
Cultivation model of four-cropping system of rice, cotton, garlic and potato

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The three-dimensional cultivation model of upland rice, cotton, garlic and potato was popularized in Gao'an Agricultural Technology Station of Fanchang County, Anhui Province, in which 213kg of upland rice, 200.7 kg of seed cotton, 510kg of green garlic and 1480 kg of potato were harvested per 667m2, and good economic benefits were obtained. The cultivation patterns are as follows. First, the planting mode is 1 meter per planting belt. Cotton single row ridge cultivation, cotton row according to 50 cm wide single row ridging, ridge spacing of 1 meter, the middle of the two ridges into a 50 cm wide border. Cotton

The three-dimensional cultivation model of upland rice, cotton, garlic and potato was popularized in Gao'an Agricultural Technology Station of Fanchang County, Anhui Province, in which 213kg of upland rice, 200.7 kg of seed cotton, 510kg of green garlic and 1480 kg of potato were harvested per 667m2, and good economic benefits were obtained. The cultivation patterns are as follows.

I. planting mode

1 meter per planting belt. Cotton single row ridge cultivation, cotton row according to 50 cm wide single row ridging, ridge spacing of 1 meter, the middle of the two ridges into a 50 cm wide border. The cotton plant spacing is 25 cm, the row spacing is 1 m, and 2500 plants are planted every 667m2. Two rows of upland rice were transplanted on the middle border of two rows of cotton, with a plant spacing of 16cm and 8000 clumps per 667m2. After upland rice harvest, strip sow 3 rows of old garlic on the border, the plant spacing is 5 cm, the row spacing is 13 cm, and 400000 plants are planted every 667m2. After the harvest of cotton and garlic, potatoes were planted in the whole field, with hole spacing of 40 cm and row spacing of 90 cm. Each hole sowed 3-4 potato seeds, leaving 6000 plants per 667m2.

II. Planting management techniques

1. Upland rice. The variety chooses Brazilian upland rice. In the first ten days of April, the seeds were soaked in water for 2 to 3 days, and the seeds could be sown after absorbing enough water. When the seedling age was controlled at 25 ~ 30 days and the leaf age was 3.5 ~ 4.5 leaves, two rows of upland rice were transplanted on the middle border of two cotton flower lines in early May. Raise seedlings in nutrition bowl, sow 4 seeds in each bowl, dry raise seedlings and plant 4 basic seedlings in each hole when transplanting. Before planting, 1000 kg of pig manure and 15 kg of imported compound fertilizer were applied on the basis of 667m2. 5-10 days after planting, weeding was ploughed and 10 kg of urea and 4 kg of potassium chloride were irrigated every 667 square meters to promote effective tillering. During the heading and filling period, 0.5 kg of urea was used for every 667 square meters, 0.15 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate was added, and 50 kg of water was sprayed on the leaf to facilitate full heading. In addition, in order to prevent lodging, 120 grams of 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder can be used before and after jointing, and 60 kg of water can be foliar sprayed to control Internode elongation. At the same time, pay attention to the prevention and control of borer and grass damage. The upland rice will be harvested in time after the upland rice matures in the first and middle of August.

2. Cotton. Select high-quality, high-yield and disease-resistant varieties, such as Simian 10, insect-resistant cotton and so on. The seedlings were raised in nutrition bowl in the middle of April and transplanted in the middle of May. The seedling age was controlled at 28 days. Cotton was transplanted in a single row on the ridge. Before planting, 2500 kg of pig manure and soil, 40 kg of cake fertilizer, 15 kg of imported compound fertilizer and 20 kg of urea were applied. In the middle and last ten days of May, combined with mid-tillage and weeding, 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate or 7 kg ~ 10 kg of urea were topdressing every 667 square meters. 15 kg of urea was applied to every 667 square meters in the early and middle of July. Hit the heart from the end of July to the beginning of August, and smear the sprouts in the middle of August. At the same time, we should do a good job in pruning, forking, chemical control, pest control and so on. The top fertilizer was applied in the later stage. After the cotton is harvested in December, let the stubble in time.

3. Garlic. The variety chooses Ershui early. After harvest in the first and middle of August, turn deeply, cut stubble, weed, make the bed, and sow three rows of old garlic on the border. When sowing, peel off the garlic clove cover, sow according to the large, medium and small segments, and the sowing depth is 2 cm to 3 cm. Before sowing, 1500 kg of organic fertilizer, 10 kg of urea and 25 kg of superphosphate were applied. After sowing, 30 piculs of rotten human and animal manure were applied, and then covered with plant ash. After emergence, weeding and soil cultivation were carried out, and 1500 kg of rotten manure or 5 kg ~ 7 kg of urea were irrigated every 667m2 to benefit the whole and strong seedlings. Green garlic will give way in late December.

4. Potatoes. Varieties with disease resistance and early maturity were selected, such as Kexin 4, Zhengshu 2 and so on. After cotton and garlic were harvested in late December, they ploughed the whole field, weeded, made beds, and sowed potatoes. Cut the conductor before sowing potato seeds to promote sprouting. The potato species with bright skin, moderate size, no diseases and insect pests and no frostbite can be selected, cut into potato pieces according to the effective bud eye, mix and disinfect with plant ash, put the potato pieces and wet soil layer by layer, and stack them in 3-4 layers. If the temperature is low, the uppermost layer covered with soil and covered with plastic film will increase the temperature. After 15-20 days, the bud will be sown with a length of 2 cm. Before sowing in the field, 2000 kg of soil fertilizer, 50 kg of cake fertilizer, 25 kg of superphosphate, 20 kg of urea and 15 piculs of plant ash were applied. Before sowing, 1500 kilograms of rotten human and animal manure were applied and covered with soil and plastic film. After the seedlings were unearthed, the membrane was broken and released. After emergence, 1500 kg of rotten manure or 7 kg ~ 10 kg of urea were poured on 667m2. The growing potato seedlings should be controlled with 30 mg / kg ~ 40 mg / kg of thalidomide in the early flowering stage. Harvest and stubble in the first ten days of May.