
Three New late Cann Hybrid Rice combinations-ⅱ you 7954

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ⅱ you 7954 Ⅱ you 7954 is a new hybrid late Cann rice combination bred by crop Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 2 kg, the average growth period is 133 days, and the average effective panicle per mu is 16. 530000, seed setting rate 82. 86%, 1000-grain weight 26. 8 grams. The results of resistance identification showed that it was moderately resistant to rice blast, moderately susceptible to bacterial blight and susceptible to brown planthopper, and the results of rice quality test showed that the four indexes of brown rice rate, milled rice rate, alkali elimination value and protein content reached the first class standard of edible high quality rice issued by the Ministry.

Ⅱ You 7954Ⅱ You 7954 is a new hybrid late-season rice combination bred by Crop Institute of Zhejiang Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 2 kg, the average whole growth period is 133 days, and the average effective panicle per mu is 16. 530,000, seed setting rate 82. 86%, 1000-grain weight 26. 8 grams. The results of rice quality test showed that brown rice rate, milled rice rate, alkali elimination value and protein content reached the first grade standard of edible high quality rice issued by the ministry. The combination has compact plant type, large panicle and many grains, high seed setting rate, good fertilizer tolerance, good rice palatability and high seed production, and is suitable for late rice cultivation in Wenzhou and Jinhua.