
Artificial breeding of White Snake

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, White snake, also known as silver ring snake, money white snake. It has high medicinal value and economic value. The feeding methods are as follows: 1. Reasonable construction of snake pond made of brick and stone, 2 meters square, 1.5 meters high, 15-20 snakes can be released, too many snakes are not easy to manage. The wall of the pool is polished with cement, and the top of the wall is covered with a movable glass cap, showing a T-shaped shape, which plays an anti-escape role. The bottom of the pool is the activity place of snakes, it is appropriate to plant weeds, and then build snake nests with sand, planks, tiles and so on. Repair ditches and bait basins in the pool

White snake, also known as silver ring snake, money white snake. It has high medicinal value and economic value. The feeding method is as follows:

1. Reasonable construction of the pool

Snake pond with brick, stone, 2 meters square, 1.5 meters high, can put 15-20 snakes, too many snakes are not easy to manage. The wall of the pool is polished with cement, and the top of the wall is covered with a movable glass cap, showing a T-shaped shape, which plays an anti-escape role. The bottom of the pool is the activity place of snakes, it is appropriate to plant weeds, and then build snake nests with sand, planks, tiles and so on. Repair ditches and bait basins in the pool, and cover the pool with grass curtains to avoid light.

2. Provide sufficient feed

White snake has little appetite. It takes @ # @ 236 snake @, @ # @ 237 snake @ as the main feed. Big snake eats big food, small snake eats snacks, and generally feeds live food rather than dead food. Each feeding of 50 grams of Loach can satisfy 10 white snakes. If you go without food occasionally, there must be a supply of clean water, otherwise, you will be in danger of dying of thirst if you cut off water for half a month.

3. Artificial incubation

The white flower snake usually lays eggs in late summer and early autumn or after autumn, and artificial hatching is appropriate after spawning, so as to maintain a constant temperature, avoid the interference of natural enemies and improve the hatching rate. Tools for hatching snakes can be made in wooden boxes, with large cylinders as containers and 0.5 meters of wet sand at the bottom. When the eggs are released in the sand, keep ventilated and cover with gauze. Turn the eggs gently once a day to keep the temperature up and down evenly. About a month later, before the baby snake breaks its shell, lay the eggs evenly on the sand surface, exposing half of the soil, and then the baby snake will break its shell naturally. Such as heating can shorten the incubation period, but the high temperature should not exceed 36 degrees Celsius, and spray water in time to prevent desiccation.

4. Pay attention to safety

① keepers should wear deep rubber boots, long-sleeved leather gloves, carry snake, snake clip, snake medicine, etc., 2 people cooperate with the operation. ② must pick up eggs and drive it away first to prevent female snakes from protecting eggs from hurting people. The environment should be clean and pesticides or poisons should not be stored nearby by ③ @ # @ 246pm. ④ keeps enough fresh water and feed in summer. Once ⑤ is bitten by a snake, in addition to saving himself at the scene, he should take snake medicine immediately. Self-help method: fasten the limb in time, slow down the blood circulation, cut the wound with a sharp knife, squeeze out the poisonous juice, rinse with salt water, and go to the hospital immediately for treatment.