
"Nine look" discerning Rabbit

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The discovery of diseased rabbits and the diagnosis of rabbit diseases are the basis for controlling the epidemic of the disease. the health of rabbits should be observed from the following aspects: healthy rabbits are energetic, smooth, flexible, correct posture and rapid development. On the other hand, most of the diseased rabbits are depressed or extremely excited (such as rabbit plague), rough coat (such as chronic consumptive disease, nutritional deficiency, etc.), slow movement and abnormal posture, such as foot dermatitis and tinea pedis when the hindlimbs dare not touch the ground, "eight-shaped" legs and "O" legs can not stand normally, and it is difficult to breathe when suffering from pneumonia.

The discovery and diagnosis of rabbit disease are the basis for controlling the epidemic of disease. Whether rabbits are healthy should be observed from the following aspects:

Look at appearance: healthy rabbits full of spirit, smooth fur, flexible action, posture, rapid development. Most of the rabbits were depressed or extremely excited (such as rabbit plague), coarse hair (such as chronic consumptive diseases, nutritional deficiency, etc.), slow movement, abnormal posture, such as foot dermatitis and athlete's foot when the hind legs dare not touch the ground,"eight" legs and "O" legs can not stand normally, pneumonia when breathing difficulties, head tilt and roll when suffering from wind.

Appetite: Healthy rabbits have a strong appetite, and each feeding is finished within 20 to 30 minutes. Those who do not eat feed or eat very little feed are all sick manifestations.

See drinking water: healthy rabbits drink less water, and sick rabbits sometimes drink more water due to loss of appetite; rabbits suffering from febrile diseases, drinking water increased significantly.

See feces shape: normal rabbit feces ball was corn grain size round granular, smooth surface, uniform size, moderate hardness. If the stool is dry and fine, pointed at both ends or pointed at one end, the amount of stool is reduced or defecation stops, it is a manifestation of constipation; stool particles are too small or long and soft, indicating indigestion; stool is wet and rotten, smelly, and attached with mucus, blood or thin water, it is suffering from intestinal inflammation.

Look at the eyes: healthy rabbit eyes bright God, dry eyes without mucus. If the eyes dull, red conjunctiva, tears, eye droppings, etc., are sick performance.

See ears: ears pink, neither hot nor cold, upright ears and flexible for healthy rabbits. If the ear color is too red and the hand is hot, it means fever; the ear color is gray and anemia; the ear color is blue and the ear temperature is too low, it may be seriously ill. In addition, there is pus in the ear hole, or there are scabs, etc. are sick performance.

Breathing: Healthy adult rabbits breathe 20 to 40 times per minute; heart and gastrointestinal diseases breathe faster. Suffering from pneumonia, poisoning, infectious diseases, breathing difficulties performance.

See pulse: adult rabbit normal pulse 80~100 times per minute, young rabbit 120~140 times, there are acute infectious diseases when the pulse accelerated.

See urine: Generally speaking, urinate 20~50 ml/kg every day. The urine of young rabbits is colorless and transparent. After feeding, the urine has a slight yellowish brown or reddish brown color and certain sediments. All drink greatly increased (such as rabbit plague, salt poisoning), do not drink water, urine red (urinary system inflammation), green (pus), yellow (hepatitis, biliary obstruction, etc.), with white thick matter (such as kidney tumor, pseudotuberculosis, etc.) are abnormal.