
Yazu No. 3 (Tomato)

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Source: from the Asian vegetable Research and Development Center. Main characters: precocious, self-topping type, strong growth potential, many fruits, cherry type, smooth and round, bright red color, single fruit weight of about 13.5g, soluble solids content as high as 5.5%, good quality, good taste, high early yield, good yield, 667m2, yield of more than 4000 kg, strong disease resistance, resistance to storage and transportation, high economic benefits. Cultivation points: suitable for early-maturing cultivation. Cold bed seedling raising in greenhouse is suitable for sowing in early November, while electric hotbed seedling raising is suitable.

Source: from the Asian vegetable Research and Development Center.

Main characters: precocious, self-topping type, strong growth potential, many fruits, cherry type, smooth and round, bright red color, single fruit weight of about 13.5g, soluble solids content as high as 5.5%, good quality, good taste, high early yield, good yield, 667m2, yield of more than 4000 kg, strong disease resistance, resistance to storage and transportation, high economic benefits.

Cultivation points: suitable for early-maturing cultivation. Seedlings raised in cold bed in greenhouse should be sown in early November, while seedlings raised in electric hotbed should be sowed in early January. Strengthen management at seedling stage, cultivate strong seedlings, use nutrition bowl to divide seedlings with 2 leaves and 1 heart, the distance between seedlings is 10-10 cm, when there are 8-9 true leaves, they should be planted in time, those cultivated in greenhouse do not need to refine seedlings, and those who are cultivated with plastic film mulching in open field should refine seedlings at low temperature one week before planting. Apply sufficient base fertilizer, 3000 kg of rotten barnyard manure and 40 kg of compound fertilizer per mu. The general width of the border is 1.4 meters (even ditches), with 2 rows of species in each border and 0.4 meters between plants. Double-pole pruning was used, and 10-15ppm anti-falling element was sprayed every 2-3 days in the early stage to promote flower protection and fruit setting. To strengthen fertilizer and water management, instead of topdressing nitrogen fertilizer after the result, 0.2-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used for foliar topdressing to improve quality. Pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases such as Botrytis cinerea and harvest in time when the fruit is red-ripe.