
Jingbai pear

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, It originated in Beijing area. Widely cultivated locally, it is one of the best varieties of Qiuzi pear, which is suitable for the development of northern urban suburbs, industrial and mining areas. The fruit is medium and large, with an average weight of 121 grams per fruit. Oblate, neat. The pericarp is yellowish green when harvested, yellowish white after storage, and the fruit surface is smooth and waxy. Fruiting pedicel slender, sepals persistent. Medium-sized fruit heart, yellow-white pulp, ripened after 10 days, soft flesh, a lot of juice, soluble in the mouth, sweet taste, high quality, containing 14.8% soluble solids

Originated in Beijing. Widely cultivated locally, it is one of the best varieties of autumn pear, suitable for the development of suburban and industrial areas in northern cities. The fruit is medium-sized, with an average fruit weight of 121 grams. Oblate, neat. Fruit peel yellow green when harvested, yellow white after storage, smooth fruit surface, waxy luster. Fruiting pedicels slender, sepals persistent. The fruit core is medium-sized, the flesh is yellow-white, ripened after 10 days, the flesh is fine and soft, the juice is extremely abundant, easy to dissolve in the mouth, the taste is thick and sweet, the quality is superior, the soluble solid matter is 14.8%, the soluble sugar is 8.94%, the titratable acid is 0.18%, the vitamin C is 4.55 mg/100g. Storage intolerance.

The tree vigor is medium, half open, the branch budding strength is strong, the branch force is weak, the average growth branch is 2.2. 7 years after planting, mature trees mainly bear fruit on short fruit branches, axillary flower buds have some ability to bear fruit, inflorescence fruit setting rate is high, average fruit setting per order is 2.3. It blooms in the middle and late April and matures in the middle and early September in Xingcheng area. The growth period is 217 days. Cold resistance is strong, like fat water, poor tolerance, easy to infect black spot disease and pear round scale insects.