
Cultivation techniques of upland rice

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Upland rice means that under the condition of dry field, high-quality rice varieties with strong drought tolerance are selected, drought direct seeding is adopted, the whole growth period is dominated by natural rainfall, and in the critical period of growth and development, water should be properly supplied in case of drought, so that rice can grow and develop normally, blossom and bear fruit in a relatively moist soil. The main points of upland rice cultivation techniques are introduced as follows: first, the selection of varieties because the sowing date of upland rice is later than that of rice, so the varieties with early maturity should be considered in variety selection. Our province recently passed the national examination and approval.

Upland rice means that under the condition of dry field, high-quality rice varieties with strong drought tolerance are selected, drought direct seeding is adopted, the whole growth period is dominated by natural rainfall, and in the critical period of growth and development, water should be properly supplied in case of drought, so that rice can grow and develop normally, blossom and bear fruit in a relatively moist soil. The key points of upland rice cultivation techniques are introduced as follows:

I. selection of varieties

Because the sowing date of upland rice is later than that of rice, the varieties with early maturity should be considered in variety selection. The varieties recently approved by the state in our province are patio 4 (Fengyou 109) and patio 5 (Teyou 13). Under dry farming conditions, the whole growth period of these two varieties is 136 to 140 days. There are Qinai, Han 9710 and other varieties, which are all suitable for dry planting in the central and western regions of our province. The right or wrong selection of varieties is the key to the success or failure of planting early rice.

II. Land selection and land preparation

It is appropriate to choose low-lying flat, less weeds, good soil structure, neutral or slightly acidic, light saline-alkali soil or non-saline-alkali soil, preferably with water replenishment conditions or high groundwater level. Soil preparation should be fine, autumn turning should be carried out before freezing, and rotary ploughing and raking should be carried out in spring to meet the requirements of flat ground, sufficient moisture and no bumps. For saline-alkali soil above pH7.5 and clayey loam soil, it is not suitable to grow upland rice.

Third, sowing time and method

1. Sowing time: it is suitable to start sowing when the local average temperature is more than 10 ℃ and the soil temperature is more than 12 ℃, and the end of April or early May is the best in the central plain of Jilin Province. Be sure to grasp the soil moisture and sow as early as possible in order to get the whole seedling.

two。 Sowing method and sowing rate: the amount of dry seed used for flat sowing is 125 kg per hectare and about 500 grains per square meter.

3. Sowing depth and method: under the condition of suitable soil moisture, the general sowing depth is 2-3 cm after suppression. Artificial pick or mechanical ploughing trench 8cm, 8cm wide, first apply diammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate (15 kg / 1000 square meters) and potassium sulfate (25 kg / 1000 square meters) as mouth fertilizer, if you need to control mole cricket and other underground pests, poison Ling can be mixed into the fertilizer and applied casually, and then sow according to the requirements, so that there is no accumulation of piles and continuous strips. After sowing, step on the grid in time or comprehensively suppress it with a ballast, in order to preserve soil moisture and promote the whole seedling.

IV. Field management

1. Check the sowing quality: check comprehensively after sowing, rake away the places where the soil is too deep or have big bumps, and cover the soil strictly and stampede in time if the soil is too shallow and not strict.

two。 Loosening soil to help seedlings: when the covering soil is too deep or the seedlings are difficult to be unearthed due to the formation of a hard cover of topsoil, it is necessary to use a short-toothed small rake to open the hard cover or thick soil in time, so as to help seedlings unearth and eliminate some weeds among seedlings.

3. Topdressing: to look at the sky, look at the earth, look at the seedlings timely and appropriate amount of topdressing, generally in the medium fertility plots, every 1000 square meters of ammonium sulfate 40 kg or ammonium nitrate 25 kg is appropriate. Generally twice, 60% 70% of the total topdressing before rain is selected at the beginning of tillering stage (mid-June), and the remaining 30% must be applied before rain or in combination with water supplement at jointing stage (before July 10). The amount of fertilizer application is controlled by 200 kg of pure nitrogen per hectare.

4. Water replenishment: water replenishment should be flexibly mastered according to natural rainfall and each growth stage of rice. In the critical period of rice growth, if the natural rainfall is insufficient, we can replenish water properly and try not to replenish water before the 5-leaf stage. Generally, in the tillering stage (mid-late June), jointing stage (around July 10), flowering stage (around the end of July) and filling stage (around the middle of August), when the soil water content drops to the lowest index (rice leaf curl does not expand), it is necessary to replenish water. The amount of water replenished per hectare is 300 to 450 cubic meters.

5. Weeding: the combination of manual and chemical weeding. For the first time to kill weeds at seedling stage (from cone to 2-leaf stage of rice), 30 grams of paspalum was used for every 1000 square meters, and 50 kilograms of water was evenly sprayed. The second time when the weeds sprouted again, use 25% bentazone 200g for every 1000 square meters, add 50% paspalum 35g, and spray 50kg of water. In the future, weeds will mainly rely on manual weeding.

6. Pest control: early control of rice blast and plots should be carried out as early as possible. Generally, 40% Fuji No. 1 should be sprayed 50 kg of water every 1000 square meters at the break stage and full heading stage of rice. 50% fenitrothion 100g should be routinely sprayed for every 1000 square meters of borer and plots at the beginning of July, and 65 kg of water should be sprayed with 50% phoxim 65 ml for every 1000 square meters of armyworm and plots.

With the global warming and the shortage of water resources, the planting area of upland rice is increasing, and upland rice has a broad development prospect.