
Super upland rice 1

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Super upland rice 1 is a new super high yield upland rice variety selected by China Rice Research Institute. The planting results of Hangzhou and Hainan show that this upland rice variety has strong stress resistance, high yield, stable yield and medium rice quality, and has a wide application prospect, especially for early planting (dry season) in Hainan and South China. It is of great value of development and popularization. In this paper, the characteristics and cultivation techniques of super upland rice 1 are briefly introduced as follows: 1. characteristics of super upland rice 1. Demonstration of main agronomic characters super upland rice 1 in Hainan dry season.

Super upland rice 1 is a new super high yield upland rice variety selected by China Rice Research Institute. The planting results of Hangzhou and Hainan show that this upland rice variety has strong stress resistance, high yield, stable yield and medium rice quality, and has a wide application prospect, especially for early planting (dry season) in Hainan and South China. It is of great value of development and popularization. In this paper, the characteristics and cultivation techniques of Super Upland Rice 1 are briefly introduced as follows:

1. Characteristics of Super Upland Rice 1

1. Main agronomic characters

Super upland rice 1 was planted in Hainan during the dry season. It was sown on November 25, 1998 and harvested on April 2, 1999. The whole growth period was 127 days. The plant height is 101cm, the plant leaf type is moderate, the tillering ability is strong, the effective panicle is about 210000 per mu, the average spike is about 95 grains, the seed setting rate is more than 90%, and the 1000-grain weight is 24g. The flag leaf is tall and straight, the green stalk is yellow and ripe in the later stage, and the color is good, and the yield is about 400kg per mu. Super upland rice 1 has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests in the field and high-grade rice quality.

Super upland rice 1 has strong ratooning ability, such as proper management in the later stage of the first season and strengthening field management after harvest, which is expected to obtain higher yield ratooning rice.

2. Drought resistance

The drought resistance of super upland rice 1 was identified by the agronomic department of China Rice Research Institute in 1998. the results showed that super upland rice 1 showed high resistance (super upland rice 1 was grade 1, and the control upland rice variety Qinai was grade 3). Super upland rice 1 has strong drought resistance in the field and still shows strong yield potential under the condition of severe drought in Hainan (winter 1998 ~ spring 1999).

2. Cultivation techniques of Super Upland Rice 1

1. Intensive cultivation

The quality of cultivated land and soil preparation directly affects the whole seedling and the whole seedling of upland rice, as well as the ability of soil water conservation. Therefore, it is necessary to create a good environment for the growth and development of upland rice underground.

1.1. Deep ploughing: the suitable soil tillage depth for upland rice cultivation is 18cm to 20cm, but the depth of cultivated land must also be determined according to soil fertility and thickness.

1.2. Soil preparation: the requirement of intensive tillage is that the soil is flat, with four-sided ditches and middle ditches, which can drain and irrigate water, with a general ditch depth of 16 cm and a width of 33 cm. It is not appropriate to prepare the soil prematurely so as not to grow weeds. You can prepare the soil when sowing and sow immediately after the soil is refined. It is best to spray glyphosate or Nongda powerful herbicides 15 days in advance to remove weeds and control weeds before soil preparation in mountainous areas and barren plots.

2. Sowing seeds

The process before and after sowing is drying, soaking, medicine treatment, setting the sowing date, designing the sowing method, sowing in the right amount, covering soil and so on.

2.1. Sunbathing: drying seeds before sowing, in order to improve the germination rate and germination potential of seeds.

2.2. Seed soaking and seed disinfection: the purpose of seed soaking is to make all seeds absorb enough water evenly, sprout neatly, emerge early, and play a certain role in promoting early emergence. The suitable soaking time is 24 hours. Strong chloroform was used for disinfection. The specific method is to soak the seeds of super upland rice 1 for 12 hours, then pour in an appropriate amount of strong chlorine powder, stir evenly, then continue to soak the seeds for 8 hours, and then rinse clean with clean water, because the temperature in Hainan is high, there is no need to accelerate germination, generally soaking seeds for 24 hours, the seeds can be exposed.

