, low groundwater level, good drainage, no diseases and insect pests, convenient transportation, well irrigation conditions, flat farmland, clear sundries and level the ground. Sprinkle high-quality diamine fertilizer, then turn the harrow in the way of shallow turning and deep loosening, and then use livestock to plow the ridge, the ridge distance is 70 - 80 cm, and the ridge height is 15 - 20 cm.

2. Root digging and seed root storage

Because the fragrant locust tree does not bear seeds, it is generally propagated by burying roots. Buried root propagation selection 1 - 2 years old acacia main, lateral roots, diameter 0.5 - 1.5 cm is appropriate. There are generally two methods of digging roots: one method is to keep the tree still, cut the lateral roots of the fragrant locust tree 20 - 30 cm away from the root neck before the germination of the fragrant locust tree in spring, dig a ring groove 30 cm deep and 100 cm wide around the root neck, cut the roots less than half of the lateral roots, cut off the roots with a thickness of more than 4 mm inside the double ring groove, and cut out the roots. After digging roots, apply sufficient fertilizer to each plant and cover it with soil and water it in time. Another method is to dig out the tree together with the root, leaving 15 - 20 cm of the root, and all the rest are cut with scissors for storage, and the tree can still be planted. Excavated roots should be stored immediately. Choose a leeward, light-proof place to bury the seed root mixed with fine sand. The fine sand should be screened first, stones removed, and a certain humidity maintained.

3. Root cutting and cutting treatment

From late April to early and mid May, the root segments were cut into 5 - 7 cm segments and soaked in 40 - 50mg/L indolebutyric acid solution for 12 - 24h. At the same time, use the ditcher to open the ditch along the ridge surface, and place the roots flat in the ditch. It is best to face the same direction at the top of the shape. The root section is 10 - 15 cm apart, and the soil is about 4 cm. Root cuttings should be immediately after irrigation or water spray to the ground, so that the soil wet, bud before emergence, has been to maintain soil moisture, to bud emergence within a few months, keep the soil moist.

4 seedling transplant

Transplanting should be carried out before germination in spring, digging holes and applying sufficient base fertilizer during transplanting, filling soil after seedling planting, compacting, watering thoroughly, and keeping moist afterwards. Because of its strong vitality, seedlings do not need to bring soil, planting survival rate can reach more than 95%. In order to make seedlings grow strong, seedlings transplanted from the ground stubble, cut off the ground, from the base to leave a strong bud. After cutting, not only the survival rate of Sophora henryi is high, but also the tree shape is good and the growth is fast.

5 Management of care

As the natural growth of acacia tree crown open, tree beautiful, do not need to prune. However, weeding should be done in time throughout the growth process. In addition, attention should be paid to observing diseases and insect pests, so as to cure them early, small and cured. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure proper watering in due time, timely bud wiping and topdressing, so as to ensure that the growth of seedlings will not be affected.