
Four key points of licorice field management

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Intertillage: licorice grows slowly at seedling stage, and weeds have a great influence on it. It should be combined with intertillage to remove weeds in time, weeding 2 Mel 3 times in the same year. After the plant grows up, the weeds become less, pay attention to pull out the weeds, should not hoe, so as not to damage the new plants germinated from the rhizome. Topdressing: licorice belongs to leguminous plants, root nodules have the effect of nitrogen fixation, generally do not apply nitrogen fertilizer, mainly topdressing phosphate fertilizer. After the ground part of licorice withered in late autumn, 2000 kg of mature farm manure could be applied per mu to cover the ground to increase soil temperature and soil fertility. Miao Jianmiao: live broadcast of the current year Miao 2mi 3 true

Intertillage: licorice grows slowly at seedling stage, and weeds have a great influence on it. It should be combined with intertillage to remove weeds in time, weeding 2 Mel 3 times in the same year. After the plant grows up, the weeds become less, pay attention to pull out the weeds, should not hoe, so as not to damage the new plants germinated from the rhizome.

Topdressing: licorice belongs to leguminous plants, root nodules have the effect of nitrogen fixation, generally do not apply nitrogen fertilizer, mainly topdressing phosphate fertilizer. After the ground part of licorice withered in late autumn, 2000 kg of mature farm manure could be applied per mu to cover the ground to increase soil temperature and soil fertility.

Interseedling: direct seeding seedlings with 3 true leaves can be used to remove weak seedlings, diseased seedlings and variant seedlings, and leave strong seedlings and large seedlings. The distance between seedlings should be 10 cm-15 cm. In the second year, the distance between plants reached about 30 cm. There are 6000 basic seedlings per mu.

Irrigation and drainage: although licorice is a xerophyte, it still needs a certain amount of water at the seedling stage, and the soil should be kept moist. If there is no rain for a long time before and after emergence, it should be irrigated in time to avoid getting stuck early and wilting the newly unearthed buds.