
Cultivation of Single Stem Wheat in Cotton Stubble

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, With the adjustment of planting structure, wheat and cotton double cropping area developed rapidly, realizing double expansion and double increase of grain and cotton, but at the same time, some problems were exposed, that is, the suitable sowing time of wheat was at the harvest and flowering stage of cotton, and the conventional sowing method brought many adverse effects on wheat growth and development, such as small seedlings, weak seedlings, easy freezing, poor root development, low yield and instability of panicle, etc. This contradiction can be solved well if the cultivation method of wheat with single stalk is adopted before and after frost. Its main cultivation techniques are as follows: 1. timely pulling firewood, timely vacating stubble

With the adjustment of planting structure, the double cropping area of wheat and cotton has developed rapidly, and the double expansion of grain and cotton has been realized, but at the same time, some problems have been exposed, that is, the suitable sowing time is the harvest time of cotton. Conventional sowing methods have brought many adverse effects on the growth and development of wheat, such as small seedlings, weak seedlings, easy freezing, poor root development, low spike yield and unstable yield, etc. If we take timely stubble, Frosts Descent before and after the application of single wheat cultivation method, can better solve this contradiction. The main cultivation techniques are as follows:

1. Timely plucking firewood and timely stubble cotton are temperature-loving crops. When the temperature drops below 15 ℃, cotton bolls no longer gain weight, while wheat is more hardy. About 15 ℃ is suitable for wheat germination and seedling growth. Therefore, when the temperature dropped to about 15 ℃ on October 15-20, cotton firewood was pulled out and stubble for wheat was removed in time, so that cotton yield would not be reduced. For late-growing cotton fields, ethephon can be sprayed appropriately to accelerate ripening, and the time should be in the first ten days of October. Generally, 40% ethephon per mu is 100 ml 150 ml, and 40 kg 50 kg of clear water is evenly sprayed on the cotton bolls during the boll period of more than 35 days. At the same time, in order to shorten the sowing time, it is necessary to do the work of "five robberies", that is, pulling firewood, fertilizing, ploughing, ploughing, and sowing. Before pulling firewood, the soil fertilizer should be sent to the ground, and the soil moisture should be well watered. Then, after pulling out firewood, fertilizing and ploughing, we must change the planting of cotton stubble to ploughing and turning over wheat, so as to loosen the soil and prevent wheat bushy dwarf disease.

Second, the general principle of rational interplanting is: grow wheat well, take good care of cotton, plant well this year, be optimistic about next year, and achieve high grain and cotton yields for the purpose of improving economic benefits. In the plots with good irrigated land conditions and fertile soil fertility in the plain, the "four-two" type can be selected, and the units with poor irrigation conditions and mastering certain management techniques can choose the "three-two" type. Interplanting nutrition bowls of summer cotton in wheat fields is called rice trinity. Type 42 has a bandwidth of 1.6 meters and is integrated into a high and low border. Sow four rows of wheat in a low border of 0.5 to 0.6 meters, with a width of 1 to 1.1 meters on the back of the high border, interplant two rows of cotton, 1.5 meters in each belt, sow three rows of wheat in the low border of 0.5 meters, and sow two rows of cotton in the low border of 1.0 meters. The Trinity type has a bandwidth of 1 meter to grow three rows of wheat, 0.6 meters wide on the back of the border, and a row of cotton or wheat, leaving one row for interplanting summer cotton every three rows.

Third, the implementation of single-stem cultivation of wheat is a high-yield and late-stubble flat cultivation method based on the spike of the main stem, and it is a new way to create high yield of cotton stubble wheat. It has outstanding characteristics such as late sowing, not late ripening, high density, non-lodging and so on. The yield is usually 1520% higher than that of conventional cotton stubble wheat. The highest yield per mu can reach more than 600 kg. The main technical points are as follows:

1. The varieties with compact plant type of late sowing and early maturity were selected according to the experiment and production practice in recent years. The wheat varieties suitable for single pole cultivation in the west and southwest of Liaoning were Liaomai 1, Liaomai 15, Liaomai 16, Shan7859, Jimai 5418 and so on.

two。 Due to the large consumption of soil nutrients in the previous crop, cotton stubble wheat must apply sufficient base fertilizer before ploughing, generally applying high-quality soil miscellaneous fertilizer 3000kg / mu, calcium superphosphate 50kg / mu, potassium chloride 10kg / 15kg and seed fertilizer (urea) 2.5kg / mu. The base fertilizer of high fertility plots can not apply nitrogen fertilizer, while those with low fertility can apply nitrogen fertilizer as appropriate, but it does not exceed 1% of the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used in the whole growth period.

3. Sowing with adequate moisture and sowing at the right time is the key link for the whole seedling, uniform seedling and strong seedling of wheat, especially for the whole seedling of cotton stubble and the safe overwintering of wheat seedling, because under the condition of late sowing and low temperature, the seed germination rate is low and the emergence is slow. if it is difficult to break ridges and replant seedlings, only sowing with sufficient moisture can obtain the initiative of stable and high yield of full plant and ear. Some methods can be adopted, such as suitable moisture with stubble before sowing or pouring "covered water" immediately after shallow sowing. Different cultivation methods have different suitable sowing dates. The best sowing time for single-stem wheat is the daily average temperature of 12: 16 ℃ (250-550 ℃ before winter), and generally around Frosts Descent in southern Liaoning.

4. Increasing basic seedlings, narrowing row spacing and increasing basic seedlings is one of the most important technical links in single-stem cultivation of cotton stubble wheat, which is required to reach or approach the suitable number of ears per mu for conventional high-yield cultivation of this variety in order to protect ears with seedlings. In general, the basic seedlings of multi-spike type varieties, middle panicle type varieties and large panicle type varieties are 55 ~ 600000, 40 ~ 450000 and 35 ~ 450000, respectively. Due to the high density of single stem cultivation, it is easy to appear overcrowding among plants in the early stage, compact plant type in the later stage, and light leakage between rows. In order to coordinate the contradiction, the row spacing should be reduced as far as possible, generally about 15 cm, and the maximum is not more than 18 cm.

5. The proper postponement of fertilizer and water management in spring is the key to the success or failure of single-rod cultivation. Single-rod cultivated wheat generally do not topdressing and watering before winter, continue to control fertilizer and water after turning green, and then arrange fertilizer and water according to seedling growth at jointing stage. Low soil fertility and weak growth can timely use fertilizer and water at jointing stage, high fertility plots, and strong seedling growth can be further postponed to the tip of flag leaves. 15,25kg of urea per mu. Topdressing should be combined with watering for the first time, and in case of drought, it can be watered for the second time during flowering and filling period.

6. Do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and implement seed dressing before foliar spraying in the later stage, and in the later stage, combined with the control of ear aphid, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and photosynthetic micro-fertilizer are used to improve grain weight.