2.3. Sowing time: planting in the dry season in Hainan, it is more appropriate to arrange the sowing date around November 25, which can avoid the low temperature weather in mid-March and early April and make upland rice blossom and receive pollination safely.

2.4. Sowing method: the method of direct seeding should be wide strips, 33 cm and 40 cm between rows, or hole sowing. This method adopts wide rows and narrow plants with a spacing of 26 cm to 28 cm and a spacing of 16 cm to 18 cm.

2.5. Sowing rate: generally, the sowing amount per mu is about 4 to 6 jin. Strip sowing calculates the area of each phase field per mu in advance, and then reseeds with the right amount of seeds, so as to avoid too much or too little. Such as hole sowing, about 6 seeds per hole.

2.6. Covering soil: the depth of covering soil is related to whether the emergence of upland rice is neat or not, and directly affects the germination rate and emergence rate of upland rice, and even affects the yield. Generally, the covering depth is 3-5 cm, too shallow and too deep will affect the germination rate and emergence rate of seeds.

2.7. Timely interseedling: whether strip sowing or hole sowing, upland rice needs to replenish seedlings to ensure that the seedlings are complete and reach the ideal number of seedlings.

3. Fertilization

It is an important fertilization principle for upland rice to apply sufficient base fertilizer, suitable topdressing by stages, controlled application of nitrogen fertilizer, and increasing application of organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

3.1. Base fertilizer: accounting for 7080% of the total fertilizer application, generally applying phosphate fertilizer 40kg, potash fertilizer 10kg, urea 5kg per mu after ploughing (compound fertilizer 40kg/ mu is available when nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer is not used), and organic fertilizer 20 piculs.

3.2. Topdressing: urea / mu 8kg was applied when seedlings were 4 leaves (if it rained, water could be used if it didn't rain), urea was topdressing once at tillering stage, mu 10kg.

4. Water management

Depending on the situation, a small amount of water can be irrigated in different growth periods of upland rice, and 1-2 days after sowing, appropriate amount of water can be irrigated to promote seed germination neatly, and irrigation water is not suitable to pass through the gully surface, otherwise it will harden the field soil, which is not conducive to the growth and development of upland rice and affect its yield. Proper irrigation of horse water at booting stage (not crossing the furrow surface) is helpful to ear-grain structure, heading uniformity and increasing the yield of upland rice.

5. Weeding

Weeding is the key to upland rice management, weeding should be done in different periods, so that no grass can be seen in the field as much as possible. Generally, Roundup is used to kill weeds in the field 15 days before sowing, and the effect is better. Chemical weeding can also be carried out before emergence after sowing, 75 ml of 60% butachlor EC per mu plus 50% prometryne wettable powder 100 grams of water and 50 kilograms of sprayed soil.

6. Pest control

The most important pest in upland rice production is underground pest, among which mole cricket is the most severe. The key to upland rice production is to control mole cricket. Before sowing, use carbofuran 0.5kg per mu to control underground pests; within a week after sowing, use 90% crystal trichlorfon 2 ~ 3 taels, first melt with 3 kilograms of hot water, stir-fried rice bran into bean curd dregs, spread in the ground when there is no wind in sunny evening, and it is best to spread mole cricket more serious areas. Control thrips at seedling stage, use carbofuran 2~3kg per mu before sowing at middle and late stage, mix fine soil with 10kg to control underground pests, control thrips at seedling stage, rice leaf borer, rice planthopper, etc., 100ml / mu methamidophos + 200ml / mu, 50kg spray with water In the middle and later stage, special attention should be paid to the control of sheath blight, leaf blast, neck blast, grain blast and so on. Jinggangmycin or Fuji No. 1 300ml 50kg spray was used per mu.

In order to prevent the harm of rats in the early stage of upland rice (especially in the seedling stage), poison can be used to kill rats before sowing and after sowing, and from late heading to mature harvest, the harm of birds and livestock should be specially prevented.